Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.BatmanModels

import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import inspect
    import batman
except ImportError:
    print("Could not import batman. Functionality may be limited.")

from .Model import Model
from .KeplerOrbit import KeplerOrbit
from ..limb_darkening_fit import ld_profile
from ...lib.split_channels import split

[docs] class BatmanTransitModel(Model): """Transit Model""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the transit model Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.Model.__init__(). Can pass in the parameters, longparamlist, nchan, and paramtitles arguments here. """ # Inherit from Model class super().__init__(**kwargs) # Define model type (physical, systematic, other) self.modeltype = 'physical' log = kwargs.get('log') # Store the ld_profile self.ld_from_S4 = kwargs.get('ld_from_S4') ld_func = ld_profile(self.parameters.limb_dark.value, use_gen_ld=self.ld_from_S4) len_params = len(inspect.signature(ld_func).parameters) self.coeffs = ['u{}'.format(n) for n in range(len_params)[1:]] self.ld_from_file = kwargs.get('ld_from_file') # Replace u parameters with generated limb-darkening values if self.ld_from_S4 or self.ld_from_file: log.writelog("Using the following limb-darkening values:") self.ld_array = kwargs.get('ld_coeffs') for c in range(self.nchannel_fitted): chan = self.fitted_channels[c] if self.ld_from_S4: ld_array = self.ld_array[len_params-2] for u in self.coeffs: index = np.where(np.array(self.paramtitles) == u)[0] if len(index) != 0: item = self.longparamlist[c][index[0]] param = int(item.split('_')[0][-1]) ld_val = ld_array[chan][param-1] log.writelog(f"{item}, {ld_val}") # Use the file value as the starting guess self.parameters.dict[item][0] = ld_val # In a normal prior, center at the file value if (self.parameters.dict[item][-1] == 'N' and self.recenter_ld_prior): self.parameters.dict[item][-3] = ld_val # Update the non-dictionary form as well setattr(self.parameters, item, self.parameters.dict[item])
[docs] def eval(self, channel=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate the function with the given values. Parameters ---------- channel : int; optional If not None, only consider one of the channels. Defaults to None. **kwargs : dict Must pass in the time array here if not already set. Returns ------- lcfinal : ndarray The value of the model at the times self.time. """ if channel is None: nchan = self.nchannel_fitted channels = self.fitted_channels else: nchan = 1 channels = [channel, ] # Get the time if self.time is None: self.time = kwargs.get('time') # Initialize model bm_params = batman.TransitParams() # Set all parameters lcfinal = np.array([]) for c in range(nchan): if self.nchannel_fitted > 1: chan = channels[c] else: chan = 0 time = self.time if self.multwhite: # Split the arrays that have lengths of the original time axis time = split([time, ], self.nints, chan)[0] # Set all parameters for index, item in enumerate(self.longparamlist[chan]): setattr(bm_params, self.paramtitles[index], self.parameters.dict[item][0]) # Set limb darkening parameters uarray = [] for u in self.coeffs: index = np.where(np.array(self.paramtitles) == u)[0] if len(index) != 0: item = self.longparamlist[chan][index[0]] uarray.append(self.parameters.dict[item][0]) bm_params.u = uarray # Enforce physicality to avoid crashes from batman by returning # something that should be a horrible fit if not ((0 < bm_params.per) and (0 < < 90) and (1 < bm_params.a) and (0 <= bm_params.ecc < 1) and (0 <= bm_params.w <= 360)): # Returning nans or infs breaks the fits, so this was the # best I could think of lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, 1e12*np.ones_like(time)) continue # Use batman ld_profile name if self.parameters.limb_dark.value == '4-parameter': bm_params.limb_dark = 'nonlinear' elif self.parameters.limb_dark.value == 'kipping2013': # Enforce physicality to avoid crashes from batman by # returning something that should be a horrible fit if bm_params.u[0] <= 0: # Returning nans or infs breaks the fits, so this was # the best I could think of lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, 1e12*np.ones_like(time)) continue bm_params.limb_dark = 'quadratic' u1 = 2*np.sqrt(bm_params.u[0])*bm_params.u[1] u2 = np.sqrt(bm_params.u[0])*(1-2*bm_params.u[1]) bm_params.u = np.array([u1, u2]) # Make the transit model m_transit = batman.TransitModel(bm_params, time, transittype='primary') lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, m_transit.light_curve(bm_params)) return lcfinal
