Eureka! Control Files (.ecf)

To run the different Stages of Eureka!, the pipeline requires control files (.ecf) where Stage-specific parameters are defined (e.g. aperture size, path of the data, etc.).

In the following, we look at the contents of the ecf for Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Stage 1

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 1: Detector Processing

# Stage 1 Documentation:

suffix              uncal

# Control ramp fitting method
ramp_fit_algorithm  'default'   #Options are 'default', 'mean', or 'differenced'
ramp_fit_max_cores  'none'  #Options are 'none', quarter', 'half','all'

# Pipeline stages
skip_group_scale    False
skip_dq_init        False
skip_saturation     False
skip_ipc            True    #Skipped by default for all instruments
skip_superbias      False
skip_refpix         False
skip_linearity      False
skip_persistence    True    #Skipped by default for Near-IR TSO
skip_dark_current   False
skip_jump           False
skip_ramp_fitting   False
skip_gain_scale     False

#Pipeline stages parameters
jump_rejection_threshold  4.0 #float, default is 4.0, CR sigma rejection threshold

# Custom linearity reference file
custom_linearity    False
linearity_file      /path/to/custom/linearity/fits/file

# Custom bias
bias_correction     None    # Bias correction options: [mean, group_level, smooth, None]
bias_group          1       # Group number options: [1, 2, ..., each]
bias_smooth_length  201     # Window length when using 'smooth' bias correction
custom_bias         False
superbias_file      /path/to/custom/superbias/fits/file

# Saturation
update_sat_flags    False   # Wheter to update the saturation flags more aggressively
expand_prev_group   False   # Expand saturation flags to previous group
dq_sat_mode         percentile # Options: [percentile, min, defined]
dq_sat_percentile   50      # Percentile of the entire time series to use to define the saturation mask (50=median)
dq_sat_columns      [[0, 0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]  #for dq_sat_mode = defined, user defined saturated columns

# Background subtraction
grouplevel_bg       True
ncpu                6
bg_y1               6
bg_y2               26
bg_deg              0 
p3thresh            5
verbose             True
isplots_S1          3
nplots              5
hide_plots          True

# Mask curved traces
masktrace           True
window_len          11
expand_mask         8
ignore_low          600
ignore_hi           None

# Manual reference pixel correction for NIRSpec PRISM when not subtracting BG
refpix_corr         False
npix_top            8
npix_bot            8

# Project directory
topdir              /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir            Uncalibrated
outputdir           Stage1

# Diagnostics
testing_S1          False


# "Default" ramp fitting settings
default_ramp_fit_weighting          default             #Options are "default", "fixed", "interpolated", "flat", or "custom"
default_ramp_fit_fixed_exponent     10                  #Only used for "fixed" weighting
default_ramp_fit_custom_snr_bounds  [5,10,20,50,100]    # Only used for "custom" weighting, array no spaces
default_ramp_fit_custom_exponents   [0.4,1,3,6,10]      # Only used for "custom" weighting, array no spaces


Data file suffix (e.g. uncal).


Algorithm to use to fit a ramp to the frame-level images of uncalibrated files. Only default (i.e. the JWST pipeline) and mean can be used currently.


Fraction of processor cores to use to compute the ramp fits, options are none, quarter, half, all.


If True, skip the named step.


Note that some instruments and observing modes might skip a step either way! See the calwebb_detector1 docs for the list of steps run for each instrument/mode by the STScI’s JWST pipeline.


Boolean. If True, allows user to supply a custom linearity correction file and overwrite the default file.


The fully qualified path to the custom linearity correction file to use if custom_linearity is True.


Method applied to correct the superbias using a scale factor (SF) when no bias pixels are available (i.e., with NIRSpec). Here, SF = (median of group)/(median of superbias), using a background region that is expand_mask pixels from the measured trace. The default option None applies no correction; group_level computes SF for every integration in bias_group; smooth applies a smoothing filter of length bias_smooth_length to the group_level SF values; and mean uses the mean SF over all integrations. For NIRSpec, we currently recommend using smooth with a bias_smooth_length that is ~15 minutes.

Note that this routine requires masking the trace; therefore, masktrace must be set to True.


Integer or string. Specifies which group number should be used when applying the bias correction. For NIRSpec, we currently recommend using the first group (bias_group = 1). There is no group 0. Users can also specify each, which computes a unique bias correction for each group.


Integer. When bias_correction = smooth, this value is used as the window length during smoothing across integrations.


Boolean, allows user to supply a custom superbias file and overwrite the default file.


The fully qualified path to the custom superbias file to use if custom_bias is True.


Boolean, allows user to have more control over saturation flags. Must be True to use the settings expand_prev_group, dq_sat_mode, and dq_sat_percentile or dq_sat_columns.


Boolean, if a given group is saturated, this option will mark the previous group as saturated as well.


Method to use for updating the saturation flags. Options are percentile (a pixel must be saturated in this percent of integrations to be marked as saturated), min, and defined (user can define which columns are saturated in a given group)


If dq_sat_mode = percentile, percentile threshold to use


If dq_sat_mode = defined, list of columns. Should have length Ngroups, each element containing a list of the start and end column to mark as saturated


Boolean, runs background subtraction at the group level (GLBS) prior to ramp fitting.


Number of cpus to use for GLBS


The pixel number for the end of the bottom background region. The background region goes from the bottom of the subarray to this pixel.


The pixel number for the start of the top background region. The background region goes from this pixel to the top of the subarray.


See Stage 3 inputs


See Stage 3 inputs


See Stage 3 inputs


Sets how many plots should be saved when running Stage 1. A full description of these outputs is available here: Stage 3 Output


See Stage 3 inputs


See Stage 3 inputs


Set True to perform row-by-row background subtraction (only useful for NIRCam).


Left edge of exclusion region for row-by-row background subtraction.


Right edge of exclusion region for row-by-row background subtraction.


Boolean, creates a mask centered on the trace prior to GLBS for curved traces


Smoothing length for the trace location


Aperture (in pixels) around the trace to mask


Columns below this index will not be used to create the mask


Columns above this index will not be used to create the mask


Boolean, runs a custom ROEBA (Row-by-row, Odd-Even By Amplifier) routine for PRISM observations which do not have reference pixels within the subarray.


Number of rows to use for ROEBA routine along the top of the subarray


Number of rows to use for ROEBA routine along the bottom of the subarray

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 0 JWST data (uncal.fits). Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 1 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.


If True, only a single file will be used, outputs won’t be saved, and plots won’t be made. Useful for making sure most of the code can run.


Define the method by which individual frame pixels will be weighted during the default ramp fitting process. The is specifically for the case where ramp_fit_algorithm is default. Options are default, fixed, interpolated, flat, or custom.

default: Slope estimation using a least-squares algorithm with an “optimal” weighting, see the ramp_fitting docs.

In short this weights each pixel, \(i\), within a slope following \(w_i = (i - i_{midpoint})^P\), where the exponent \(P\) is selected depending on the estimated signal-to-noise ratio of each pixel (see link above).

fixed: As with default, except the weighting exponent \(P\) is fixed to a precise value through the default_ramp_fit_fixed_exponent entry

interpolated: As with default, except the SNR to \(P\) lookup table is converted to a smooth interpolation.

flat: As with default, except the weighting equation is no longer used, and all pixels are weighted equally.

custom: As with default, except a custom SNR to \(P\) lookup table can be defined through the default_ramp_fit_custom_snr_bounds and default_ramp_fit_custom_exponents (see example .ecf file).

