Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.miri

import numpy as np
from import fits
import astraeus.xarrayIO as xrio
from . import background
    from jwst import datamodels
except ImportError:
    print('WARNING: Unable to load the jwst package. As a result, the MIRI '
          'wavelength solution will not be able to be calculated in Stage 3.')
from . import nircam
from ..lib.util import read_time, supersample

[docs] def read(filename, data, meta, log): '''Reads single FITS file from JWST's MIRI instrument. Parameters ---------- filename : str Single filename to read. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Notes ----- History: - Nov 2012 Kevin Stevenson Initial Version - May 2021 Kevin Stevenson Updated for NIRCam - Jun 2021 Taylor Bell Updated docs for MIRI - Jun 2021 Sebastian Zieba Updated for MIRI - Apr 2022 Sebastian Zieba Updated wavelength array - Apr 21, 2022 Kevin Stevenson Convert to using Xarray Dataset ''' hdulist = # Load main and science headers data.attrs['filename'] = filename data.attrs['mhdr'] = hdulist[0].header data.attrs['shdr'] = hdulist['SCI', 1].header try: data.attrs['intstart'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTSTART']-1 except: data.attrs['intstart'] = 0 try: data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTEND'] except: data.attrs['intend'] = (data.attrs['intstart'] + data.attrs['mhdr']['NINTS']) sci = hdulist['SCI', 1].data err = hdulist['ERR', 1].data dq = hdulist['DQ', 1].data v0 = hdulist['VAR_RNOISE', 1].data if data.attrs['mhdr']['EXP_TYPE'] == 'MIR_IMAGE': # Working on photometry data meta.photometry = True # The DISPAXIS argument does not exist in the header of the photometry # data. Added it here so that code in other sections doesn't have to # be changed data.attrs['shdr']['DISPAXIS'] = 1 # FINDME: make this better for all filters if hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F560W': meta.phot_wave = 5.60 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F770W': meta.phot_wave = 7.70 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F1000W': meta.phot_wave = 10.00 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F1130W': meta.phot_wave = 11.30 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F1280W': meta.phot_wave = 12.80 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F1500W': meta.phot_wave = 15.00 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F1800W': meta.phot_wave = 18.00 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F2100W': meta.phot_wave = 21.00 elif (hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F2550W' or hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F2550WR'): meta.phot_wave = 25.50 wave_1d = np.ones_like(sci[0, 0]) * meta.phot_wave else: meta.photometry = False # If wavelengths are all zero or missing --> use jwst to get # wavelengths. Otherwise use the wavelength array from the header try: hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1] wl_missing = False except: if meta.firstFile: log.writelog(' WAVELENGTH extension not found, using ' 'miri.wave_MIRI_jwst function instead.') wl_missing = True if wl_missing or np.all(hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data == 0): wave_2d = wave_MIRI_jwst(filename, meta, log) else: wave_2d = hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data # Increase pixel resolution along cross-dispersion direction if hasattr(meta, 'expand') and meta.expand > 1: log.writelog(f' Super-sampling x axis from {sci.shape[2]} ' + f'to {sci.shape[2]*meta.expand} pixels...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) sci = supersample(sci, meta.expand, 'flux', axis=2) err = supersample(err, meta.expand, 'err', axis=2) dq = supersample(dq, meta.expand, 'cal', axis=2) v0 = supersample(v0, meta.expand, 'flux', axis=2) wave_2d = supersample(wave_2d, meta.expand, 'wave', axis=1) # Record integration mid-times in BMJD_TDB int_times = hdulist['INT_TIMES', 1].data if (hasattr(meta, 'time_file') and meta.time_file is not None): time = read_time(meta, data, log) elif len(int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB']) == 0: if meta.firstFile: log.writelog(' WARNING: The timestamps for the simulated MIRI ' 'data are currently hardcoded because they are not ' 'in the .fits files themselves') if ('WASP_80b' in data.attrs['filename'] and 'transit' in data.attrs['filename']): # Time array for WASP-80b MIRISIM transit observations # Assuming transit near August 1, 2022 phase_i = 0.95434 phase_f = 1.032726 t0 = 2456487.425006 per = 3.06785234 time_i = phase_i*per+t0 while np.abs(time_i-2459792.54237) > per: time_i += per time_f = phase_f*per+t0 while time_f < time_i: time_f += per time = np.linspace(time_i, time_f, 4507, endpoint=True)[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']-1] elif ('WASP_80b' in data.attrs['filename'] and 'eclipse' in data.attrs['filename']): # Time array for WASP-80b MIRISIM eclipse observations # Assuming eclipse near August 1, 2022 phase_i = 0.45434 phase_f = 0.532725929856498 t0 = 2456487.425006 per = 3.06785234 time_i = phase_i*per+t0 while np.abs(time_i-2459792.54237) > per: time_i += per time_f = phase_f*per+t0 while time_f < time_i: time_f += per time = np.linspace(time_i, time_f, 4506, endpoint=True)[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']-1] elif 'new_drift' in data.attrs['filename']: # Time array for the newest MIRISIM observations time = np.linspace(0, 47.712*(1849)/3600/24, 1849, endpoint=True)[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']-1] elif data.attrs['mhdr']['EFFINTTM'] == 10.3376: # There is no time information in the old simulated MIRI data # As a placeholder, I am creating timestamps indentical to the # ones in STSci-SimDataJWST/MIRI/Ancillary_files/times.dat.txt # converted to days time = np.linspace(0, 17356.28742796742/3600/24, 1680, endpoint=True)[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']] elif data.attrs['mhdr']['EFFINTTM'] == 47.712: # A new manually created time array for the new MIRI simulations # Need to subtract an extra 1 from intend for these data time = np.linspace(0, 47.712*(42*44-1)/3600/24, 42*44, endpoint=True)[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']-1] else: if meta.firstFile: log.writelog(' Eureka does not currently know how to ' 'generate the time array for these ' 'simulations. Using integer number instead.') time = np.arange(data.attrs['intstart'], data.attrs['intend']) else: time = int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB'] # Record units flux_units = data.attrs['shdr']['BUNIT'] time_units = 'BMJD_TDB' wave_units = 'microns' # MIRI appears to be rotated by 90° compared to NIRCam, so rotating arrays # to allow the re-use of NIRCam code. Having wavelengths increase from # left to right on the rotated frame makes life easier if data.attrs['shdr']['DISPAXIS'] == 2: sci = np.swapaxes(sci, 1, 2)[:, :, ::-1] err = np.swapaxes(err, 1, 2)[:, :, ::-1] dq = np.swapaxes(dq, 1, 2)[:, :, ::-1] v0 = np.swapaxes(v0, 1, 2)[:, :, ::-1] wave_2d = np.swapaxes(wave_2d, 0, 1)[:, ::-1] if (meta.firstFile and meta.spec_hw == meta.spec_hw_range[0] and meta.bg_hw == meta.bg_hw_range[0]): # If not, we've already done this and don't want to switch it back if meta.ywindow[1] > 393: log.writelog('WARNING: The MIRI/LRS wavelength solution is ' 'not defined for y-values > 393, while you ' f'have set ywindow[1] to {meta.ywindow[1]}.\n' ' It is strongly recommended to set ' 'ywindow[1] to be <= 393, otherwise you will ' 'potentially end up with very strange results.') temp = np.copy(meta.ywindow) meta.ywindow = meta.xwindow meta.xwindow = sci.shape[2] - temp[::-1] # Only apply super-sampling expansion once meta.ywindow[0] *= meta.expand meta.ywindow[1] *= meta.expand if meta.photometry: x = None else: # Figure out the x-axis (aka the original y-axis) pixel numbers since # we've reversed the order of the x-axis x = np.arange(sci.shape[2])[::-1] data['flux'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(sci, time, flux_units, time_units, name='flux', x=x) data['err'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(err, time, flux_units, time_units, name='err', x=x) data['dq'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(dq, time, "None", time_units, name='dq', x=x) data['v0'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(v0, time, flux_units, time_units, name='v0', x=x) if not meta.photometry: data['wave_2d'] = (['y', 'x'], wave_2d) data['wave_2d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units else: data['wave_1d'] = (['x'], wave_1d) data['wave_1d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units return data, meta, log
[docs] def wave_MIRI_jwst(filename, meta, log): '''Compute wavelengths for simulated MIRI observations. This code uses the jwst package to get the wavelength information out of the WCS. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the file being read in. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- lam_x_full : list A list of the wavelengths Notes ----- History: - August 2022 Taylor J Bell Initial Version ''' if meta.firstFile: log.writelog(' WARNING: Using the jwst package because the ' 'wavelengths are not currently in the .fits files ' 'themselves') # Using the code from # as of August 8th, 2022 with as model: data_shape = if len(data_shape) > 2: data_shape = data_shape[-2:] index_array = np.indices(data_shape[::-1]) wcs_array = model.meta.wcs(*index_array) return wcs_array[2].T
[docs] def flag_bg(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of sky background along time axis. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for MIRI as long as the MIRI data gets rotated. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' return nircam.flag_bg(data, meta, log)
[docs] def flag_ff(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of full frame along time axis. For data with deep transits, there is a risk of masking good transit data. Proceed with caution. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier pixels flagged. ''' return nircam.flag_ff(data, meta, log)
[docs] def fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=0): """Fit for a non-uniform background. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for MIRI as long as the MIRI data gets rotated. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray (2D) The 2D image array. datamask : ndarray (2D) An array of which data should be masked. n : int The current integration. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity, by default 0. Returns ------- bg : ndarray (2D) The fitted background level. mask : ndarray (2D) The updated mask after background subtraction. n : int The current integration number. """ if hasattr(meta, 'isrotate'): isrotate = meta.isrotate else: isrotate = 2 bg, mask = background.fitbg(dataim, meta, datamask, meta.bg_y1, meta.bg_y2, deg=meta.bg_deg, threshold=meta.p3thresh, isrotate=isrotate, isplots=isplots) return bg, mask, n
[docs] def cut_aperture(data, meta, log): """Select the aperture region out of each trimmed image. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for MIRI as long as the MIRI data gets rotated. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- apdata : ndarray The flux values over the aperture region. aperr : ndarray The noise values over the aperture region. apmask : ndarray The mask values over the aperture region. apbg : ndarray The background flux values over the aperture region. apv0 : ndarray The v0 values over the aperture region. Notes ----- History: - 2022-06-17, Taylor J Bell Initial version based on the code in """ return nircam.cut_aperture(data, meta, log)
[docs] def flag_bg_phot(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of segment along time axis adjusted for the photometry reduction routine. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for MIRI as long as the MIRI data gets rotated. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' return nircam.flag_bg_phot(data, meta, log)
[docs] def calibrated_spectra(data, meta, log): """Modify data to compute calibrated spectra in units of mJy. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : ndarray The flux values in mJy Notes ----- History: - 2023-07-17, KBS Initial version. """ # Convert from MJy/sr to mJy log.writelog(" Calibrated MIRI spectra not yet supported...", mute=(not meta.verbose)) return data