Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.nircam

# NIRCam specific rountines go here
import numpy as np
from import fits
import astraeus.xarrayIO as xrio
from . import sigrej, background
from ..lib.util import read_time, supersample
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..lib import meanerr as me

[docs] def read(filename, data, meta, log): '''Reads single FITS file from JWST's NIRCam instrument. Parameters ---------- filename : str Single filename to read. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The updated metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Notes ----- History: - November 2012 Kevin Stevenson Initial version - May 2021 KBS Updated for NIRCam - July 2021 Moved bjdtdb into here - Apr 20, 2022 Kevin Stevenson Convert to using Xarray Dataset ''' hdulist = # Load master and science headers data.attrs['filename'] = filename data.attrs['mhdr'] = hdulist[0].header data.attrs['shdr'] = hdulist['SCI', 1].header data.attrs['intstart'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTSTART']-1 data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTEND'] sci = hdulist['SCI', 1].data err = hdulist['ERR', 1].data dq = hdulist['DQ', 1].data v0 = hdulist['VAR_RNOISE', 1].data int_times = hdulist['INT_TIMES', 1].data if hdulist[0].header['CHANNEL'] == 'LONG': # Spectroscopy will have "LONG" as CHANNEL meta.photometry = False if not hasattr(meta, 'poly_wavelength') or not meta.poly_wavelength: # Use the FITS data wave_2d = hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F322W2': # The new way, using the polynomial model Everett Schlawin computed X = np.arange(hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data.shape[1]) Xprime = (X - 1571)/1000 wave_2d = (3.9269369110332657 + 0.9811653393151226*Xprime + 0.001666535535484272*Xprime**2 - 0.002874123523765872*Xprime**3) # Convert 1D array to 2D wave_2d = np.repeat(wave_2d[np.newaxis], hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data.shape[0], axis=0) elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F444W': # The new way, using the polynomial model Everett Schlawin computed X = np.arange(hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data.shape[1]) Xprime = (X - 852.0756)/1000 wave_2d = (3.928041104137344 + 0.979649332832983*Xprime) # Convert 1D array to 2D wave_2d = np.repeat(wave_2d[np.newaxis], hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data.shape[0], axis=0) # Increase pixel resolution along cross-dispersion direction if hasattr(meta, 'expand') and meta.expand > 1: log.writelog(f' Super-sampling y axis from {sci.shape[1]} ' + f'to {sci.shape[1]*meta.expand} pixels...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) sci = supersample(sci, meta.expand, 'flux', axis=1) err = supersample(err, meta.expand, 'err', axis=1) dq = supersample(dq, meta.expand, 'cal', axis=1) v0 = supersample(v0, meta.expand, 'flux', axis=1) wave_2d = supersample(wave_2d, meta.expand, 'wave', axis=0) elif hdulist[0].header['CHANNEL'] == 'SHORT': # Photometry will have "SHORT" as CHANNEL meta.photometry = True # The DISPAXIS argument does not exist in the header of the photometry # data. Added it here so that code in other sections doesn't have to # be changed data.attrs['shdr']['DISPAXIS'] = 1 # FINDME: make this better for all filters if hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F210M': # will be deleted at the end of S3 wave_1d = np.ones_like(sci[0, 0]) * 2.095 # Is used in S4 for plotting. meta.phot_wave = 2.095 elif hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F187N': wave_1d = np.ones_like(sci[0, 0]) * 1.874 meta.phot_wave = 1.874 elif (hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'WLP4' or hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] == 'F212N'): wave_1d = np.ones_like(sci[0, 0]) * 2.121 meta.phot_wave = 2.121 # Record integration mid-times in BMJD_TDB if (hasattr(meta, 'time_file') and meta.time_file is not None): time = read_time(meta, data, log) else: time = int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB'] if len(time) > len(sci): # This line is needed to still handle the simulated data # which had the full time array for all segments time = time[data.attrs['intstart']:data.attrs['intend']] # Record units flux_units = data.attrs['shdr']['BUNIT'] time_units = 'BMJD_TDB' wave_units = 'microns' if (meta.firstFile and meta.spec_hw == meta.spec_hw_range[0] and meta.bg_hw == meta.bg_hw_range[0]): # Only apply super-sampling expansion once meta.ywindow[0] *= meta.expand meta.ywindow[1] *= meta.expand data['flux'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(sci, time, flux_units, time_units, name='flux') data['err'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(err, time, flux_units, time_units, name='err') data['dq'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(dq, time, "None", time_units, name='dq') data['v0'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(v0, time, flux_units, time_units, name='v0') if not meta.photometry: data['wave_2d'] = (['y', 'x'], wave_2d) data['wave_2d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units else: data['wave_1d'] = (['x'], wave_1d) data['wave_1d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units return data, meta, log