Stage 2

A full description of the Stage 2 Outputs is available here: Stage 2 Output

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 2: Data Reduction

# Stage 2 Documentation:

suffix                  rateints    # Data file suffix

# Subarray height in cross-dispersion direction
# NIRSpec
slit_y_low              0       # Use None for default parameter (0)
slit_y_high             32      # Use None for default parameter (16)
# NIRCam grism
tsgrism_extract_height  128     # Use None for default parameter (64)

# Modify the existing file to change the dispersion extraction - FIX: DOES NOT WORK CURRENTLY
waverange_start         6e-08   # Use None to rely on the default parameters
waverange_end           6e-06   # Use None to rely on the default parameters

# Note: different instruments and modes will use different steps by default
skip_bkg_subtract       True    # Not run for TSO observations
skip_imprint_subtract   True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_msa_flagging       True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_extract_2d         False
skip_srctype            False
skip_master_background  True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_wavecorr           False
skip_flat_field         True    # ***NOTE*** At the time the NIRSpec ERS Hackathon simulated data was created, this step did not work correctly and is by default turned off.
skip_straylight         True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_fringe             True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_pathloss           True    # Not run for TSO observations
skip_barshadow          True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_photom             True    # Recommended to skip to get better uncertainties out of Stage 3.
skip_resample           True    # Not run for TSO observations
skip_cube_build         True    # Not run for NIRSpec Fixed Slit
skip_extract_1d         False

# Diagnostics
testing_S2              False
hide_plots              False   # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up

# Project directory
topdir                  /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir                Stage1
outputdir               Stage2


Data file suffix (e.g. rateints).


Note that other Instruments might used different suffixes!

slit_y_low & slit_y_high

Controls the cross-dispersion extraction for NIRSpec. Use None to rely on the default parameters.


Controls the cross-dispersion extraction height for NIRCam (default is 64 pixels).

waverange_start & waverange_end

Modify the existing file to change the dispersion extraction (DO NOT CHANGE).


If True, skip the named step.


Note that some instruments and observing modes might skip a step either way! See the calwebb_spec2 docs for the list of steps run for each instrument/mode by the STScI’s JWST pipeline.


If True, outputs won’t be saved and plots won’t be made. Useful for making sure most of the code can run.


If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up on the screen.

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 1 JWST data. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 2 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Stage 3

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 3: Data Reduction

# Stage 3 Documentation:

ncpu            1           # Number of CPUs
nfiles          1           # The number of data files to analyze simultaneously
max_memory      0.5         # The maximum fraction of memory you want utilized by read-in frames (this will reduce nfiles if need be)
suffix          calints     # Data file suffix

calibrated_spectra  False   # Set True to generate flux-calibrated spectra/photometry in mJy
                            # Set False to convert to electrons

# Subarray region of interest
ywindow         [2,28]      # Vertical axis as seen in DS9
xwindow         [60,410]    # Horizontal axis as seen in DS9
src_pos_type    gaussian    # Determine source position when not given in header (Options: header, gaussian, weighted, max, or hst)
record_ypos     True        # Option to record the y position and width for each integration (only records if src_pos_type is gaussian)
dqmask          True        # Mask pixels with an odd entry in the DQ array
expand          1           # Super-sampling factor along cross-dispersion direction

# Background parameters
bg_hw           7           # Half-width of exclusion region for BG subtraction (relative to source position)
bg_thresh       [10,10]     # Double-iteration X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection along time axis
bg_deg          1           # Polynomial order for column-by-column background subtraction, -1 for median of entire frame
p3thresh        10          # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection during background subtraction

# Spectral extraction parameters
spec_hw         6           # Half-width of aperture region for spectral extraction (relative to source position)
fittype         smooth      # Method for constructing spatial profile (Options: smooth, meddata, poly, gauss, wavelet, or wavelet2D)
median_thresh   5           # Sigma threshold when flagging outliers in median frame, when fittype=meddata and window_len > 1
window_len      13          # Smoothing window length, for median frame or when fittype = smooth or meddata (when computing median frame). Can set to 1 for no smoothing when computing median frame for fittype=meddata.
prof_deg        3           # Polynomial degree, when fittype = poly
p5thresh        10          # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile
p7thresh        60          # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection during optimal spectral extraction

# G395H curvature treatment
curvature       None        # How to manage the curved trace on the detector (Options: None, correct). Use correct for NIRSpec/G395.

# Diagnostics
isplots_S3      3           # Generate few (1), some (3), or many (5) figures (Options: 1 - 5)
nplots          5           # How many of each type of figure do you want to make per file?
vmin            0.97        # Sets the vmin of the color bar for Figure 3101.
vmax            1.03        # Sets the vmax of the color bar for Figure 3101.
time_axis       'y'         # Determines whether the time axis in Figure 3101 is along the y-axis ('y') or the x-axis ('x')
testing_S3      False       # Boolean, set True to only use last file and generate select figures
hide_plots      False       # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up
save_output     True        # Save outputs for use in S4
verbose         True        # If True, more details will be printed about steps

# Project directory
topdir          /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir        Stage2   # The folder containing the outputs from Eureka!'s S2 or JWST's S2 pipeline (will be overwritten if calling S2 and S3 sequentially)
outputdir       Stage3


Sets the number of cores being used when Eureka! is executed. Currently, the only parallelized part of the code is the background subtraction for every individual integration and is being initialized in with:



Sets the maximum number of data files to analyze batched together.


Sets the maximum memory fraction (0–1) that should be used by the loaded in data files. This will reduce nfiles if needed. Note that more RAM than this may be used during operations like sigma clipping, so you’re best off setting max_memory <= 0.5.


If your data directory (topdir + inputdir, see below) contains files with different data formats, you want to consider setting this variable.

E.g.: Simulated NIRCam Data:

Stage 2 - For NIRCam, Stage 2 consists of the flat field correction, WCS/wavelength solution, and photometric calibration (counts/sec -> MJy). Note that this is specifically for NIRCam: the steps in Stage 2 change a bit depending on the instrument. The Stage 2 outputs are roughly equivalent to a “flt” file from HST.

  • Stage 2 Outputs/*calints.fits - Fully calibrated images (MJy) for each individual integration. This is the one you want if you’re starting with Stage 2 and want to do your own spectral extraction.

  • Stage 2 Outputs/*x1dints.fits - A FITS binary table containing 1D extracted spectra for each integration in the “calint” files.

As we want to do our own spectral extraction, we set this variable to calints.


Note that other Instruments might used different suffixes!


Only used for photometry analyses. Set to True if the user wants to analyze a photometric dataset.


An optional input parameter. If False (default), convert the units of the images to electrons for easy noise estimation. If True (useful for flux-calibrated spectroscopy/photometry), the units of the images will be converted to mJy.


If True, use an updated polynomial wavelength solution for NIRCam longwave spectroscopy instead of the linear wavelength solution currently assumed by STScI.


Optional input. If None (default), automatically use reference files or FITS header to compute the gain. If not None AND gainfile is None, this specifies the gain in units of e-/ADU or e-/DN. The gain variable can either be a single value that is applied to the entire frame or an array of the same shape as the subarray you’re using.


Optional input. If None (default), automatically use reference files or FITS header to compute the gain. If not None, this should be a fully qualified path to a FITS file with all the same formatting as the GAIN files hosted by the CRDS. This can be used to force the use of a different version of the reference file or the use of a customized reference file.


Optional input. If None (default), automatically use reference files or FITS header to compute between brightness units (e.g. MJy/sr) to ADU or DN if required. If not None, this should be a fully qualified path to a FITS file with all the same formatting as the PHOTOM files hosted by the CRDS. This can be used to force the use of a different version of the reference file or the use of a customized reference file.


Only used for HST analyses. The fully qualified path to the folder containing HST calibration files.


Only used for HST analyses. The path with respect to hst_cal to the horizons file you’ve downloaded from To get a new horizons file on that website, 1. Select “Vector Table”, 2. Select “HST”, 3. Select “@ssb” (Solar System Barycenter), 4. Select a date range that spans the days relevant to your observations. Then click Generate Ephemeris and click Download Results.


Only used for HST analyses. The folder with respect to hst_cal where leapsecond calibration files will be saved.


Only used for HST analyses. The path with respect to hst_cal to the flatfield file to use. The WFC3 flats can be downloaded here (G102) and here (G141); be sure to unzip the files after downloading them.

ywindow & xwindow

Can be set if one wants to remove edge effects (e.g.: many nans at the edges).

