Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.plots_s3

import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as spi
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from mpl_toolkits import axes_grid1
import imageio

from .source_pos import gauss
from ..lib import util, plots

[docs] def lc_nodriftcorr(meta, wave_1d, optspec, optmask=None): '''Plot a 2D light curve without drift correction. (Fig 3101+3102) Fig 3101 uses a linear wavelength x-axis, while Fig 3102 uses a linear detector pixel x-axis. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. wave_1d : Xarray Dataset Wavelength array with trimmed edges depending on xwindow and ywindow which have been set in the S3 ecf optspec : Xarray Dataset The optimally extracted spectrum. optmask : Xarray Dataset; optional A mask array to use if optspec is not a masked array. Defaults to None in which case only the invalid values of optspec will be masked. ''' normspec = util.normalize_spectrum(meta, optspec.values, optmask=optmask.values) # Save the wavelength units as the copy below will erase them wave_units = wave_1d.wave_units # For plotting purposes, extrapolate NaN wavelengths wave_1d = if np.any(wave_1d.mask): masked = np.where(wave_1d.mask)[0] inds = np.arange(len(wave_1d)) wave_1d_valid = np.delete(wave_1d, masked) inds_valid = np.delete(inds, masked) # Do a spline extrapolation of third order interp_fn = interp1d(inds_valid, wave_1d_valid, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate", assume_sorted=True) wave_1d[masked] = interp_fn(masked) wave_1d = wmin = np.nanmin(wave_1d) wmax = np.nanmax(wave_1d) # Don't do min and max because MIRI is backwards # Correctly place label at center of pixel if meta.inst == 'miri': pmin = int(optspec.x[0].values+0.5) pmax = int(optspec.x[-1].values-0.5) else: pmin = int(optspec.x[0].values-0.5) pmax = int(optspec.x[-1].values+0.5) if not hasattr(meta, 'vmin') or meta.vmin is None: meta.vmin = 0.97 if not hasattr(meta, 'vmax') or meta.vmin is None: meta.vmax = 1.03 if not hasattr(meta, 'time_axis') or meta.time_axis is None: meta.time_axis = 'y' elif meta.time_axis not in ['y', 'x']: print("WARNING: meta.time_axis is not one of ['y', 'x']!" " Using 'y' by default.") meta.time_axis = 'y' cmap = fig1 = plt.figure(3101, figsize=(8, 8)) fig2 = plt.figure(3102, figsize=(8, 8)) fig1.clf() fig2.clf() ax1 = fig1.gca() ax2 = fig2.gca() if meta.time_axis == 'y': im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(wave_1d, np.arange(meta.n_int), normspec, vmin=meta.vmin, vmax=meta.vmax, cmap=cmap) im2 = ax2.imshow(normspec, origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[pmin, pmax, 0, meta.n_int], vmin=meta.vmin, vmax=meta.vmax, cmap=cmap) ax1.set_xlim(wmin, wmax) ax2.set_xlim(pmin, pmax) ax1.set_ylim(0, meta.n_int) ax2.set_ylim(0, meta.n_int) ax1.set_ylabel('Integration Number') ax2.set_ylabel('Integration Number') ax1.set_xlabel(f'Wavelength ({wave_units})') ax2.set_xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') else: im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(np.arange(meta.n_int), wave_1d, normspec.swapaxes(0, 1), vmin=meta.vmin, vmax=meta.vmax, cmap=cmap) im2 = ax2.imshow(normspec.swapaxes(0, 1), origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[0, meta.n_int, pmin, pmax], vmin=meta.vmin, vmax=meta.vmax, cmap=cmap) ax1.set_ylim(wmin, wmax) ax2.set_ylim(pmin, pmax) ax1.set_xlim(0, meta.n_int) ax2.set_xlim(0, meta.n_int) ax1.set_ylabel(f'Wavelength ({wave_units})') ax2.set_ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') ax1.set_xlabel('Integration Number') ax2.set_xlabel('Integration Number') ax1.minorticks_on() ax2.minorticks_on() ax1.set_title(f"MAD = {np.round(meta.mad_s3, 0).astype(int)} ppm") ax2.set_title(f"MAD = {np.round(meta.mad_s3, 0).astype(int)} ppm") fig1.colorbar(im1, ax=ax1, label='Normalized Flux') fig2.colorbar(im2, ax=ax2, label='Normalized Flux') fig1.set_layout_engine('tight') fig2.set_layout_engine('tight') fname1 = f'figs{os.sep}fig3101-2D_LC'+plots.figure_filetype fname2 = f'figs{os.sep}fig3102-2D_LC'+plots.figure_filetype fig1.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname1, dpi=300) fig2.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname2, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def image_and_background(data, meta, log, m): '''Make image+background plot. (Figs 3301) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. m : int The file number. ''' log.writelog(' Creating figures for background subtraction...