Source code for eureka.S4_generate_lightcurves.generate_LD

from exotic_ld import StellarLimbDarkening
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def exotic_ld(meta, spec, log, white=False): '''Generate limb-darkening coefficients using the exotic_ld package. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. spec : Astreaus object Data object of wavelength-like arrrays. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. white : bool; optional If True, compute the limb-darkening parameters for the white-light light curve. Defaults to False. Returns ------- ld_coeffs : tuple Linear, Quadratic, Non-linear (3 and 4) limb-darkening coefficients Notes ----- History: - July 2022, Eva-Maria Ahrer Initial version based on exotic_ld documentation. ''' log.writelog("...using exotic-ld package...", mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Set the observing mode custom_wavelengths = None custom_throughput = None if hasattr(meta, 'exotic_ld_file') and meta.exotic_ld_file is not None: mode = 'custom' log.writelog("Using custom throughput file " + meta.exotic_ld_file, mute=(not meta.verbose)) # load custom file custom_data = pd.read_csv(meta.exotic_ld_file) custom_wavelengths = custom_data['wave'].values custom_throughput = custom_data['tp'].values if (custom_wavelengths[0] > 0.3) and (custom_wavelengths[0] < 30): log.writelog("Custom wavelengths appear to be in microns. " + "Converting to Angstroms.") custom_wavelengths *= 1e4 elif meta.inst == 'miri': mode = 'JWST_MIRI_' + meta.inst_filter elif meta.inst == 'nircam': mode = 'JWST_NIRCam_' + meta.inst_filter elif meta.inst == 'nirspec': mode = 'JWST_NIRSpec_' + meta.inst_filter elif meta.inst == 'niriss': mode = 'JWST_NIRISS_' + meta.inst_filter elif meta.inst == 'wfc3': mode = 'HST_WFC3_' + meta.inst_filter # Compute wavelength ranges if white: wavelength_range = np.array([meta.wave_min, meta.wave_max], dtype=float) wavelength_range = np.repeat(wavelength_range[np.newaxis], meta.nspecchan, axis=0) else: wsdata = np.array(meta.wave_low, dtype=float) wsdata = np.append(wsdata, meta.wave_hi[-1]) wavelength_range = [] for i in range(meta.nspecchan): wavelength_range.append([wsdata[i], wsdata[i+1]]) wavelength_range = np.array(wavelength_range, dtype=float) # wavelength range needs to be in Angstrom if spec.wave_1d.attrs['wave_units'] == 'microns': wavelength_range *= 1e4 # compute stellar limb darkening model sld = StellarLimbDarkening(meta.metallicity, meta.teff, meta.logg, meta.exotic_ld_grid, meta.exotic_ld_direc) lin_c1 = np.zeros((meta.nspecchan, 1)) quad = np.zeros((meta.nspecchan, 2)) nonlin_3 = np.zeros((meta.nspecchan, 3)) nonlin_4 = np.zeros((meta.nspecchan, 4)) for i in range(meta.nspecchan): # generate limb-darkening coefficients for each bin lin_c1[i] = sld.compute_linear_ld_coeffs(wavelength_range[i], mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput)[0] quad[i] = sld.compute_quadratic_ld_coeffs(wavelength_range[i], mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) nonlin_3[i] = \ sld.compute_3_parameter_non_linear_ld_coeffs(wavelength_range[i], mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) nonlin_4[i] = \ sld.compute_4_parameter_non_linear_ld_coeffs(wavelength_range[i], mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) return lin_c1, quad, nonlin_3, nonlin_4