Below an example with the following setting:

ywindow     [5,64]
xwindow     [100,1700]

Everything outside of the box will be discarded and not used in the analysis.


Determine the source position on the detector. Options: header, gaussian, weighted, max, or hst. The value ‘header’ uses the value of SRCYPOS in the FITS header.


Option to record the cross-dispersion trace position and width (if Gaussian fit) for each integration.


Masks odd data quality (DQ) entries which indicate “Do not use” pixels following the jwst package documentation:


Super-sampling factor along cross-dispersion direction.


Only used for HST analyses. The box width to cut around the centroid guess to perform centroiding on the direct images. This should be an integer.


Only used for HST analyses. A guess for the location of the star in the direct images in the format [x, y].


Only used for HST analyses. The positional offset to use for flatfielding. This should be formatted as a 2 element list with x and y offsets.


Only used for HST analyses. Used to sigma clip bad values from the flatfield image.


Only used for HST analyses. Sigma theshold for bad pixel identification in the differential non-destructive reads (NDRs).

bg_hw & spec_hw

bg_hw and spec_hw set the background and spectrum aperture relative to the source position.

Let’s looks at an example with the following settings:

bg_hw    = 23
spec_hw  = 18

Looking at the fits file science header, we can determine the source position:

src_xpos = hdulist['SCI',1].header['SRCXPOS']-xwindow[0]
src_ypos = hdulist['SCI',1].header['SRCYPOS']-ywindow[0]

Let’s assume in our example that src_ypos = 29.

(xwindow[0] and ywindow[0] corrects for the trimming of the data frame, as the edges were removed with the xwindow and ywindow parameters)

The plot below shows you which parts will be used for the background calculation (shaded in white; between the lower edge and src_ypos - bg_hw, and src_ypos + bg_hw and the upper edge) and which for the spectrum flux calculation (shaded in red; between src_ypos - spec_hw and src_ypos + spec_hw).


If you want to try multiple values sequentially, you can provide a list in the format [Start, Stop, Step]; this will give you sizes ranging from Start to Stop (inclusively) in steps of size Step. For example, [10,14,2] tries [10,12,14], but [10,15,2] still tries [10,12,14]. If spec_hw and bg_hw are both lists, all combinations of the two will be attempted.


Set False to use only the background region when searching for outliers along the time axis (recommended for deep transits). Set True to apply the outlier rejection routine to the full frame (works well for shallow transits/eclipses). Be sure to check the percentage of pixels that were flagged while ff_outlier = True; the value should be << 1% when bg_thresh = [5,5].


Double-iteration X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection along time axis. The flux of every full-frame or background pixel will be considered over time for the current data segment. e.g: bg_thresh = [5,5]: Two iterations of 5-sigma clipping will be performed in time for every full-frame or background pixel. Outliers will be masked and not considered in the flux calculation.


Sets the degree of the column-by-column background subtraction. If bg_deg is negative, use the median background of entire frame. Set to None for no background subtraction. Also, best to emphasize that we’re performing column-by-column BG subtraction

The function is defined in S3_data_reduction.optspex.fitbg

Possible values:

  • bg_deg = None: No backgound subtraction will be performed.

  • bg_deg < 0: The median flux value in the background area will be calculated and subtracted from the entire 2D Frame for this paticular integration.

  • bg_deg => 0: A polynomial of degree bg_deg will be fitted to every background column (background at a specific wavelength). If the background data has an outlier (or several) which is (are) greater than 5 * (Mean Absolute Deviation), this value will be not considered as part of the background. Step-by-step:

  1. Take background pixels of first column

  2. Fit a polynomial of degree bg_deg to the background pixels.

  3. Calculate the residuals (flux(bg_pixels) - polynomial_bg_deg(bg_pixels))

  4. Calculate the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) of the greatest background outlier.

  5. If MAD of the greatest background outlier is greater than 5, remove this background pixel from the background value calculation. Repeat from Step 2. and repeat as long as there is no 5*MAD outlier in the background column.

  6. Calculate the flux of the polynomial of degree bg_deg (calculated in Step 2) at the spectrum and subtract it.


Set True to perform row-by-row background subtraction (only useful for NIRCam).


Left edge of exclusion region for row-by-row background subtraction.


Right edge of exclusion region for row-by-row background subtraction.


Only important if bg_deg => 0 (see above). # sigma threshold for outlier rejection during background subtraction which corresponds to step 3 of optimal spectral extraction, as defined by Horne (1986).


Used during Optimal Extraction. # sigma threshold for outlier rejection during step 5 of optimal spectral extraction, as defined by Horne (1986). Default is 10. For more information, see the source code of optspex.optimize.


Used during Optimal Extraction. # sigma threshold for outlier rejection during step 7 of optimal spectral extraction, as defined by Horne (1986). Default is 10. For more information, see the source code of optspex.optimize.


Used during Optimal Extraction. fittype defines how to construct the normalized spatial profile for optimal spectral extraction. Options are: ‘smooth’, ‘meddata’, ‘wavelet’, ‘wavelet2D’, ‘gauss’, or ‘poly’. Using the median frame (meddata) should work well with JWST. Otherwise, using a smoothing function (smooth) is the most robust and versatile option. Default is meddata. For more information, see the source code of optspex.optimize.


Used during Optimal Extraction. window_len is only used when fittype = ‘smooth’ or ‘meddata’ (when computing median frame). It sets the length scale over which the data are smoothed. You can set this to 1 for no smoothing when computing median frame for fittype=meddata. For more information, see the source code of optspex.optimize.


Used during Optimal Extraction. Sigma threshold when flagging outliers in median frame, when fittype=meddata and window_len > 1. Default is 5.


Used during Optimal Extraction. prof_deg is only used when fittype = ‘poly’. It sets the polynomial degree when constructing the spatial profile. Default is 3. For more information, see the source code of optspex.optimize.


Only used for HST analyses. The file indices to use as reference frames for 2D drift correction. This should be a 1-2 element list with the reference indices for each scan direction.


Current options: ‘None’, ‘correct’. Using ‘None’ will not use any curvature correction and is strongly recommended against for instruments with strong curvature like NIRSpec/G395. Using ‘correct’ will bring the center of mass of each column to the center of the detector and perform the extraction on this straightened trace. If using ‘correct’, you should also be using fittype = ‘meddata’.


Only used for photometry analyses. Options are: True, False. Does an outlier rejection along the time axis for each individual pixel in a segment (= in a calints file).


Only used for photometry analyses. Interpolate bad pixels. Options: None (if no interpolation should be performed), linear, nearest, cubic


Only used for photometry analyses. Selects the method used for determining the centroid position (options: fgc or mgmc). For it’s initial centroid guess, the ‘mgmc’ method creates a median frame from each batch of integrations and performs centroiding on the median frame (with the exact centroiding method set by the centroid_tech parameter). For each integration, the ‘mgmc’ method will then crop out an area around that guess using the value of ctr_cutout_size, and then perform a second round of centroiding to measure how the centroid moves over time. The ‘fgc’ method is the legacy centroiding method and is not currently recommended.


Optional, and only used for photometry analyses. An initial guess for the [x, y] location of the star that will replace the default behavior of first doing a full-frame Gaussian centroiding to get an initial guess.


Only used for photometry analyses. For the ‘fgc’ and ‘mgmc’ methods this parameter is the amount of pixels all around the guessed centroid location which should be used for the more precise second centroid determination after the coarse centroid calculation. E.g., if ctr_cutout_size = 10 and the centroid (as determined after coarse step) is at (200, 200) then the cutout will have its corners at (190,190), (210,210), (190,210) and (210,190). The cutout therefore has the dimensions 21 x 21 with the centroid pixel (determined in the coarse centroiding step) in the middle of the cutout image.