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # If need be, transpose array so that largest dimension is on x axis if len(data.flux.x.values) < len(data.flux.y.values): data = data.transpose('time', 'x', 'y') ymin, ymax = data.flux.x.min().values, data.flux.x.max().values xmin, xmax = data.flux.y.min().values, data.flux.y.max().values else: xmin, xmax = data.flux.x.min().values, data.flux.x.max().values ymin, ymax = data.flux.y.min().values, data.flux.y.max().values intstart = data.attrs['intstart'] subdata =, data.flux.values) subbg =, # Commented out vmax calculation is sensitive to unflagged hot pixels # vmax = vmin = -200 vmax = 1000 median = std = # Set bad pixels to plot as black cmap = cmap.set_bad('k', 1.) iterfn = range(meta.int_end-meta.int_start) if meta.verbose: iterfn = tqdm(iterfn) for n in iterfn: plt.figure(3301, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'Integration {intstart + n}') plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Background-Subtracted Frame') plt.imshow(subdata[n], origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='nearest', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Subtracted Background') plt.imshow(subbg[n], origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=median-3*std, vmax=median+3*std, interpolation='nearest', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files)) + 1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3301_file{file_number}_int{int_number}_' + meta.bg_dir + '_ImageAndBackground'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def drift_2D(data, meta): '''Plot the fitted 2D drift. (Fig 3106) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. ''' plt.figure(3106, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() plt.subplot(211) for p in range(2): iscans = np.where(data.scandir.values == p)[0] if len(iscans) > 0: plt.plot(iscans, data.centroid_y[iscans], '.') plt.ylabel(f'Drift Along y ({data.centroid_y.units})') plt.subplot(212) for p in range(2): iscans = np.where(data.scandir.values == p)[0] if len(iscans) > 0: plt.plot(iscans, data.centroid_x[iscans], '.') plt.ylabel(f'Drift Along x ({data.centroid_x.units})') plt.xlabel('Integration Number') plt.tight_layout() fname = f'figs{os.sep}fig3106_Drift2D{plots.figure_filetype}' plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def optimal_spectrum(data, meta, n, m): '''Make optimal spectrum plot. (Figs 3302) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. n : int The integration number. m : int The file number. ''' intstart, stdspec, optspec, opterr = (data.attrs['intstart'], data.stdspec.values, data.optspec.values, data.opterr.values) plt.figure(3302) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'1D Spectrum - Integration {intstart + n}') plt.semilogy(data.stdspec.x.values, stdspec[n], '-', color='C1', label='Standard Spec') plt.errorbar(data.stdspec.x.values, optspec[n], yerr=opterr[n], fmt='-', color='C2', ecolor='C2', label='Optimal Spec') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3302_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + '_Spectrum'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def source_position(meta, x_dim, pos_max, m, n, isgauss=False, x=None, y=None, popt=None, isFWM=False, y_pixels=None, sum_row=None, y_pos=None): '''Plot source position for MIRI data. (Figs 3103) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. x_dim : int The number of pixels in the y-direction in the image. pos_max : float The brightest row. m : int The file number. n : int The integration number. isgauss : bool; optional Used a guassian centring method. x : type; optional Unused. y : type; optional Unused. popt : list; optional The fitted Gaussian terms. isFWM : bool; optional Used a flux-weighted mean centring method. y_pixels : 1darray; optional The indices of the y-pixels. sum_row : 1darray; optional The sum over each row. y_pos : float; optional The FWM central position of the star. Notes ----- History: - 2021-07-14: Sebastian Zieba Initial version. - Oct 15, 2021: Taylor Bell Tidied up the code a bit to reduce repeated code. ''' plt.figure(3103) plt.clf() plt.plot(y_pixels, sum_row, 'o', label='Data') if isgauss: x_gaussian = np.linspace(0, x_dim, 