Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.s5_fit

import numpy as np
import os
import time as time_pkg
import astraeus.xarrayIO as xrio
from ..lib import manageevent as me
from ..lib import readECF
from ..lib import util, logedit
from ..lib.readEPF import Parameters
from . import lightcurve as lc
from . import models as m

[docs]def fitlc(eventlabel, ecf_path=None, s4_meta=None): '''Fits 1D spectra with various models and fitters. Parameters ---------- eventlabel : str The unique identifier for these data. ecf_path : str; optional The absolute or relative path to where ecfs are stored. Defaults to None which resolves to './'. s4_meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass; optional The metadata object from Eureka!'s S4 step (if running S4 and S5 sequentially). Defaults to None. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object with attributes added by S5. Notes ----- History: - November 12-December 15, 2021 Megan Mansfield Original version - December 17-20, 2021 Megan Mansfield Connecting S5 to S4 outputs - December 17-20, 2021 Taylor Bell Increasing connectedness of S5 and S4 - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - January - February, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer Adding GP functionality - April 2022 Kevin Stevenson Enabled Astraeus ''' print("\nStarting Stage 5: Light Curve Fitting\n") # Load Eureka! control file and store values in Event object ecffile = 'S5_' + eventlabel + '.ecf' meta = readECF.MetaClass(ecf_path, ecffile) meta.eventlabel = eventlabel meta.datetime = time_pkg.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if s4_meta is None: # Locate the old MetaClass savefile, and load new ECF into # that old MetaClass s4_meta, meta.inputdir, meta.inputdir_raw = \ me.findevent(meta, 'S4', allowFail=False) else: # Running these stages sequentially, so can safely assume # the path hasn't changed meta.inputdir = s4_meta.outputdir meta.inputdir_raw = meta.inputdir[len(meta.topdir):] meta = me.mergeevents(meta, s4_meta) if not meta.allapers: # The user indicated in the ecf that they only want to consider one # aperture in which case the code will consider only the one which # made s4_meta. Alternatively, if S4 was run without allapers, S5 # will already only consider that one meta.spec_hw_range = [meta.spec_hw, ] meta.bg_hw_range = [meta.bg_hw, ] if meta.testing_S5: # Only fit a single channel while testing unless doing a shared fit, # then do two chanrng = 1 else: chanrng = meta.nspecchan # Create directories for Stage 5 outputs meta.run_s5 = None for spec_hw_val in meta.spec_hw_range: for bg_hw_val in meta.bg_hw_range: meta.run_s5 = util.makedirectory(meta, 'S5', meta.run_s5, ap=spec_hw_val, bg=bg_hw_val) for spec_hw_val in meta.spec_hw_range: for bg_hw_val in meta.bg_hw_range: t0 = time_pkg.time() meta.spec_hw = spec_hw_val meta.bg_hw = bg_hw_val # Load in the S4 metadata used for this particular aperture pair meta = load_specific_s4_meta_info(meta) lc = xrio.readXR(meta.filename_S4_LCData) # Get the directory for Stage 5 processing outputs meta.outputdir = util.pathdirectory(meta, 'S5', meta.run_s5, ap=spec_hw_val, bg=bg_hw_val) # Copy existing S4 log file and resume log meta.s5_logname = meta.outputdir + 'S5_' + meta.eventlabel + ".log" log = logedit.Logedit(meta.s5_logname, read=meta.s4_logname) log.writelog(f"Input directory: {meta.inputdir}") log.writelog(f"Output directory: {meta.outputdir}") # Copy ECF log.writelog('Copying S5 control file', mute=(not meta.verbose)) meta.copy_ecf() # Set the intial fitting parameters params = Parameters(meta.folder, meta.fit_par) # Copy EPF log.writelog('Copying S5 parameter control file', mute=(not meta.verbose)) params.write(meta.outputdir) meta.sharedp = False meta.whitep = False for arg, val in params.dict.items(): if 'shared' in val: meta.sharedp = True if 'white_free' in val or 'white_fixed' in val: meta.whitep = True if meta.sharedp and meta.testing_S5: chanrng = min([2, meta.nspecchan]) if hasattr(meta, 'manual_clip') and meta.manual_clip is not None: # Remove requested data points util.manual_clip(lc, meta, log) # Subtract off the user provided time value to avoid floating # point precision