Only used for photometry analyses. The NIRCam detector exhibits 1/f noise along the long axis. Furthermore, each amplifier area (each is 512 colomns in length) has its own 1/f characteristics. Correcting for the 1/f effect will improve the quality of the final light curve. So, performing this correction is advised if it has not been done in any of the previous stages. The 1/f correction in Stage 3 treats every amplifier region separately. It does a row by row subtraction while avoiding pixels close to the star (see oneoverf_dist). “oneoverf_corr” sets which method should be used to determine the average flux value in each row of an amplifier region. Options: None, meanerr, median. If the user sets oneoverf_corr = None, no 1/f correction will be performed in S3. meanerr calculates a mean value which is weighted by the error array in a row. median calculated the median flux in a row.


Only used for photometry analyses. Set how many pixels away from the centroid should be considered as background during the 1/f correction. E.g., Assume the frame has the shape 1000 in x and 200 in y. The centroid is at x,y = 400,100. Assume, oneoverf_dist has been set to 250. Then the area 0-150 and 650-1000 (in x) will be considered as background during the 1/f correction. The goal of oneoverf_dist is therefore basically to not subtract starlight during the 1/f correction.


Only used for photometry analyses. Skips the background subtraction in the aperture photometry routine. If the user does the 1/f noise subtraction during S3, the code will subtract the background from each amplifier region. The aperture photometry code will again subtract a background flux from the target flux by calculating the flux in an annulus in the background. If the user wants to skip this background subtraction by setting an background annulus, skip_apphot_bg has to be set to True.


Only used for photometry analyses. Size of photometry aperture in pixels. The shape of the aperture is a circle. If the center of a pixel is not included within the aperture, it is being considered. If you want to try multiple values sequentially, you can provide a list in the format [Start, Stop, Step]; this will give you sizes ranging from Start to Stop (inclusively) in steps of size Step. For example, [10,14,2] tries [10,12,14], but [10,15,2] still tries [10,12,14]. If skyin and/or skywidth are also lists, all combinations of the three will be attempted.


Only used for photometry analyses. Inner sky annulus edge, in pixels. If you want to try multiple values sequentially, you can provide a list in the format [Start, Stop, Step]; this will give you sizes ranging from Start to Stop (inclusively) in steps of size Step. For example, [10,14,2] tries [10,12,14], but [10,15,2] still tries [10,12,14]. If photap and/or skywidth are also lists, all combinations of the three will be attempted.


Only used for photometry analyses. The width of the sky annulus, in pixels. If you want to try multiple values sequentially, you can provide a list in the format [Start, Stop, Step]; this will give you sizes ranging from Start to Stop (inclusively) in steps of size Step. For example, [10,14,2] tries [10,12,14], but [10,15,2] still tries [10,12,14]. If photap and/or skyin are also lists, all combinations of the three will be attempted.


Only used for photometry analyses. The centroiding technique used if centroid_method is set to mgmc. The options are: com, 1dg, 2dg. The recommended technique is com (standing for Center of Mass). More details about the options can be found in the photutils documentation at


Only used for photometry analyses. Range away from first centroid guess to include in centroiding map for gaussian widths. Only required for mgmc method. Options: 1 -> Max frame size (type integer).


Sets how many plots should be saved when running Stage 3. A full description of these outputs is available here: Stage 3 Output


Sets how many integrations will be used for per-integration figures (Figs 3301, 3302, 3303, 3307, 3501, 3505). Useful for in-depth diagnoses of a few integrations without making thousands of figures. If set to None, a plot will be made for every integration.


Optional. Sets the vmin of the color bar for Figure 3101. Defaults to 0.97.


Optional. Sets the vmax of the color bar for Figure 3101. Defaults to 1.03.


Optional. Determines whether the time axis in Figure 3101 is along the y-axis (‘y’) or the x-axis (‘x’). Defaults to ‘y’.


If set to True only the last segment (which is usually the smallest) in the inputdir will be run. Also, only five integrations from the last segment will be reduced.


If set to True output will be saved as files for use in S4. Setting this to False is useful for quick testing


If set to True (the default if save_fluxdata is not in your ECF), then save FluxData outputs for debugging or use with other tools. Note that these can be quite large files and may fill your drive if you are trying many spec_hw,bg_hw pairs.


If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up on the screen.


If True, more details will be printed about steps.

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 2 JWST data, or, for HST observations, the _ima FITS files (including both direct images and spectra) downloaded from MAST. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 3 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + time_file

Optional. The path to a file that contains the time array you want to use instead of the one contained in the FITS file. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Stage 4

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 4: Generate Lightcurves

# Stage 4 Documentation:

# Number of spectroscopic channels spread evenly over given wavelength range
nspecchan       2           # Number of spectroscopic channels spread evenly over given wavelength range. Set to None to leave the spectrum unbinned.
compute_white   True        # Also compute the white-light lightcurve 
wave_min        1.5         # Minimum wavelength. Set to None to use the shortest extracted wavelength from Stage 3.
wave_max        4.5         # Maximum wavelength. Set to None to use the longest extracted wavelength from Stage 3.
allapers        False       # Run S4 on all of the apertures considered in S3? Otherwise will use newest output in the inputdir

# Manualy mask pixel columns by index number
# mask_columns  []

# Parameters for drift correction of 1D spectra
recordDrift     False    # Set True to record drift/jitter in 1D spectra (always recorded if correctDrift is True)
correctDrift    False   # Set True to correct drift/jitter in 1D spectra (not recommended for simulated data)
drift_preclip   0       # Ignore first drift_preclip points of spectrum
drift_postclip  100     # Ignore last drift_postclip points of spectrum, None = no clipping
drift_range     11      # Trim spectra by +/-X pixels to compute valid region of cross correlation
drift_hw        5       # Half-width in pixels used when fitting Gaussian, must be smaller than drift_range
drift_iref      -1      # Index of reference spectrum used for cross correlation, -1 = last spectrum
sub_mean        True    # Set True to subtract spectrum mean during cross correlation
sub_continuum   True    # Set True to subtract the continuum from the spectra using a highpass filter
highpassWidth   10      # The integer width of the highpass filter when subtracting the continuum

# Parameters for sigma clipping
clip_unbinned   False   # Whether or not sigma clipping should be performed on the unbinned 1D time series
clip_binned     True    # Whether or not sigma clipping should be performed on the binned 1D time series
sigma           10      # The number of sigmas a point must be from the rolling median to be considered an outlier
box_width       10      # The width of the box-car filter (used to calculated the rolling median) in units of number of data points
maxiters        5       # The number of iterations of sigma clipping that should be performed.
boundary        'fill'  # Use 'fill' to extend the boundary values by the median of all data points (recommended), 'wrap' to use a periodic boundary, or 'extend' to use the first/last data points
fill_value      mask    # Either the string 'mask' to mask the outlier values (recommended), 'boxcar' to replace data with the mean from the box-car filter, or a constant float-type fill value.

# Limb-darkening parameters needed to compute exotic-ld
compute_ld      True
inst_filter     prism   # Filter of JWST/HST instrument, supported list see 
metallicity     0.1     # Metallicity of the star 
teff            6000    # Effective temperature of the star in K
logg            4.0     # Surface gravity in log g
exotic_ld_direc /home/User/exotic-ld_data/ # Directory for ancillary files for exotic-ld, download from:
exotic_ld_grid  3D      # 1D or 3D model grid
exotic_ld_file  /home/User/exotic-ld_data/Custom_throughput_file.csv # Custom throughput file, for examples see Eureka/demos/JWST/Custom_throughput_files

# Diagnostics
isplots_S4      3       # Generate few (1), some (3), or many (5) figures (Options: 1 - 5)
vmin            0.97    # Sets the vmin of the color bar for Figure 4101.
vmax            1.03    # Sets the vmax of the color bar for Figure 4101.
time_axis       'y'     # Determines whether the time axis in Figure 4101 is along the y-axis ('y') or the x-axis ('x')
hide_plots      False   # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up
verbose         True    # If True, more details will be printed about steps

# Project directory
topdir          /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir        Stage3    # The folder containing the outputs from Eureka!'s S3 or JWST's S3 pipeline (will be overwritten if calling S3 and S4 sequentially)
outputdir       Stage4


Number of spectroscopic channels spread evenly over given wavelength range. Set to None to leave the spectrum unbinned.