[docs] def flag_bg(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of sky background along time axis. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' log.writelog(' Performing background outlier rejection...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) bgdata1 = data.flux[:, :meta.bg_y1] bgmask1 = data.mask[:, :meta.bg_y1] bgdata2 = data.flux[:, meta.bg_y2:] bgmask2 = data.mask[:, meta.bg_y2:] if hasattr(meta, 'use_estsig') and meta.use_estsig: bgerr1 = np.median(data.err[:, :meta.bg_y1]) bgerr2 = np.median(data.err[:, meta.bg_y2:]) estsig1 = [bgerr1 for j in range(len(meta.bg_thresh))] estsig2 = [bgerr2 for j in range(len(meta.bg_thresh))] else: estsig1 = None estsig2 = None data['mask'][:, :meta.bg_y1] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata1, meta.bg_thresh, bgmask1, estsig1) data['mask'][:, meta.bg_y2:] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata2, meta.bg_thresh, bgmask2, estsig2) return data
[docs] def flag_ff(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of full frame along time axis. For data with deep transits, there is a risk of masking good transit data. Proceed with caution. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier pixels flagged. ''' log.writelog(' Performing full frame outlier rejection...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) size = data.mask.size prev_count = data.mask.values.sum() # Compute new pixel mask data['mask'] = sigrej.sigrej(data.flux, meta.bg_thresh, data.mask, None) # Count difference in number of good pixels new_count = data.mask.values.sum() diff_count = prev_count - new_count perc_rej = 100*(diff_count/size) log.writelog(f' Flagged {perc_rej:.6f}% of pixels as bad.', mute=(not meta.verbose)) return data
[docs] def fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=0): """Fit for a non-uniform background. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray (2D) The 2D image array. datamask : ndarray (2D) An array of which data should be masked. n : int The current integration. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity, by default 0. Returns ------- bg : ndarray (2D) The fitted background level. mask : ndarray (2D) The updated mask after background subtraction. n : int The current integration number. """ if hasattr(meta, 'bg_dir') and meta.bg_dir == 'RxR': bg, mask = background.fitbg(dataim, meta, datamask, meta.bg_x1, meta.bg_x2, deg=meta.bg_deg, threshold=meta.p3thresh, isrotate=0, isplots=isplots) else: bg, mask = background.fitbg(dataim, meta, datamask, meta.bg_y1, meta.bg_y2, deg=meta.bg_deg, threshold=meta.p3thresh, isrotate=2, isplots=isplots) return bg, mask, n
[docs] def cut_aperture(data, meta, log): """Select the aperture region out of each trimmed image. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- apdata : ndarray The flux values over the aperture region. aperr : ndarray The noise values over the aperture region. apmask : ndarray The mask values over the aperture region. apbg : ndarray The background flux values over the aperture region. apv0 : ndarray The v0 values over the aperture region. Notes ----- History: - 2022-06-17, Taylor J Bell Initial version based on the code in """ log.writelog(' Extracting aperture region...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) ap_y1 = int(meta.src_ypos-meta.spec_hw) ap_y2 = int(meta.src_ypos+meta.spec_hw+1) apdata = data.flux[:, ap_y1:ap_y2].values aperr = data.err[:, ap_y1:ap_y2].values apmask = data.mask[:, ap_y1:ap_y2].values apbg =[:, ap_y1:ap_y2].values apv0 = data.v0[:, ap_y1:ap_y2].values return apdata, aperr, apmask, apbg, apv0