500) gaussian = gauss(x_gaussian, *popt) plt.plot(x_gaussian, gaussian, '-', label='Gaussian Fit') plt.axvline(popt[1], ls=':', label='Gaussian Center', c='C2') plt.xlim(pos_max-meta.spec_hw, pos_max+meta.spec_hw) elif isFWM: plt.axvline(y_pos, ls='-', label='Weighted Row') plt.axvline(pos_max, ls='--', label='Brightest Row', c='C3') plt.ylabel('Row Flux') plt.xlabel('Row Pixel Position') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3103_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + '_source_pos'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def profile(meta, profile, submask, n, m): '''Plot weighting profile from optimal spectral extraction routine. (Figs 3303) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the data array. submask : ndarray Outlier mask. n : int The current integration number. m : int The file number. ''' profile = submask = mask = np.logical_or(, profile =, profile) submask =, submask) vmin =*submask) vmax = vmin + 0.05**submask) cmap = plt.figure(3303, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() plt.title(f"Optimal Profile - Integration {n}") plt.imshow(profile*submask, aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.ylabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3303_file{file_number}_int{int_number}_Profile' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def subdata(meta, i, n, m, subdata, submask, expected, loc, variance): '''Show 1D view of profile for each column. (Figs 3501) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The column number. n : int The current integration number. m : int The file number. subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. submask : ndarray Outlier mask. expected : ndarray Expected profile loc : int Location of worst outlier. variance : ndarray Variance of background subtracted data. ''' ny, nx = subdata.shape plt.figure(3501) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'Integration {n}, Columns {i}/{nx}') plt.errorbar(np.arange(ny)[np.where(submask[:, i])[0]], subdata[np.where(submask[:, i])[0], i], np.sqrt(variance[np.where(submask[:, i])[0], i]), fmt='.', color='b') plt.plot(np.arange(ny)[np.where(submask[:, i])[0]], expected[np.where(submask[:, i])[0], i], 'g-') plt.plot((loc), (subdata[loc, i]), 'ro') file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) col_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(nx))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3501_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + f'_col{col_number}_subdata'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)
[docs] def driftypos(data, meta, m): '''Plot the spatial jitter. (Fig 3104) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. m : int The file number. Notes ----- History: - 2022-07-11 Caroline Piaulet First version of this function ''' plt.figure(3104, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() plt.plot(np.arange(meta.n_int), data["centroid_y"].values, '.') plt.ylabel('Spectrum spatial profile center') plt.xlabel('Integration Number') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3104_file{file_number}_DriftYPos' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def driftywidth(data, meta, m): '''Plot the spatial profile's fitted Gaussian width. (Fig 3105) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. m : int The file number. Notes ----- History: - 2022-07-11 Caroline Piaulet First version of this function ''' plt.figure(3105, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() plt.plot(np.arange(meta.n_int), data["centroid_sy"].values, '.') plt.ylabel('Spectrum spatial profile width') plt.xlabel('Integration Number') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3105_file{file_number}_DriftYWidth' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def residualBackground(data, meta, m, vmin=-200, vmax=1000): '''Plot the median, BG-subtracted frame to study the residual BG region and aperture/BG sizes. (Fig 3304) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. m : int The file number. vmin : int; optional Minimum value of colormap. Default is -200. vmax : int; optional Maximum value of colormap. Default is 1000. Notes ----- History: - 2022-07-29 KBS Initial version ''' xmin = int(data.flux.x.values[0]) xmax = int(data.flux.x.values[-1]) ymin, ymax = data.flux.y.min().values, data.flux.y.max().values # Median flux of segment subdata =, data.flux.values) flux =, axis=0) # Compute vertical slice of with 10 columns slice = np.nanmedian(flux[:, meta.subnx//2-5:meta.subnx//2+5], axis=1) # Interpolate to 0.01-pixel resolution f = spi.interp1d(np.arange(ymin, ymax+1), slice, 'cubic') ny_hr = np.