[docs] class BatmanEclipseModel(Model): """Eclipse Model""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the transit model Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.Model.__init__(). """ # Inherit from Model calss super().__init__(**kwargs) # Define model type (physical, systematic, other) self.modeltype = 'physical' log = kwargs.get('log') # Get the parameters relevant to light travel time correction ltt_params = np.array(['a', 'per', 'inc', 't0', 'ecc', 'w']) # Check if able to do ltt correction self.compute_ltt = (np.all(np.in1d(ltt_params, self.paramtitles)) and 'Rs' in self.parameters.dict.keys()) if self.compute_ltt: # Check if we need to do ltt correction for each # wavelength or only one if self.nchannel_fitted > 1: # Check whether the parameters are all either fixed or shared once_type = ['shared', 'fixed'] self.compute_ltt_once = \ all([self.parameters.dict.get(name)[1] in once_type for name in ltt_params]) else: self.compute_ltt_once = True else: missing_params = ltt_params[~np.any(ltt_params.reshape(-1, 1) == np.array(self.paramtitles), axis=1)] if 'Rs' not in self.parameters.dict.keys(): missing_params = np.append('Rs', missing_params) if 't_secondary' not in self.parameters.dict.keys(): log.writelog(f"WARNING: Missing parameters [" f"{', '.join(missing_params)}] in your EPF which " f"are required to account for light-travel time." f"\n" f" You should either add these " f"parameters, or you should be fitting for " f"t_secondary\n" f" (but note that the fitted t_secondary " f"will not be accounting for light-travel time).") else: log.writelog(f"WARNING: Missing parameters " f"{', '.join(missing_params)} in your EPF which " f"are required to account for light-travel time." f"\n" f" While you are fitting for t_secondary" f" which will help, note that the fitted " f"t_secondary\n" f" will not be accounting for " f"light-travel time).")
[docs] def eval(self, channel=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate the function with the given values. Parameters ---------- channel : int; optional If not None, only consider one of the channels. Defaults to None. **kwargs : dict Must pass in the time array here if not already set. Returns ------- lcfinal : ndarray The value of the model at the times self.time. """ if channel is None: nchan = self.nchannel_fitted channels = self.fitted_channels else: nchan = 1 channels = [channel, ] # Get the time if self.time is None: self.time = kwargs.get('time') # Initialize model bm_params = batman.TransitParams() # Set all parameters lcfinal = np.array([]) for c in range(nchan): if self.nchannel_fitted > 1: chan = channels[c] else: chan = 0 time = self.time if self.multwhite: # Split the arrays that have lengths of the original time axis time = split([time, ], self.nints, chan)[0] # Set all parameters for index, item in enumerate(self.longparamlist[chan]): setattr(bm_params, self.paramtitles[index], self.parameters.dict[item][0]) # Enforce physicality to avoid crashes from batman by # returning something that should be a horrible fit if not ((0 < bm_params.per) and (0 < < 90) and (1 < bm_params.a) and (0 <= bm_params.ecc < 1) and (0 <= bm_params.w <= 360)): # Returning nans or infs breaks the fits, so this was # the best I could think of lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, 1e12*np.ones_like(time)) continue bm_params.limb_dark = 'uniform' bm_params.u = [] if self.compute_ltt: if c == 0 or not self.compute_ltt_once: self.adjusted_time = correct_light_travel_time(time, bm_params) else: self.adjusted_time = time if not np.any(['t_secondary' in key for key in self.longparamlist[chan]]): # If not explicitly fitting for the time of eclipse, get # the time of eclipse from the time of transit, period, # eccentricity, and argument of periastron m_transit = batman.TransitModel(bm_params, self.adjusted_time, transittype='primary') bm_params.t_secondary = m_transit.get_t_secondary(bm_params) # Make the eclipse model m_eclipse = batman.TransitModel(bm_params, self.adjusted_time, transittype='secondary') lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, m_eclipse.light_curve(bm_params)) return lcfinal
[docs] def correct_light_travel_time(time, bm_params): '''Correct for the finite light travel speed. This function uses the file from the Bell_EBM package as that code includes a newer, faster method of solving Kepler's equation based on Tommasini+2018. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray The times at which observations were collected bm_params : batman.TransitParams The batman TransitParams object that contains information on the orbit. Returns ------- time : ndarray Updated times that can be put into batman transit and eclipse functions that will give the expected results assuming a finite light travel speed. Notes ----- History: - 2022-03-31 Taylor J Bell Initial version based on the Bell_EMB file by Taylor J Bell and the light travel time calculations of SPIDERMAN's web.c file by Tom Louden ''' # Need to convert from a/Rs to a in meters a = bm_params.a * (bm_params.Rs*const.R_sun.value) if bm_params.ecc > 0: # Need to solve Kepler's equation, so use the KeplerOrbit class # for rapid computation. In the SPIDERMAN notation z is the radial # coordinate, while for Bell_EBM the radial coordinate is x orbit = KeplerOrbit(a=a, Porb=bm_params.per,, t0=bm_params.t0, e=bm_params.ecc, argp=bm_params.w) old_x, _, _ = transit_x, _, _ = else: # No need to solve Kepler's equation for circular orbits, so save # some computation time transit_x = a*np.sin( old_x = transit_x*np.cos(2*np.pi*(time-bm_params.t0)/bm_params.per) # Get the radial distance variations of the planet delta_x = transit_x - old_x # Compute for light travel time (and convert to days) delta_t = (delta_x/const.c.value)/(3600.*24.) # Subtract light travel time as a first-order correction # Batman will then calculate the model at a slightly earlier time return time-delta_t.flatten()