problems when fitting for values like t0 offset = params.time_offset.value time = lc.time.values - offset if offset != 0: time_units =['time_units']+f' - {offset}' else: time_units =['time_units'] meta.time = lc.time.values # Load limb-darkening coefficients if used from Stage 4 if meta.use_generate_ld: ld_str = meta.use_generate_ld if not hasattr(lc, ld_str + '_lin'): raise Exception("Exotic-ld coefficients have not been " + "calculated in Stage 4") log.writelog("\nUsing generated limb-darkening coefficients " + f"with {ld_str} \n") ld_coeffs = [lc[ld_str + '_lin'].values, lc[ld_str + '_quad'].values, lc[ld_str + '_nonlin_3para'].values, lc[ld_str + '_nonlin_4para'].values] else: ld_coeffs = None # If any of the parameters' ptypes are set to 'white_free', enforce # a Gaussian prior based on a white-light light curve fit. If any # are 'white_fixed' freeze them to the white-light curve best fit if meta.whitep: # Make a long list of parameters for each channel longparamlist, paramtitles = make_longparamlist(meta, params, 1) log.writelog("\nStarting Fit of White-light Light Curve\n") # Get the flux and error measurements for # the current channel mask = lc.mask_white.values flux =, lc.flux_white.values) flux_err =, lc.err_white.values) # Normalize flux and uncertainties to avoid large # flux values flux, flux_err = util.normalize_spectrum(meta, flux, flux_err) meta, params = fit_channel(meta, time, flux, 0, flux_err, eventlabel, params, log, longparamlist, time_units, paramtitles, 1, ld_coeffs, True) # Save results log.writelog('Saving results', mute=(not meta.verbose)) me.saveevent(meta, meta.outputdir+'S5_'+meta.eventlabel + "_white_Meta_Save", save=[]) # Make a long list of parameters for each channel longparamlist, paramtitles = make_longparamlist(meta, params, chanrng) # Now fit the multi-wavelength light curves if meta.sharedp: log.writelog(f"\nStarting Shared Fit of {chanrng} Channels\n") flux =[]) flux_err =[]) for channel in range(chanrng): mask = lc.mask.values[channel, :] flux_temp =,[channel, :]) err_temp =, lc.err.values[channel, :]) flux_temp, err_temp = util.normalize_spectrum(meta, flux_temp, err_temp) flux =, flux_temp) flux_err =, err_temp) meta, params = fit_channel(meta, time, flux, 0, flux_err, eventlabel, params, log, longparamlist, time_units, paramtitles, chanrng, ld_coeffs) # Save results log.writelog('Saving results') me.saveevent(meta, (meta.outputdir+'S5_'+meta.eventlabel + "_Meta_Save"), save=[]) else: for channel in range(chanrng): log.writelog(f"\nStarting Channel {channel+1} of " f"{chanrng}\n") # Get the flux and error measurements for # the current channel mask = lc.mask.values[channel, :] flux =,[channel, :]) flux_err =, lc.err.values[channel, :]) # Normalize flux and uncertainties to avoid large # flux values flux, flux_err = util.normalize_spectrum(meta, flux, flux_err) meta, params = fit_channel(meta, time, flux, channel, flux_err, eventlabel, params, log, longparamlist, time_units, paramtitles, chanrng, ld_coeffs) # Save results log.writelog('Saving results', mute=(not meta.verbose)) me.saveevent(meta, (meta.outputdir+'S5_'+meta.eventlabel + "_Meta_Save"), save=[]) # Calculate total time total = (time_pkg.time() - t0) / 60. log.writelog('\nTotal time (min): ' + str(np.round(total, 2))) log.closelog() return meta
[docs]def fit_channel(meta, time, flux, chan, flux_err, eventlabel, params, log, longparamlist, time_units, paramtitles, chanrng, ldcoeffs, white=False): """Run a fit for one channel or perform a shared fit. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. time : ndarray The time array. flux : ndarray The flux array. chan : int The current channel number. flux_err : ndarray The uncertainty on each data point. eventlabel : str The unique identifier for this analysis. params : eureka.lib.readEPF.Parameters The Parameters object containing the fitted parameters and their priors. log : logedit.Logedit The current log in which to output messages from this current stage. longparamlist : list The long list of all parameters relevant to this fit. time_units : str The units of the time array. paramtitles : list The names of the fitted parameters. chanrng : int The number of fitted channels. ldcoeffs : list Limb-darkening coefficients if used from Stage 4, otherwise None. white : bool; optional Is this a white-light fit? Defaults to False. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The updated metadata object. """ # Load the relevant values into the LightCurve model object lc_model = lc.LightCurve(time, flux, chan, chanrng, log, longparamlist, unc=flux_err, time_units=time_units, name=eventlabel, share=meta.sharedp, white=white) if hasattr(meta, 'testing_model') and meta.testing_model: # FINDME: Use this area to add systematics into the data # when testing new systematics models. In this case, I'm # introducing an exponential ramp to test m.ExpRampModel(). log.writelog('***Adding exponential ramp systematic to light curve***') fakeramp = m.ExpRampModel(parameters=params, name='ramp', fmt='r--', log=log, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) fakeramp.coeffs = (np.array([-1, 40, -3, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, -1) * np.ones(lc_model.nchannel_fitted)) flux *= fakeramp.eval(time=time) lc_model.flux = flux freenames = [] for key in params.dict: if params.dict[key][1] in ['free', 'shared', 'white_free', 'white_fixed']: freenames.append(key) freenames = np.array(freenames) # Make the astrophysical and detector models modellist = [] if 'batman_tr' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_transit = m.BatmanTransitModel(parameters=params, name='transit', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles, ld_from_S4=meta.use_generate_ld, ld_coeffs=ldcoeffs) modellist.append(t_transit) if 'batman_ecl' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_eclipse = m.BatmanEclipseModel(parameters=params, name='eclipse', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) modellist.append(t_eclipse) if 'sinusoid_pc' in meta.run_myfuncs: model_names = np.array([ for model in modellist]) t_model = None e_model = None # Nest any transit and/or eclipse models inside of the # phase curve model if 'transit' in model_names: t_model = modellist.pop(np.where(model_names == 'transit')[0][0]) model_names = np.array([ for model in modellist]) if'eclipse' in model_names: e_model = modellist.pop(np.where(model_names == 'eclipse')[0][0]) model_names = np.array([ for model in modellist]) t_phase = \ m.SinusoidPhaseCurveModel(parameters=params, name='phasecurve', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles, transit_model=t_model, eclipse_model=e_model) modellist.append(t_phase) if 'polynomial' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_polynom = m.PolynomialModel(parameters=params, name='polynom', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) modellist.append(t_polynom) if 'step' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_step = m.StepModel(parameters=params, name='step', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) modellist.append(t_step) if 'expramp' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_ramp = m.ExpRampModel(parameters=params, name='ramp', fmt='r--', log=log, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) modellist.append(t_ramp) if 'GP' in meta.run_myfuncs: t_GP = m.GPModel(meta.kernel_class, meta.kernel_inputs, lc_model, parameters=params, name='GP', fmt='r--', log=log, gp_code=meta.GP_package, freenames=freenames, longparamlist=lc_model.longparamlist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted, paramtitles=paramtitles) modellist.append(t_GP) model = m.CompositeModel(modellist, nchan=lc_model.nchannel_fitted) # Fit the models using one or more fitters log.writelog("=========================") if 'lsq' in meta.fit_method: log.writelog("Starting lsq fit.") model.fitter = 'lsq', meta, log, fitter='lsq') log.writelog("Completed lsq fit.") log.writelog("-------------------------") if 'emcee' in meta.fit_method: log.writelog("Starting emcee fit.") model.fitter = 'emcee', meta, log, fitter='emcee') log.writelog("Completed emcee fit.") log.writelog("-------------------------") if 'dynesty' in meta.fit_method: log.writelog("Starting dynesty fit.") model.fitter = 'dynesty', meta, log, fitter='dynesty') log.writelog("Completed dynesty fit.") log.writelog("-------------------------") if 