If True, also compute the white-light lightcurve.

wave_min & wave_max

Start and End of the wavelength range being considered. Set to None to use the shortest/longest extracted wavelength from Stage 3.


If True, run S4 on all of the apertures considered in S3. Otherwise the code will use the only or newest S3 outputs found in the inputdir. To specify a particular S3 save file, ensure that “inputdir” points to the procedurally generated folder containing that save file (e.g. set inputdir to /Data/JWST-Sim/NIRCam/Stage3/S3_2021-11-08_nircam_wfss_ap10_bg10_run1/).


List of pixel columns that should not be used when constructing a light curve. Absolute (not relative) pixel columns should be used. Figure 3102 is very helpful for identifying bad pixel columns.


If True, compute drift/jitter in 1D spectra (always recorded if correctDrift is True)


If True, correct for drift/jitter in 1D spectra.


Ignore first drift_preclip points of spectrum when correcting for drift/jitter in 1D spectra.


Ignore the last drift_postclip points of spectrum when correcting for drift/jitter in 1D spectra. None = no clipping.


Trim spectra by +/- drift_range pixels to compute valid region of cross correlation when correcting for drift/jitter in 1D spectra.


Half-width in pixels used when fitting Gaussian when correcting for drift/jitter in 1D spectra. Must be smaller than drift_range.


Index of reference spectrum used for cross correlation when correcting for drift/jitter in 1D spectra. -1 = last spectrum.


If True, subtract spectrum mean during cross correlation (can help with cross-correlation step).


Set True to subtract the continuum from the spectra using a highpass filter


The integer width of the highpass filter when subtracting the continuum


Whether or not sigma clipping should be performed on the unbinned 1D time series


Whether or not sigma clipping should be performed on the binned 1D time series


Only used if sigma_clip=True. The number of sigmas a point must be from the rolling median to be considered an outlier


Only used if sigma_clip=True. The width of the box-car filter (used to calculated the rolling median) in units of number of data points


Only used if sigma_clip=True. The number of iterations of sigma clipping that should be performed.


Only used if sigma_clip=True. Use ‘fill’ to extend the boundary values by the median of all data points (recommended), ‘wrap’ to use a periodic boundary, or ‘extend’ to use the first/last data points


Only used if sigma_clip=True. Either the string ‘mask’ to mask the outlier values (recommended), ‘boxcar’ to replace data with the mean from the box-car filter, or a constant float-type fill value.


Only used for HST analyses. Should differential non-destructive reads be summed together to reduce noise and data volume or not.


Whether or not to compute limb-darkening coefficients using exotic-ld.


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. The filter of JWST/HST instrument, supported list see (leave off the observatory and instrument so that JWST_NIRSpec_Prism becomes just Prism).


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. The metallicity of the star.


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. The effective temperature of the star in K.


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. The surface gravity in log g.


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. The fully qualified path to the directory for ancillary files for exotic-ld, download at


Used by exotic-ld if compute_ld=True. 1D or 3D model grid.


Used by exotic-ld as throughput input file. If none, exotic-ld uses throughput from ancillary files. Make sure that wavelength is given in Angstrom!


Sets how many plots should be saved when running Stage 4. A full description of these outputs is available here: Stage 4 Output


Sets how many integrations will be used for per-integration figures (Figs 4301 and 4302). Useful for in-depth diagnoses of a few integrations without making thousands of figures. If set to None, a plot will be made for every integration.


Optional. Sets the vmin of the color bar for Figure 4101. Defaults to 0.97.


Optional. Sets the vmax of the color bar for Figure 4101. Defaults to 1.03.


Optional. Determines whether the time axis in Figure 4101 is along the y-axis (‘y’) or the x-axis (‘x’). Defaults to ‘y’.


If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up on the screen.


If True, more details will be printed about steps.

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 3 JWST data. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 4 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Stage 5

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 5: Lightcurve Fitting

# Stage 5 Documentation:

ncpu            1 # The number of CPU threads to use when running emcee or dynesty in parallel

allapers        False                   # Run S5 on all of the apertures considered in S4? Otherwise will use newest output in the inputdir
rescale_err     False                   # Rescale uncertainties to have reduced chi-squared of unity
fit_par         ./S5_fit_par_template.epf   # What fitting epf do you want to use?
verbose         True                    # If True, more details will be printed about steps
fit_method      [dynesty]               #options are: lsq, emcee, dynesty (can list multiple types separated by commas)
run_myfuncs     [batman_tr, polynomial]  # options are: batman_tr, batman_ecl, sinusoid_pc, expramp, hstramp, polynomial, step, xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth, and GP (can list multiple types separated by commas)

# Manual clipping in time
manual_clip     None    # A list of lists specifying the start and end integration numbers for manual removal (done before summing reads).

# Limb darkening controls
# IMPORTANT: limb-darkening coefficients are not automatically fixed then, change to 'fixed' in .epf file whether they should be fixed or fitted!
use_generate_ld  None  # use the generated limb-darkening coefficients from Stage 4? Options: exotic-ld, None. For exotic-ld, the limb-darkening laws available are linear, quadratic, 3-parameter and 4-parameter non-linear.
ld_file          None  # Fully qualified path to the location of a limb darkening file that you want to use
ld_file_white    None  # Fully qualified path to the location of a limb darkening file that you want to use for the white-light light curve (required if ld_file is not None and any EPF parameters are set to white_free or white_fixed).

# General fitter
old_fitparams   None # filename relative to topdir that points to a fitparams csv to resume where you left off (set to None to start from scratch)

lsq_method      'Nelder-Mead' # The scipy.optimize.minimize optimization method to use
lsq_tol         1e-6    # The tolerance for the scipy.optimize.minimize optimization method
lsq_maxiter     None    # Maximum number of iterations to perform. Depending on the method each iteration may use several function evaluations. Set to None to use the default value

old_chain       None    # Output folder relative to topdir that contains an old emcee chain to resume where you left off (set to None to start from scratch)
lsq_first       True    # Initialize with an initial lsq call (can help shorten burn-in, but turn off if lsq fails). Only used if old_chain is None
run_nsteps      1000
run_nwalkers    200
run_nburn       500     # How many of run_nsteps should be discarded as burn-in steps

run_nlive       1024    # Must be > ndim * (ndim + 1) // 2
run_bound       'multi'
run_sample      'auto'
run_tol         0.1

#GP inputs
kernel_inputs   ['time'] #options: time
kernel_class    ['Matern32'] #options: ExpSquared, Matern32, Exp, RationalQuadratic for george, Matern32 for celerite (sums of kernels possible for george separated by commas)
GP_package      'celerite' #options: george, celerite
useHODLR        False  # Set to True to use the HODLRSolver when using the george GP

# Plotting controls
interp          False   # Should astrophysical model be interpolated (useful for uneven sampling like that from HST)

# Diagnostics
isplots_S5      5       # Generate few (1), some (3), or many (5) figures (Options: 1 - 5)
nbin_plot       100     # The number of bins that should be used for figures 5104 and 5304. Defaults to 100.
testing_S5      False   # Boolean, set True to only use the first spectral channel
testing_model   False   # Boolean, set True to only inject a model source of systematics
hide_plots      False   # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up

# Project directory
topdir          /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir        Stage4   # The folder containing the outputs from Eureka!'s S4 pipeline (will be overwritten if calling S4 and S5 sequentially)
outputdir       Stage5


Integer. Sets the number of CPUs to use for multiprocessing Stage 5 fitting.


Boolean to determine whether Stage 5 is run on all the apertures considered in Stage 4. If False, will just use the most recent output in the input directory.


Boolean to determine whether the uncertainties will be rescaled to have a reduced chi-squared of 1


Path to Stage 5 priors and fit parameter file.


