Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.ExpRampModel

import numpy as np

from .Model import Model
from ...lib.readEPF import Parameters
from ...lib.split_channels import split

[docs] class ExpRampModel(Model): """Model for single or double exponential ramps""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the exponential ramp model. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.Model.__init__(). Can pass in the parameters, longparamlist, nchan, and paramtitles arguments here. """ # Inherit from Model class super().__init__(**kwargs) # Define model type (physical, systematic, other) self.modeltype = 'systematic' # Check for Parameters instance self.parameters = kwargs.get('parameters') # Generate parameters from kwargs if necessary if self.parameters is None: coeff_dict = kwargs.get('coeff_dict') params = {rN: coeff for rN, coeff in coeff_dict.items() if rN.startswith('r') and rN[1:].isdigit()} self.parameters = Parameters(**params) # Update coefficients self.coeffs = np.zeros((self.nchannel_fitted, 6)) self._parse_coeffs() @property def time(self): """A getter for the time.""" return self._time @time.setter def time(self, time_array): """A setter for the time.""" self._time = time_array if self.time is not None: # Convert to local time if self.multwhite: self.time_local = [] for chan in self.fitted_channels: # Split the arrays that have lengths # of the original time axis time = split([self.time, ], self.nints, chan)[0] self.time_local.extend(time - time[0]) self.time_local = np.array(self.time_local) else: self.time_local = self.time - self.time[0] def _parse_coeffs(self): """Convert dict of 'r#' coefficients into a list of coefficients in increasing order, i.e. ['r0','r1','r2']. Returns ------- np.ndarray The sequence of coefficient values. """ # Parse 'r#' keyword arguments as coefficients for c in range(self.nchannel_fitted): if self.nchannel_fitted > 1: chan = self.fitted_channels[c] else: chan = 0 for i in range(6): try: if chan == 0: self.coeffs[c, i] = self.parameters.dict[f'r{i}'][0] else: self.coeffs[c, i] = \ self.parameters.dict[f'r{i}_{chan}'][0] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def eval(self, channel=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate the function with the given values. Parameters ---------- channel : int; optional If not None, only consider one of the channels. Defaults to None. **kwargs : dict Must pass in the time array here if not already set. Returns ------- lcfinal : ndarray The value of the model at the times self.time. """ if channel is None: nchan = self.nchannel_fitted channels = self.fitted_channels else: nchan = 1 channels = [channel, ] # Get the time if self.time is None: self.time = kwargs.get('time') # Create the ramp from the coeffs lcfinal = np.array([]) for c in range(nchan): if self.nchannel_fitted > 1: chan = channels[c] else: chan = 0 time = self.time_local if self.multwhite: # Split the arrays that have lengths of the original time axis time = split([time, ], self.nints, chan)[0] r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = self.coeffs[chan] lcpiece = (1+r0*np.exp(-r1*time + r2) + r3*np.exp(-r4*time + r5)) lcfinal = np.append(lcfinal, lcpiece) return lcfinal