[docs] def flag_bg_phot(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of segment along time axis adjusted for the photometry reduction routine. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' log.writelog(' Performing outlier rejection...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) flux = data.flux.values mask = data.mask.values # FINDME: KBS removed estsig from inputs to speed up outlier detection. # Need to test performance with and without estsig on real data. if hasattr(meta, 'use_estsig') and meta.use_estsig: bgerr = np.median(data.err) estsig = [bgerr for j in range(len(meta.bg_thresh))] else: estsig = None nbadpix_total = 0 for i in tqdm(range(flux.shape[1]), desc=' Looping over rows for outlier removal'): for j in range(flux.shape[2]): # Loops over Columns ngoodpix = np.sum(mask[:, i, j] == 1) data['mask'][:, i, j] *= sigrej.sigrej(flux[:, i, j], meta.bg_thresh, mask[:, i, j], estsig) if not all(data['mask'][:, i, j].values): # counting the amount of flagged bad pixels nbadpix = ngoodpix - np.sum(data['mask'][:, i, j].values) nbadpix_total += nbadpix flag_percent = nbadpix_total/np.product(flux.shape)*100 log.writelog(f" {flag_percent:.5f} of the pixels have been flagged as " "outliers\n", mute=(not meta.verbose)) return data
[docs] def do_oneoverf_corr(data, meta, i, star_pos_x, log): """ Correcting for 1/f noise in each amplifier region by doing a row-by-row subtraction while avoiding pixels close to the star. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The current integration. star_pos_x : int The star position in columns (x dimension). log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object after the 1/f correction has been completed. """ if i == 0: log.writelog('Correcting for 1/f noise...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Let's first determine which amplifier regions are left in the frame. # For NIRCam: 4 amplifiers, 512 pixels in x dimension per amplifier # Every NIRCam subarray has 2048 pixels in the x dimension pxl_idxs = np.arange(2048) pxl_in_window_bool = np.zeros(2048, dtype=bool) # pxl_in_window_bool is True for pixels which weren't trimmed away # by meta.xwindow for j in range(len(pxl_idxs)): if meta.xwindow[0] <= pxl_idxs[j] < meta.xwindow[1]: pxl_in_window_bool[j] = True ampl_used_bool = np.any(pxl_in_window_bool.reshape((4, 512)), axis=1) # Example: if only the middle two amplifier are left after trimming: # ampl_used = [False, True, True, False] # position of star before trimming star_pos_x_untrim = int(star_pos_x) + meta.xwindow[0] star_exclusion_area_untrim = \ np.array([star_pos_x_untrim-meta.oneoverf_dist, star_pos_x_untrim+meta.oneoverf_dist]) use_cols = np.ones(2048, dtype=bool) for k in range(2048): if star_exclusion_area_untrim[0] <= k < star_exclusion_area_untrim[1]: use_cols[k] = False use_cols = use_cols[meta.xwindow[0]:meta.xwindow[1]] # Array with bools checking if column should be used for # background subtraction edges_all = [] flux_all = [] err_all = [] mask_all = [] edges = np.array([[0, 512], [512, 1024], [1024, 1536], [1536, 2048]]) # Let's go through each amplifier region for j in range(4): if not ampl_used_bool[j]: edges_all.append(np.zeros(2)) flux_all.append(np.zeros(2)) err_all.append(np.zeros(2)) mask_all.append(np.zeros(2)) continue edge = edges[j] - meta.xwindow[0] edge[np.where(edge < 0)] = 0 use_cols_temp = np.copy(use_cols) inds = np.arange(len(use_cols_temp)) # Set False if columns are out of amplifier region use_cols_temp[np.logical_or(inds < edge[0], inds >= edge[1])] = False edges_all.append(edge) flux_all.append(data.flux.values[i][:, use_cols_temp]) err_all.append(data.err.values[i][:, use_cols_temp]) mask_all.append(data.mask.values[i][:, use_cols_temp]) # Do odd even column subtraction odd_cols = data.flux.values[i, :, ::2] even_cols = data.flux.values[i, :, 1::2] use_cols_odd = use_cols[::2] use_cols_even = use_cols[1::2] odd_median = np.nanmedian(odd_cols[:, use_cols_odd]) even_median = np.nanmedian(even_cols[:, use_cols_even]) data.flux.values[i, :, ::2] -= odd_median data.flux.values[i, :, 1::2] -= even_median if meta.oneoverf_corr == 'meanerr': for j in range(128): for k in range(4): if ampl_used_bool[k]: edges_temp = edges_all[k] data.flux.values[i][j, edges_temp[0]:edges_temp[1]] -= \ me.meanerr(flux_all[k][j], err_all[k][j], mask=mask_all[k][j], err=False) elif meta.oneoverf_corr == 'median': for k in range(4): if ampl_used_bool[k]: edges_temp = edges_all[k] data.flux.values[i][:, edges_temp[0]:edges_temp[1]] -= \ np.nanmedian(flux_all[k], axis=1)[:, None] else: log.writelog('This 1/f correction method is not supported.' ' Please choose between meanerr or median.', mute=(not meta.verbose)) return data
[docs] def calibrated_spectra(data, meta, log): """Modify data to compute calibrated spectra in units of mJy. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : ndarray The flux values in mJy Notes ----- History: - 2023-07-17, KBS Initial version. """ # Convert from MJy/sr to mJy log.writelog(" Converting from MJy/sr to mJy...", mute=(not meta.verbose)) data['flux'].data *= 1e9*data.shdr['PIXAR_SR'] data['err'].data *= 1e9*data.shdr['PIXAR_SR'] data['v0'].data *= 1e9*data.shdr['PIXAR_SR'] # Update units data['flux'].attrs["flux_units"] = 'mJy' data['err'].attrs["flux_units"] = 'mJy' data['v0'].attrs["flux_units"] = 'mJy' return data