If True, more details will be printed about steps.


Fitting routines to run for Stage 5 lightcurve fitting. For standard numpy functions, this can be one or more of the following: [lsq, emcee, dynesty]. For theano-based differentiable functions, this can be one or more of the following: [exoplanet, nuts] where exoplanet uses a gradient based optimization method and nuts uses the No U-Turn Sampling method implemented in PyMC3.


Determines the astrophysical and systematics models used in the Stage 5 fitting. For standard numpy functions, this can be one or more (separated by commas) of the following: [batman_tr, batman_ecl, sinusoid_pc, expramp, hstramp, polynomial, step, xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth, GP]. For theano-based differentiable functions, this can be one or more of the following: [starry, sinusoid_pc, expramp, hstramp, polynomial, step, xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth], where starry replaces both the batman_tr and batman_ecl models and offers a more complicated phase variation model than sinusoid_pc that accounts for eclipse mapping signals.


Optional. A list of lists specifying the start and end integration numbers for manual removal. E.g., to remove the first 20 data points specify [[0,20]], and to also remove the last 20 data points specify [[0,20],[-20,None]]. If you want to clip the 10th integration, this would be index 9 since python uses zero-indexing. And the manual_clip start and end values are used to slice a numpy array, so they follow the same convention of inclusive start index and exclusive end index. In other words, to trim the 10th integrations, you would set manual_clip to [[9,10]].

Limb Darkening Parameters

The following three parameters control the use of pre-generated limb darkening coefficients.


If you want to use the generated limb-darkening coefficients from Stage 4, use exotic-ld. Otherwise, use None. Important: limb-darkening coefficients are not automatically fixed, change the limb darkening parameters to ‘fixed’ in the .epf file if they should be fixed instead of fitted! The limb-darkening laws available to exotic-ld are linear, quadratic, 3-parameter and 4-parameter non-linear.


If you want to use custom calculated limb-darkening coefficients, set to the fully qualified path to a file containing limb darkening coefficients that you want to use. Otherwise, set to None. Note: this option only works if use_generate_ld=None. The file should be a plain .txt file with one column for each limb darkening coefficient and one row for each wavelength range.


The same type of parameter as ld_file, but for the limb-darkening coefficients to be used for the white-light fit. This parameter is required if ld_file is not None and any of your EPF parameters are set to white_free or white_fixed. If no parameter is set to white_free or white_fixed, then this parameter is ignored.

GP parameters

The following parameters control part of the GP model (if listed in run_myfuncs).


Only used for fits with a GP. A list of the covariates to be used when fitting a GP to the model. At present, only GPs as a function of time are allowed, so this must be [‘time’]


Only used for fits with a GP. A list of the types of GP kernels to use. For the george GP package, this includes ExpSquared, Matern32, Exp, and RationalQuadratic. For the celerite package, this only includes Matern32. It is possible to sum multiple kernels possible for george by listing multiple kernels.


Only used for fits with a GP. The Python GP package to use, with the options of ‘george’ or ‘celerite’.


Only used for fits with a GP. If True and GP_package is set to ‘george’, use the (potentially faster) HODLRSolver instead of the (more robust) BasicSolver.

Least-Squares Fitting Parameters

The following set the parameters for running the least-squares fitter.


Least-squares fitting method: one of any of the scipy.optimize.minimize least-squares methods.


Float to determine the tolerance of the scipy.optimize.minimize method.

Emcee Fitting Parameters

The following set the parameters for running emcee.


Output folder containing previous emcee chains to resume previous runs. To start from scratch, set to None.


Boolean to determine whether to run least-squares fitting before MCMC. This can shorten burn-in but should be turned off if least-squares fails. Only used if old_chain is None.


Integer. The number of steps for emcee to run.


Integer. The number of walkers to use.


Integer. The number of burn-in steps to run.

Dynesty Fitting Parameters

The following set the parameters for running dynesty. These options are described in more detail in:


Integer. Number of live points for dynesty to use. Should be at least greater than (ndim * (ndim+1)) / 2, where ndim is the total number of fitted parameters. For shared fits, multiply the number of free parameters by the number of wavelength bins specified in Stage 4. For convenience, this can be set to ‘min’ to automatically set run_nlive to (ndim * (ndim+1)) / 2.


The bounding method to use. Options are: [‘none’, ‘single’, ‘multi’, ‘balls’, ‘cubes’]


The sampling method to use. Options are [‘auto’, ‘unif’, ‘rwalk’, ‘rstagger’, ‘slice’, ‘rslice’, ‘hslice’]


Float. The tolerance for the dynesty run. Determines the stopping criterion. The run will stop when the estimated contribution of the remaining prior volume to the total evidence falls below this threshold.

NUTS Fitting Parameters

The following set the parameters for running PyMC3’s NUTS sampler. These options are described in more detail in:


Number of iterations to tune. Samplers adjust the step sizes, scalings or similar during tuning. Tuning samples will be drawn in addition to the number specified in the draws argument.


The number of samples to draw. The number of tuned samples are discarded by default.


The number of chains to sample. Running independent chains is important for some convergence statistics and can also reveal multiple modes in the posterior. If None, then set to either ncpu or 2, whichever is larger.


Adapt the step size such that the average acceptance probability across the trajectories are close to target_accept. Higher values for target_accept lead to smaller step sizes. A default of 0.8 is recommended, but setting this to higher values like 0.9 or 0.99 can help with sampling from difficult posteriors. Valid values are between 0 and 1 (exclusive).


Used by the sinusoid_pc model. If True, force positive phase variations (phase variations that never go below the bottom of the eclipse). Physically speaking, a negative phase curve is impossible, but strictly enforcing this can hide issues with the decorrelation or potentially bias your measured minimum flux level. Either way, use caution when choosing the value of this parameter.


Boolean to determine whether the astrophysical model is interpolated when plotted. This is useful when there is uneven sampling in the observed data.


Sets how many plots should be saved when running Stage 5. A full description of these outputs is available here: Stage 5 Output


The number of bins that should be used for figures 5104 and 5304. Defaults to 100.


If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up on the screen.

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 4 JWST data. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 5 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Stage 5 Fit Parameters


The Stage 5 fit parameter file has the file extension .epf, not .ecf. These have different formats, and are not interchangeable.

This file describes the transit/eclipse and systematics parameters and their prior distributions. Each line describes a new parameter, with the following basic format:

Name    Value    Free    PriorPar1    PriorPar2    PriorType

Name defines the specific parameter being fit for. Available options are:
  • Transit and Eclipse Parameters
    • rp - planet-to-star radius ratio, for the transit models.

    • fp - planet-to-star flux ratio, for the eclipse models.

  • Orbital Parameters
    • per - orbital period (in days)

    • t0 - transit time (in the same units as your input data - most likely BMJD_TDB)

    • time_offset - (optional), the absolute time offset of your time-series data (in days)

    • inc - orbital inclination (in degrees)

    • a - a/R*, the ratio of the semimajor axis to the stellar radius

    • ecc - orbital eccentricity

    • w - argument of periapsis (degrees)

    • Rs - the host star’s radius in units of solar radii.

      This parameter is recommended for batman_ecl fits as it allows for a conversion of a/R* to physical units in order to account for light travel time. If not provided for batman_ecl fits, the finite speed of light will not be accounted for. Fits with the starry model require that Rs be provided as starry always accounts for light travel time. This parameter should be set to fixed unless you really want to marginalize over Rs.

    • Ms - the host star’s mass in units of solar masses.

      This parameter is required for fits with the starry model as starry currently requires the parameter to be provided. In practice, the stellar mass is not actually used in Eureka! though as we allow for a and per to be provided directly. This parameter should be set to fixed unless you really want to marginalize over Ms.

  • Sinusoidal Phase Curve Parameters

    The sinusoid_pc phase curve model for the standard numpy models allows for the inclusion of up to four sinusoids into a single phase curve. The theano-based differentiable functions allow for any number of sinusoids.