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.01) flux_hr = f(ny_hr) # Set bad pixels to plot as black cmap = cmap.set_bad('k', 1.) plt.figure(3304, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() fig, (a0, a1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [3, 1]}, num=3304, figsize=(8, 3.5)) a0.imshow(flux, origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax + 1]) a0.hlines([ymin+meta.bg_y1, ymin+meta.bg_y2-1], xmin, xmax, color='orange') a0.hlines([ymin+meta.src_ypos+meta.spec_hw+1, ymin+meta.src_ypos-meta.spec_hw], xmin, xmax, color='mediumseagreen', linestyle='dashed') a0.axes.set_ylabel("Detector Pixel Position") a0.axes.set_xlabel("Detector Pixel Position") a1.scatter(flux_hr, ny_hr, 5, flux_hr, cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin, vmax)) a1.vlines([0], ymin, ymax, color='0.5', linestyle='dotted') a1.hlines([ymin+meta.bg_y1, ymin+meta.bg_y2-1], vmin, vmax, color='orange', linestyle='solid', label='bg'+str(meta.bg_hw)) a1.hlines([ymin+meta.src_ypos+meta.spec_hw+1, ymin+meta.src_ypos-meta.spec_hw], vmin, vmax, color='mediumseagreen', linestyle='dashed', label='ap'+str(meta.spec_hw)) a1.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8) a1.axes.set_xlabel("Flux [e-]") a1.axes.set_xlim(vmin, vmax) a1.axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax + 1) a1.axes.set_yticklabels([]) # a1.yaxis.set_visible(False) a1.axes.set_xticks(np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 3)) fig.colorbar(, vmax), cmap=cmap), ax=a1) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.97, bottom=0.155, left=0.08, right=0.925, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.08) file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3304_file{file_number}' + '_ResidualBG'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)
[docs] def curvature(meta, column_coms, smooth_coms, int_coms, m): '''Plot the measured, smoothed, and integer correction from the measured curvature. (Fig 3107) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. column_coms : 1D array Measured center of mass (light) for each pixel column smooth_coms : 1D array Smoothed center of mass (light) for each pixel column int_coms : 1D array Integer-rounded center of mass (light) for each pixel column m : int The file number. Notes ----- History: - 2022-07-31 KBS Initial version ''' cmap = plt.figure(3107) plt.clf() plt.title("Trace Curvature") plt.plot(column_coms, '.', label='Measured', color=cmap(0.25)) plt.plot(smooth_coms, '-', label='Smoothed', color=cmap(0.98)) plt.plot(int_coms, 's', label='Integer', color=cmap(0.7), ms=2) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3107_file{file_number}_Curvature' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)
[docs] def median_frame(data, meta, m): '''Plot the cleaned time-median frame. (Fig 3308) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. m : int The file number. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-06 KBS Initial version ''' xmin, xmax = data.flux.x.min().values, data.flux.x.max().values ymin, ymax = data.flux.y.min().values, data.flux.y.max().values vmin = data.medflux.min().values vmax = np.max([2000, vmin+2000]) cmap = plt.figure(3308, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() plt.title("Cleaned Median Frame") plt.imshow(data.medflux, origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='nearest', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3308_file{file_number}_MedianFrame' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)
