Source code for eureka.S1_detector_processing.s1_process

import os
import time as time_pkg
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from import fits

from jwst.pipeline.calwebb_detector1 import Detector1Pipeline

from eureka.S1_detector_processing.ramp_fitting import Eureka_RampFitStep
from eureka.S1_detector_processing.superbias import Eureka_SuperBiasStep

from ..lib import logedit, util
from ..lib import manageevent as me
from ..lib import readECF

[docs] def rampfitJWST(eventlabel, ecf_path=None, input_meta=None): """Process a Stage 0, _uncal.fits file to Stage 1 _rate.fits and _rateints.fits files. Steps taken to perform this processing can follow the default JWST pipeline, or alternative methods. Parameters ---------- eventlabel : str The unique identifier for these data. ecf_path : str; optional The absolute or relative path to where ecfs are stored. Defaults to None which resolves to './'. input_meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass; optional An optional input metadata object, so you can manually edit the meta object without having to edit the ECF file. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - October 2021 Taylor Bell Code fragments - October 2021 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer Initial version - February 2022 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer Updated for JWST version 1.3.3, code restructure """ t0 = time_pkg.time() input_meta = deepcopy(input_meta) if input_meta is None: # Load Eureka! control file and store values in Event object ecffile = 'S1_' + eventlabel + '.ecf' meta = readECF.MetaClass(ecf_path, ecffile) else: meta = input_meta meta.eventlabel = eventlabel meta.datetime = time_pkg.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Create directories for Stage 1 processing outputs run = util.makedirectory(meta, 'S1') meta.outputdir = util.pathdirectory(meta, 'S1', run) # Make a separate folder for plot outputs if not os.path.exists(meta.outputdir+'figs'): os.makedirs(meta.outputdir+'figs') # Output S2 log file meta.s1_logname = meta.outputdir + 'S1_' + meta.eventlabel + ".log" log = logedit.Logedit(meta.s1_logname) log.writelog("\nStarting Stage 1 Processing") log.writelog(f"Input directory: {meta.inputdir}") log.writelog(f"Output directory: {meta.outputdir}") # Copy ecf log.writelog('Copying S1 control file') meta.copy_ecf() # Create list of file segments meta = util.readfiles(meta, log) # If testing, only run the last file if meta.testing_S1: istart = meta.num_data_files - 1 else: istart = 0 for m in range(istart, meta.num_data_files): # Report progress filename = meta.segment_list[m] log.writelog(f'Starting file {m + 1} of {meta.num_data_files}: ' + filename.split(os.sep)[-1]) with, mode='update') as hdulist: # record instrument information in meta object for citations if not hasattr(meta, 'inst'): meta.inst = hdulist[0].header["INSTRUME"].lower() # jwst 1.3.3 breaks unless NDITHPTS/NRIMDTPT are integers rather # than the strings that they are in the old simulated NIRCam data if hdulist[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'NIRCAM': hdulist[0].header['NDITHPTS'] = 1 hdulist[0].header['NRIMDTPT'] = 1 meta.m = m meta.intstart = hdulist[0].header['INTSTART']-1 meta.intend = hdulist[0].header['INTEND'] EurekaS1Pipeline().run_eurekaS1(filename, meta, log) # Calculate total run time total = (time_pkg.time() - t0) / 60. log.writelog('\nTotal time (min): ' + str(np.round(total, 2))) # make citations for current stage util.make_citations(meta, 1) # Save results if not meta.testing_S1: log.writelog('Saving Metadata') me.saveevent(meta, meta.outputdir+'S1_'+meta.eventlabel+"_Meta_Save", save=[]) return meta
[docs] class EurekaS1Pipeline(Detector1Pipeline): '''A wrapper class for jwst.pipeline.calwebb_detector1.Detector1Pipeline This wrapper class allows non-standard changes to Stage 1 for Eureka!. Notes ----- History: - October 2021 Aarynn Carter / Eva-Maria Ahrer Initial version - February 2022 Aarynn Carter / Eva-Maria Ahrer Updated for JWST version 1.3.3, code restructure '''
[docs] def run_eurekaS1(self, filename, meta, log): '''Reduces uncal files from STScI into rateints files. Parameters ---------- filename : str A string pointing to the uncal file to be operated on. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. Notes ----- History: - October 2021 Aarynn Carter / Eva-Maria Ahrer Initial version - February 2022 Aarynn Carter / Eva-Maria Ahrer Updated for JWST version 1.3.3, code restructure ''' # Define superbias offset procedure self.superbias = Eureka_SuperBiasStep() self.superbias.s1_meta = meta self.superbias.s1_log = log # Figure out which instrument we're working on with as f: instrument = f[0].header['INSTRUME'] # Reset suffix and assign whether to save and the output directory self.suffix = None self.save_results = (not meta.testing_S1) self.output_dir = meta.outputdir # Instrument Non-Specific Steps self.group_scale.skip = meta.skip_group_scale self.dq_init.skip = meta.skip_dq_init self.saturation.skip = meta.skip_saturation self.ipc.skip = meta.skip_ipc self.refpix.skip = meta.skip_refpix self.linearity.skip = meta.skip_linearity if hasattr(meta, 'custom_linearity') and meta.custom_linearity: self.linearity.override_linearity = meta.linearity_file self.dark_current.skip = meta.skip_dark_current self.jump.skip = meta.skip_jump if (hasattr(meta, 'jump_rejection_threshold') and isinstance(meta.jump_rejection_threshold, float)): self.jump.rejection_threshold = meta.jump_rejection_threshold else: log.writelog("\nJump rejection threshold is not" + "defined or not a float, default is used (4.0)") self.gain_scale.skip = meta.skip_gain_scale # Instrument Specific Steps if instrument in ['NIRCAM', 'NIRISS', 'NIRSPEC']: self.persistence.skip = meta.skip_persistence self.superbias.skip = meta.skip_superbias if hasattr(meta, 'custom_bias') and meta.custom_bias: self.superbias.override_superbias = meta.superbias_file elif instrument in ['MIRI']: self.firstframe.skip = meta.skip_firstframe self.lastframe.skip = meta.skip_lastframe self.rscd.skip = meta.skip_rscd # Define ramp fitting procedure self.ramp_fit = Eureka_RampFitStep() self.ramp_fit.algorithm = meta.ramp_fit_algorithm self.ramp_fit.maximum_cores = meta.ramp_fit_max_cores self.ramp_fit.skip = meta.skip_ramp_fitting self.ramp_fit.s1_meta = meta self.ramp_fit.s1_log = log # Default ramp fitting settings if self.ramp_fit.algorithm == 'default': self.ramp_fit.weighting = meta.default_ramp_fit_weighting # Some weighting methods need additional parameters if self.ramp_fit.weighting == 'fixed': self.ramp_fit.fixed_exponent = \ meta.default_ramp_fit_fixed_exponent elif self.ramp_fit.weighting == 'custom': self.ramp_fit.custom_snr_bounds = \ meta.default_ramp_fit_custom_snr_bounds self.ramp_fit.custom_exponents = \ meta.default_ramp_fit_custom_exponents # Run Stage 1 self(filename) return