    • AmpCos1 - Amplitude of the first cosine with one peak near eclipse (orbital phase 0.5)

    • AmpSin1 - Amplitude of the first sine with one peak near quadrature at orbital phase 0.75

    • AmpCos2 - Amplitude of the second cosine with two peaks near eclipse (orbital phase 0.5) and transit (orbital phase 0)

    • AmpSin2 - Amplitude of the second sine with two peaks near quadrature at orbital phases 0.25 and 0.75

  • Starry Phase Curve and Eclipse Mapping Parameters

    The starry model allows for the modelling of an arbitrarily complex phase curve by fitting the phase curve using spherical harmonics terms for the planet’s brightness map

    • Yl_m - Spherical harmonic coefficients normalized by the Y0_0 term where l and m should be replaced with integers.

      l can be any integer greater than or equal to 1, and m can be any integer between -l to +l. For example, the Y1_0 term fits for the sub-stellar to anti-stellar brightness ratio (comparable to AmpCos1), the Y1_1 term fits for the East–West brightness ratio (comparable to -AmpSin1), and the Y1_-1 term fits for the North–South pole brightness ratio (undetectable using phase variations, but potentially detectable using eclipse mapping). The Y0_0 term cannot be fit directly but is instead fit through the more observable fp term which is composed of the Y0_0 term and the square of the rp term.

  • Limb Darkening Parameters
    • limb_dark - The limb darkening model to be used.

      Options are: ['uniform', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'kipping2013', 'squareroot', 'logarithmic', 'exponential', '4-parameter']. uniform limb-darkening has no parameters, linear has a single parameter u1, quadratic, kipping2013, squareroot, logarithmic, and exponential have two parameters u1, u2, and 4-parameter has four parameters u1, u2, u3, u4.

  • Systematics Parameters. Depends on the model specified in the Stage 5 ECF.
    • c0--c9 - Coefficients for 0th to 3rd order polynomials.

      The polynomial coefficients are numbered as increasing powers (i.e. c0 a constant, c1 linear, etc.). The x-values of the polynomial are the time with respect to the mean of the time of the lightcurve time array. Polynomial fits should include at least c0 for usable results.

    • r0--r2 and r3--r5 - Coefficients for the first and second exponential ramp models.

      The exponential ramp model is defined as follows: r0*np.exp(-r1*time_local + r2) + r3*np.exp(-r4*time_local + r5) + 1, where r0--r2 describe the first ramp, and r3--r5 the second. time_local is the time relative to the first frame of the dataset. If you only want to fit a single ramp, you can omit r3--r5 or set them as fixed to 0. Users should not fit all three parameters from each model at the same time as there are significant degeneracies between the r0 and r2 parameters (and r3 and r5 parameters). One option is to set r0 to the sign of the ramp (-1 for decaying, 1 for rising) while fitting for the remaining coefficients. Another option is to fit for r0--r1 and set r2 to zero. This option works well when fitting spectroscopic light curves that could be rising or decaying.

    • h0--h5 - Coefficients for the HST exponential + polynomial ramp model.

      The HST ramp model is defined as follows: 1 + h0*np.exp(-h1*time_batch + h2) + h3*time_batch + h4*time_batch**2, where h0--h2 describe the exponential ramp per HST orbit, h3--h4 describe the polynomial (up to order two) per HST orbit, and h5 is the orbital period of HST (in the same time units as the data, usually days). A good starting point for h5 is 0.066422 days. time_batch = time_local % h5. If you want to fit a linear trend in time, you can omit h4 or fix it to 0. Users should not fit all three parameters from the exponential model at the same time as there are significant degeneracies between the h0 and h2 parameters. One option is to set h0 to the sign of the ramp (-1 for decaying, 1 for rising) while fitting for the remaining coefficients. Another option is to fit for h0--h1 and set h2 to zero. This option works well when fitting spectroscopic light curves that could be rising or decaying.

    • step0 and steptime0 - The step size and time for the first step function (useful for removing mirror segment tilt events).

      For additional steps, simply increment the integer at the end (e.g. step1 and steptime1). The change in flux is relative to the flux from the previous step.

    • xpos - Coefficient for linear decorrelation against drift/jitter in the x direction (spectral direction for spectroscopy data).

    • xwidth - Coefficient for linear decorrelation against changes in the PSF width in the x direction (cross-correlation width in the spectral direction for spectroscopy data).

    • ypos - Coefficient for linear decorrelation against drift/jitter in the y direction (spatial direction for spectroscopy data).

    • ywidth - Coefficient for linear decorrelation against changes in the PSF width in the y direction (spatial direction for spectroscopy data).

    • A and m - The natural logarithm (ln) of the covariance amplitude and lengthscale to use for the GP model specified in your Stage 5 ECF.

      Significant care should be used when specifying the priors on these parameters as an excessively flexible GP model may end up competing with your astrophysical model. That said, there are no hard and fast rules about what your priors should be, and you will need to experiment to find what works best. If there are multiple kernels that are being added, the second kernel’s parameters will be A1 and m1, and so on.

  • White Noise Parameters - options are scatter_mult for a multiplier to the expected noise from Stage 3 (recommended), or scatter_ppm to directly fit the noise level in ppm.

Free determines whether the parameter is fixed, free, white_fixed, white_free, independent, or shared. fixed parameters are fixed in the fitting routine and not fit for. free parameters are fit for according to the specified prior distribution, independently for each wavelength channel. white_fixed and white_free parameters are first fit using free on the white-light light curve to update the prior for the parameter, and then treated as fixed or free (respectively) for the spectral fits. shared parameters are fit for according to the specified prior distribution, but are common to all wavelength channels. independent variables set auxiliary functions needed for the fitting routines.

The PriorType can be U (Uniform), LU (Log Uniform), or N (Normal). If U/LU, then PriorPar1 and PriorPar2 are the lower and upper limits of the prior distribution. If N, then PriorPar1 is the mean and PriorPar2 is the stadard deviation of the Gaussian prior.

Here’s an example fit parameter file:

# Stage 5 Fit Parameters Documentation:

# Name       Value         Free?          PriorPar1    PriorPar2    PriorType
# "Free?" can be free, fixed, white_free, white_fixed, shared, or independent
# PriorType can be U (Uniform), LU (Log Uniform), or N (Normal).
# If U/LU, PriorPar1 and PriorPar2 represent upper and lower limits of the parameter/log(the parameter).
# If N, PriorPar1 is the mean and PriorPar2 is the standard deviation of a Gaussian prior.
# ------------------
# ** Transit/eclipse parameters **
# ------------------
rp           0.148          'free'         0.15         0.1          N
#fp           0.008          'free'         0           0.5          U
# ----------------------
# ** Phase curve parameters **
# ----------------------
#AmpCos1      0.4           'free'         0            1            U
#AmpSin1      0.01          'free'         -1           1            U
#AmpCos2      0.01          'free'         -1           1            U
#AmpSin2      0.01          'free'         -1           1            U
# ------------------
# ** Orbital parameters **
# ------------------
per          4.055259       'free'         4.055259     1e-5         N
t0           57394.524      'free'         57394.524    0.05         N
time_offset  0              'independent'
inc          87.83          'free'         87.83        0.25         N
a            10.9           'free'         10.9         1            N  # An incorrect a/R* seems to have been used in the simulations
ecc          0.0            'fixed'        0            1            U
w            90.            'fixed'        0            180          U
# -------------------------
# ** Limb darkening parameters **
# Choose limb_dark from ['uniform', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'kipping2013', 'squareroot', 'logarithmic', 'exponential','3-parameter', '4-parameter']
# When using generated limb-darkening coefficients from exotic-ld choose from ['linear', 'quadratic', '3-parameter', '4-parameter']
# -------------------------
limb_dark    'kipping2013'  'independent'
u1           0.59           'free'         0            1            U
u2           0.84           'free'         0            1            U
# --------------------
# ** Systematic variables **
# Polynomial model variables (c0--c9 for 0th--3rd order polynomials in time); Fitting at least c0 is very strongly recommended!
# Exponential ramp model variables (r0--r2 for one exponential ramp, r3--r5 for a second exponential ramp)
# HST exponential ramp + polynomial model variables (h0--h2 for exponential, h3--h4 for polynomial in time)
# GP model parameters (A, m for the first kernel; A1, m1 for the second kernel; etc.) in log scale
# Step-function model variables (step# and steptime# for step-function model #; e.g. step0 and steptime0)
# Drift model variables (xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth)
# --------------------
c0           1.015          'free'         1            0.05         N
c1           0              'free'         0            0.01         N
# A            -7             'free'         -15          0            U
# m            -4             'free'         -6           0            U
# -----------
# ** White noise **
# Use scatter_mult to fit a multiplier to the expected noise level from Stage 3 (recommended)
# Use scatter_ppm to fit the noise level in ppm
# -----------
scatter_mult 1.1            'free'         1.1            1          N