# Photometry
[docs] def phot_lc(data, meta): """ Plots the flux as determined by the photometry routine as a function of time. (Fig 3108) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ plt.figure(3108) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('Photometric light curve') plt.errorbar(data.time, data['aplev'], yerr=data['aperr'], c='k', fmt='.') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.tight_layout() fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3108-1D_LC' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_bg(data, meta): """ Plots the background flux as determined by the photometry routine as a function of time. (Fig 3305) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ if not meta.skip_apphot_bg: plt.figure(3305) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('Photometric background light curve') plt.errorbar(data.time, data['skylev'], yerr=data['skyerr'], c='k', fmt='.') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.tight_layout() fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3305-1D_LC_BG' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_centroid(data, meta): """ Plots the (x, y) centroids and (sx, sy) the Gaussian 1-sigma half-widths as a function of time. (Fig 3109) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version - 2023-02-24 Isaac Edelman Enchanced graph layout, added sig display values for sy,sx, and fixed issue with ax[2] displaying sy instead of sx. - 2023-04-21 Isaac Edelman Added flat "0" lines to plots. """ plt.figure(3109) plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, num=3019, figsize=(10, 6), sharex=True) plt.suptitle('Centroid positions over time') cx = data.centroid_x.values cx_rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((cx - np.nanmedian(cx)) ** 2)) cy = data.centroid_y.values cy_rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((cy - np.nanmedian(cy)) ** 2)) csx = data.centroid_sx.values csx_rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((csx - np.nanmedian(csx)) ** 2)) csy = data.centroid_sy.values csy_rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((csy - np.nanmedian(csy)) ** 2)) ax[0].plot(data.time, data.centroid_x-np.nanmean(data.centroid_x), label=r'$\sigma$x = {0:.4f} pxls'.format(cx_rms)) ax[0].axhline(y=0, linestyle=':', c='r') ax[0].set_ylabel('Delta x') ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0.5), loc=6) ax[1].plot(data.time, data.centroid_y-np.nanmean(data.centroid_y), label=r'$\sigma$y = {0:.4f} pxls'.format(cy_rms)) ax[1].axhline(y=0, linestyle=':', c='r') ax[1].set_ylabel('Delta y') ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0.5), loc=6) ax[2].plot(data.time, data.centroid_sx-np.nanmean(data.centroid_sx), label=r'$\sigma$sx = {0:.4f} pxls'.format(csx_rms)) ax[2].axhline(y=0, linestyle=':', c='r') ax[2].set_ylabel('Delta sx') ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0.5), loc=6) ax[3].plot(data.time, data.centroid_sy-np.nanmean(data.centroid_sy), label=r'$\sigma$sy = {0:.4f} pxls'.format(csy_rms)) ax[3].axhline(y=0, linestyle=':', c='r') ax[3].set_ylabel('Delta sy') ax[3].set_xlabel('Time') ax[3].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0.5), loc=6) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.02) plt.tight_layout() fig.align_ylabels() fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3109-Centroid' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_npix(data, meta): """ Plots the number of pixels within the target aperture and within the background annulus as a function of time. (Fig 3502) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ plt.figure(3502) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('Aperture sizes over time') plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(range(len(data.nappix)), data.nappix) plt.ylabel('nappix') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(range(len(data.nskypix)), data.nskypix) plt.ylabel('nskypix') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.tight_layout() fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3502_aperture_size' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_centroid_fgc(img, x, y, sx, sy, i, m, meta): """ Plot of the gaussian fit to the centroid cutout. (Fig 3503) Parameters ---------- img : 2D numpy array Cutout of the center of the target which is used to determine the centroid position. x : float Centroid position in x direction. y : float Centroid position in y direction. sx : float Gaussian Sigma of Centroid position in x direction. sy : float Gaussian Sigma of Centroid position in y direction. i : int The integration number. m : int The file number. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version - 2023-04-19 Isaac Edelman Cleaned up plot & corrected plotting feature """ plt.figure(3503) plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, num=3503, figsize=(8, 8)) # Title plt.suptitle('Centroid gaussian fit') # Image of source ax[1, 0].imshow(img, origin='lower', aspect='auto') # X gaussian plot norm_x_factor = np.nansum(np.nansum(img, axis=0)) ax[0, 0].plot(range(len(np.nansum(img, axis=0))), np.nansum(img, axis=0)/norm_x_factor) x_plot = np.linspace(0, len(np.nansum(img, axis=0))) norm_distr_x = stats.norm.pdf(x_plot, x, sx) norm_distr_x_scaled = \ norm_distr_x/np.nanmax(norm_distr_x)*np.nanmax(np.nansum(img, axis=0)) ax[0, 0].plot(x_plot, norm_distr_x_scaled/norm_x_factor, linestyle='dashed') ax[0, 0].set_xlabel('x position') ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') # Y gaussian plot norm_y_factor = np.nansum(np.nansum(img, axis=0)) ax[1, 1].plot(np.nansum(img, axis=1)/norm_y_factor, range(len(np.nansum(img, axis=1)))) y_plot = np.linspace(0, len(np.nansum(img, axis=1))) norm_distr_y = stats.norm.pdf(y_plot, y, sy) norm_distr_y_scaled = \ norm_distr_y/np.nanmax(norm_distr_y)*np.nanmax(np.nansum(img, axis=1)) ax[1, 1].plot(norm_distr_y_scaled/norm_y_factor, y_plot, linestyle='dashed') ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('y position') ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('Normalized Flux') # Last plot in (0,1) not used ax[0, 1].set_axis_off() plt.tight_layout() # Naming figure file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3503_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' f'_Centroid_Fit' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def add_colorbar(im, aspect=20, pad_fraction=0.5, **kwargs): """ Add a vertical color bar to an image plot. Taken from: questions/18195758/set-matplotlib-colorbar-size-to-match-graph """ divider = axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(im.axes) width = axes_grid1.axes_size.AxesY(im.axes, aspect=1./aspect) pad = axes_grid1.axes_size.Fraction(pad_fraction, width) current_ax = plt.gca() cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) return im.axes.figure.colorbar(im, cax=cax, **kwargs)
[docs] def phot_2d_frame(data, meta, m, i): """ Plots the 2D frame together with the centroid position, the target aperture and the background annulus. (Fig 3306) If meta.isplots_S3 >= 5, this function will additionally create another figure - Fig 3504 - but it only includes the target area. (Fig 3306 and 3504) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The integration number. m : int The file number. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ plt.figure(3306, figsize=(8, 3)) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('2D frame with centroid and apertures') flux, centroid_x, centroid_y = \ data.flux[i], data.centroid_x[i], data.centroid_y[i] xmin = data.flux.x.min().values-meta.xwindow[0] xmax = data.flux.x.max().values-meta.xwindow[0] ymin = data.flux.y.min().values-meta.ywindow[0] ymax = data.flux.y.max().values-meta.ywindow[0] vmax = np.nanmedian(flux)+8*np.nanstd(flux) vmin = np.nanmedian(flux)-3*np.nanstd(flux) im = plt.imshow(flux, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower', aspect='equal', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.scatter(centroid_x, centroid_y, marker='x', s=25, c='r', label='centroid') plt.title('Full 2D frame') plt.ylabel('y pixels') plt.xlabel('x pixels') circle1 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.photap, color='r', fill=False, lw=3, alpha=0.7, label='target aperture') circle2 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.skyin, color='w', fill=False, lw=4, alpha=0.8, label='sky aperture') circle3 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.skyout, color='w', fill=False, lw=4, alpha=0.8) plt.gca().add_patch(circle1) plt.gca().add_patch(circle2) plt.gca().add_patch(circle3) add_colorbar(im, label='Flux (electrons)') plt.xlim(0, flux.shape[1]) plt.ylim(0, flux.shape[0]) plt.xlabel('x pixels') plt.ylabel('y pixels') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3306_file{file_number}_int{int_number}_2D_Frame' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2) if meta.isplots_S3 >= 5: plt.figure(3504, figsize=(6, 5)) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('2D frame with centroid and apertures (zoom-in version)') im = plt.imshow(flux, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower', aspect='equal', extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.scatter(centroid_x, centroid_y, marker='x', s=25, c='r', label='centroid') plt.title('Zoom