'lmfit' in meta.fit_method: log.writelog("Starting lmfit fit.") model.fitter = 'lmfit', meta, log, fitter='lmfit') log.writelog("Completed lmfit fit.") log.writelog("-------------------------") log.writelog("=========================") # Plot the results from the fit(s) if meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: lc_model.plot(meta) if white: if 'dynesty' in meta.fit_method: # Update the params to the values and uncertainties from # this white-light light curve fit best_model = None for model in lc_model.results: if model.fitter == 'dynesty': best_model = model if best_model is None: raise AssertionError('Unable to find the dynesty fitter ' 'results') for key in params.params: ptype = getattr(params, key).ptype if 'white' in ptype: value = getattr(best_model.components[0].parameters, key).value ptype = ptype[6:] # Remove 'white_' priorpar1 = value priorpar2 = best_model.errs[key] prior = 'N' par = [value, ptype, priorpar1, priorpar2, prior] print(getattr(params, key).values, par) setattr(params, key, par) elif 'emcee' in meta.fit_method: # Update the params to the values and uncertainties from # this white-light light curve fit best_model = None for model in lc_model.results: if model.fitter == 'emcee': best_model = model if best_model is None: raise AssertionError('Unable to find the emcee fitter results') for key in params.params: ptype = getattr(params, key).ptype if 'white' in ptype: value = getattr(best_model.components[0].parameters, key).value ptype = ptype[6:] # Remove 'white_' priorpar1 = value priorpar2 = best_model.errs[key] prior = 'N' par = [value, ptype, priorpar1, priorpar2, prior] print(getattr(params, key).values, par) setattr(params, key, par) elif 'lsq' in meta.fit_method: best_model = None for model in lc_model.results: if model.fitter == 'lsq': best_model = model if best_model is None: raise AssertionError('Unable to find the lsq fitter results') # Update the params to the values from this white-light light # curve fit for key in params.params: ptype = getattr(params, key).ptype if 'white' in ptype: value = getattr(best_model.components[0].parameters, key).value ptype = 'fixed' priorpar1 = None priorpar2 = None prior = None par = [value, ptype, priorpar1, priorpar2, prior] print(getattr(params, key).values, par) setattr(params, key, par) return meta, params
[docs]def make_longparamlist(meta, params, chanrng): """Make a long list of all relevant parameters. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The current metadata object. params : eureka.lib.readEPF.Parameters The Parameters object containing the fitted parameters and their priors. chanrng : int The number of fitted channels. Returns ------- longparamlist : list The long list of all parameters relevant to this fit. paramtitles : list The names of the fitted parameters. """ if meta.sharedp: nspecchan = chanrng else: nspecchan = 1 longparamlist = [[] for i in range(nspecchan)] tlist = list(params.dict.keys()) for param in tlist: if 'free' in params.dict[param]: longparamlist[0].append(param) for c in np.arange(nspecchan-1): title = param+'_'+str(c+1) params.__setattr__(title, params.dict[param]) longparamlist[c+1].append(title) elif 'shared' in params.dict[param]: for c in np.arange(nspecchan): longparamlist[c].append(param) else: for c in np.arange(nspecchan): longparamlist[c].append(param) paramtitles = longparamlist[0] return longparamlist, paramtitles
[docs]def load_specific_s4_meta_info(meta): """Load the specific S4 MetaClass object used to make this aperture pair. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The current metadata object. Returns ------- eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The current metadata object with values from the old MetaClass. """ inputdir = os.sep.join(meta.inputdir.split(os.sep)[:-2]) + os.sep # Get directory containing S4 outputs for this aperture pair inputdir += f'ap{meta.spec_hw}_bg{meta.bg_hw}'+os.sep # Locate the old MetaClass savefile, and load new ECF into # that old MetaClass meta.inputdir = inputdir s4_meta, meta.inputdir, meta.inputdir_raw = \ me.findevent(meta, 'S4', allowFail=False) # Merge S5 meta into old S4 meta meta = me.mergeevents(meta, s4_meta) return meta