Stage 6

# Eureka! Control File for Stage 6: Spectra Plotting

# Stage 6 Documentation:

allapers        False # Run S6 on all of the apertures considered in S5? Otherwise will use newest output in the inputdir

# Plotting parameters
y_params        ['rp^2', 'u1', 'u2', 'c0', 'c1', 'scatter_mult']  # The parameter name as entered in your EPF file in Stage 5. rp^2, 1/r1, and 1/r4 are also permitted.
y_labels        [None, None, None, None, None, None]  # The formatted string you want on the y-label. Set to None to use the default formatting.
y_label_units   [None, None, None, None, None, None]  # The formatted string for the units you want on the y-label - e.g., (ppm), (seconds), '(days$^{-1})$', etc.. Set to None to automatically add any implied units from y_scalars (e.g. ppm), or set to '' to force no units.
y_scalars       [1e6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]  # Can be used to convert to percent (100), ppm (1e6), etc.
x_unit          um  # Options include any measurement of light included in astropy.units.spectral (e.g. um, nm, Hz, etc.)

# Tabulating parameters
ncol            4  # The number of columns you want in your LaTeX formatted tables

# This section is relevant if isplots_S6>=3
# Scale height parameters (if you want a second copy of the plot with a second y-axis with units of scale height)
star_Rad        0.6506 # The radius of the star in units of solar radii
planet_Teq      1400   # The equilibrium temperature of the planet in units of Kelvin
planet_Mass     2      # The planet's mass in units of Jupiter masses (used to calculate surface gravity)
planet_Rad      None   # The planet's radius in units of Jupiter radii (used to calculate surface gravity); Set to None to use the average fitted radius
planet_mu       2.3    # The mean molecular mass of the atmosphere (in atomic mass units)
planet_R0       None   # The reference radius (in Jupiter radii) for the scale height measurement; Set to None to use the mean fitted radius

# Diagnostics
isplots_S6      5      # Generate few (1), some (3), or many (5) figures (Options: 1 - 5)
hide_plots      False  # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up

# Project directory
topdir          /home/User/Data/JWST-Sim/NIRSpec/

# Model to plot underneath the fitted data points
model_spectrum  None   # Path to the model spectrum relative to topdir. Set to None if no model should be plotted.
model_x_unit    um     # Options include any measurement of light included in astropy.units.spectral (e.g. um, nm, Hz, etc.)
model_y_param   rp^2   # Follow the same format as y_params. If desired, can be rp if y_params is rp^2, or vice-versa.
model_y_scalar  1      # Indicate whether model y-values have already been scaled (e.g. write 1e6 if model_spectrum is in ppm)
model_zorder    0      # The zorder of the model on the plot (0 for beneath the data, 1 for above the data)
model_delimiter None   # Delimiter between columns. Typical options: None (for space), ',' for comma

# Directories relative to topdir
inputdir        Stage5   # The folder containing the outputs from Eureka!'s S5 pipeline (will be overwritten if calling S5 and S6 sequentially)
outputdir       Stage6


Boolean to determine whether Stage 6 is run on all the apertures considered in Stage 5. If False, will just use the most recent output in the input directory.


The parameter to use when plotting and saving the output table. To plot the transmission spectrum, the value can be ‘rp’ or ‘rp^2’. To plot the dayside emission spectrum, the value must be fp. To plot the spectral dependence of any other parameters, simply enter their name as formatted in your EPF. For convenience, it is also possible to plot ‘1/r1’ and ‘1/r4’ to visualize the exonential ramp timescales. It is also possible to plot ‘fn’ (the nightside flux from a sinusoidal phase curve), ‘pc_offset’ (the sinusoidal offset of the phase curve), ‘pc_amp’ (the sinusoidal amplitude of the phase curve), ‘pc_offset2’ (the second order sinusoidal offset of the phase curve), and ‘pc_amp2’ (the second order sinusoidal amplitude of the phase curve). y_params can also be formatted as a list to make many different plots. A “cleaned” version of y_params will be used in the filenames of the figures and save files relevant for that y_param (e.g. ‘1/r1’ would not work in a filename, so it becomes ‘1-r1’).


The formatted string you want on the label of the y-axis. Set to None to use the default formatting which has been nicely formatted in LaTeX for most y_params. If y_params is a list, then y_labels must also be a list unless you want the same value applied to all y_params.


The formatted string for the units you want on the label of the y-axis. For example ‘(ppm)’, ‘(seconds)’, or ‘(days$^{-1})$’. Set to None to automatically add any implied units from y_scalars (e.g. ppm if y_scalars=1e6), or set to ‘’ to force no units. If y_params is a list, then y_label_units must also be a list unless you want the same value applied to all y_params.


This parameter can be used to rescale the y-axis. If set to 100, the y-axis will be in units of percent. If set to 1e6, the y-axis will be in units of ppm. If set to any other value other than 1, 100, 1e6, then the y-axis will simply be multiplied by that value and the scalar will be noted in the y-axis label. If y_params is a list, then y_scalars must also be a list unless you want the same value applied to all y_params.


The x-unit to use in the plot. This can be any unit included in astropy.units.spectral (e.g. um, nm, Hz, etc.) but cannot include wavenumber units.


The number of columns you want in your LaTeX formatted tables. Defaults to 4.


The stellar radius. Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


The planet’s zero-albedo, complete redistribution equlibrium temperature in Kelvin. Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


The planet’s mass in units of Jupiter masses. Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


The planet’s radius in units of Jupiter radii. Set to None to use the average fitted radius. Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


The mean molecular mass of the atmosphere (in atomic mass units). Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


The reference radius (in Jupiter radii) for the scale height measurement. Set to None to use the mean fitted radius. Used to compute the scale height if y_unit is transmission type and isplots_S6>=3.


Sets how many plots should be saved when running Stage 6. A full description of these outputs is available here: Stage 6 Output.


If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up on the screen.

topdir + inputdir

The path to the directory containing the Stage 5 JWST data. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + outputdir

The path to the directory in which to output the Stage 6 JWST data and plots. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

topdir + model_spectrum

The path to a model spectrum to plot underneath the observations to show how the fitted results compare to the input model for simulated observations or how the fitted results compare to a retrieved model for real observations. Set to None if no model should be plotted. The file should have column 1 as the wavelength and column 2 should contain the transmission or emission spectrum. Any headers must be preceded by a #. Directories containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.


The x-unit of the model. This can be any unit included in astropy.units.spectral (e.g. um, nm, Hz, etc.) but cannot include wavenumber units.


The y-unit of the model. Follow the same format as y_params. If desired, can be rp if y_params is rp^2, or vice-versa. Only one model model_y_param can be provided, but if y_params is a list then the code will only use model_y_param on the relevant plots (e.g. if model_y_param=rp, then the model would only be shown where y_params is rp or rp^2).


Indicate whether model y-values have already been scaled (e.g. write 1e6 if model_spectrum is already in ppm).


The zorder of the model on the plot (0 for beneath the data, 1 for above the data).


Delimiter between columns. Typical options: None (for whitespace), ‘,’ for comma.