into 2D frame') plt.ylabel('y pixels') plt.xlabel('x pixels') circle1 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.photap, color='r', fill=False, lw=3, alpha=0.7, label='target aperture') circle2 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.skyin, color='w', fill=False, lw=4, alpha=0.8, label='sky aperture') circle3 = plt.Circle((centroid_x, centroid_y), meta.skyout, color='w', fill=False, lw=4, alpha=0.8) plt.gca().add_patch(circle1) plt.gca().add_patch(circle2) plt.gca().add_patch(circle3) add_colorbar(im, label='Flux (electrons)') xlim_min = max(0, centroid_x - meta.skyout - 10) xlim_max = min(centroid_x + meta.skyout + 10, flux.shape[1]) ylim_min = max(0, centroid_y - meta.skyout - 10) ylim_max = min(centroid_y + meta.skyout + 10, flux.shape[0]) plt.xlim(xlim_min, xlim_max) plt.ylim(ylim_min, ylim_max) plt.xlabel('x pixels') plt.ylabel('y pixels') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3504_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' f'_2D_Frame_Zoom' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_2d_frame_oneoverf(data, meta, m, i, flux_w_oneoverf): """ Plots the 2D frame with a low vmax so that the background is well visible. The top panel is before the 1/f correction, the lower panel shows the 2D frame after the 1/f correction. The typical "stripy" structure for each row should have been mitigated after the 1/f correction in Stage 3. (Fig 3307) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The integration number. m : int The file number. flux_w_oneoverf : 2D numpy array The 2D frame before the 1/f correction Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ plt.figure(3307) plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, num=3307, figsize=(8.2, 4.2)) cmap = ax[0].imshow(flux_w_oneoverf, origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=40), cmap=cmap) ax[0].set_title('Before 1/f correction') ax[0].set_ylabel('y pixels') flux = data.flux.values[i] im1 = ax[1].imshow(flux, origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=40), cmap=cmap) ax[1].set_title('After 1/f correction') ax[1].set_xlabel('x pixels') ax[1].set_ylabel('y pixels') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) cbar = fig.colorbar(im1, ax=ax)'Flux (electrons)') file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fig.suptitle((f'Segment {file_number}, Integration {int_number}'), y=0.99) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3307_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' f'_2D_Frame_OneOverF' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def phot_2d_frame_diff(data, meta): """ Plots the difference between to consecutive 2D frames. This might be helpful in order to investigate flux changes due to mirror tilts which have been observed during commissioning. (Fig 3505) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Notes ----- History: - 2022-08-02 Sebastian Zieba Initial version """ for i in range(meta.nplots): plt.figure(3505) plt.clf() plt.suptitle('2D frame differences') flux1 = data.flux.values[i] flux2 = data.flux.values[i+1] plt.imshow(flux2-flux1, origin='lower', vmin=-600, vmax=600) plt.xlabel('x pixels') plt.ylabel('y pixels') plt.colorbar(label='Delta Flux (electrons)') plt.tight_layout() int_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int)) + 1)) plt.suptitle((f'Integration {int_number}'), y=0.99) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3505_int{int_number}_2D_Frame_Diff' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs] def stddev_profile(meta, n, m, stdevs, p7thresh): """ Plots the difference between the data and optimal profile in units of standard deviations. The scale goes from 0 to p7thresh. (Fig 3506) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. n : int The current integration number. m : int The file number. stdevs : 2D array Difference between data and profile in standard deviations p7thresh : int X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection during optimal spectral extraction Notes ----- History: - 2022-12-29 Kevin Stevenson Initial version """ plt.figure(3506, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() cmap = plt.title(f'Std. Dev. from Optimal Profile - Integration {n}') plt.imshow(stdevs, origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmax=p7thresh, vmin=0, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') plt.ylabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3506_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + '_Std_Dev_Profile'+plots.figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=200) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)
[docs] def tilt_events(meta, data, log, m, position, saved_refrence_tilt_frame): """ Plots the mirror tilt events by divinding an integrations' flux values by a median frames' flux values. Creates .pngs and a .gif (Fig 3507a, Fig 3507b, Fig 3507c) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. m : int The file number. position : ndarray The y, x position of the star. saved_refrence_tilt_frame : ndarray The median of the first 10 integrations. Returns ------- ndarray A median frame of the first 10 integrations. Notes ----- History: - 2023-03-22 Isaac Edelman Initial implementation. """ images = [] cmap = # Crop out noisy background pixels delta_x = 70 delta_y = 80 minx = -delta_x+int(position[1]) maxx = delta_x+int(position[1]) miny = -delta_y+int(position[0]) maxy = delta_y+int(position[0]) maxy = np.min([maxy, np.argmax(data.y.values)]) miny = np.max([miny, np.argmin(data.y.values)]) maxx = np.min([maxx, np.argmax(data.x.values)]) minx = np.max([minx, np.argmin(data.x.values)]) asb_xpos_min = data.x.values[minx] asb_xpos_max = data.x.values[maxx] asb_ypos_min = data.y.values[miny] asb_ypos_max = data.y.values[maxy] # Create median frame if saved_refrence_tilt_frame is None: refrence_tilt_frame = ((np.nanmedian(data.flux.values[:10], axis=0))[miny:maxy, minx:maxx]) else: refrence_tilt_frame = saved_refrence_tilt_frame # Plot each integration for i in tqdm(range(len(data.time)), desc=' Creating tilt event figures'): # Caluculate flux ratio flux_tilt = (data.flux.values[i, miny:maxy, minx:maxx] / refrence_tilt_frame) # Create plot plt.figure(3507, figsize=(6, 6)) plt.clf() # Plot figure im = plt.imshow(flux_tilt, origin='lower', aspect='equal', vmin=0.98, vmax=1.02, cmap=cmap) # Figure settings plt.title('Tilt Identification') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, flux_tilt.shape[1], 1), (np.arange(asb_xpos_min, asb_xpos_max, 1)), rotation='vertical') plt.yticks(np.arange(0, flux_tilt.shape[0], 1), (np.arange(asb_ypos_min, asb_ypos_max, 1)), rotation='horizontal') add_colorbar(im, label='Flux Ratio') plt.locator_params(nbins=11) plt.tick_params(labelsize='small') plt.xlabel('x pixels') plt.ylabel('y pixels') # Create file names tilt_events = os.path.join(meta.outputdir + 'figs', 'tilt_events') if not os.path.exists(tilt_events): os.mkdir(tilt_events) file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10( meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) # Define names of files and labels plt.suptitle((f'Batch {file_number}, Integration {int_number}'), y=0.99) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}tilt_events{os.sep}' f'fig3507a_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' f'_tilt_events' + plots.figure_filetype) plt.tight_layout() # Save figure plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=250, bbox_inches='tight') if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2) # Create list of figure names to pull from later to create .gif images.append(imageio.v2.imread(meta.outputdir + fname)) # Figure fig3507b # Create .gif per batch log.writelog(' Creating batch tilt event GIF', mute=(not meta.verbose)) imageio.mimsave(meta.outputdir + f'figs{os.sep}' + f'fig3507b_tilt_event_batch_{file_number}.gif', images, fps=20) # Figure fig3507c # Create .gif of all tilt event segments combined if not meta.testing_S3 and (m + 1 == meta.nbatch): log.writelog(' Creating all segment tilt event GIF', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Create list of all .png tilt images in tilt_event folder all_images = [] in_filenames = [] for file in os.listdir(meta.outputdir + f'figs{os.sep}tilt_events{os.sep}'): if file.endswith(".png"): in_filenames.append(os.path.join(meta.outputdir + f'figs{os.sep}' + f'tilt_events{os.sep}', file)) in_filenames.sort() # Create list of all figure names to pull from later to create .gif for fname in in_filenames: all_images.append(imageio.v2.imread(fname)) # Create .gif of all tilt event segments imageio.mimsave(meta.outputdir + f'figs{os.sep}' + 'fig3507c_tilt_events_all_segments.gif', all_images, fps=60) return refrence_tilt_frame