Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.utils

# !/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
A module for utility funtions

import glob
import itertools
import os
import re
import requests
import shutil
import urllib

from import fits
import bokeh.palettes as bpal
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
import numpy as np
from svo_filters import svo

# Supported profiles
PROFILES = ['uniform', 'linear', 'quadratic',
            'squareroot', 'logarithmic', 'exponential',
            '3-parameter', '4-parameter']

# Supported filters
FILTERS = svo.filters()

# Get the location of EXOCTK_DATA environvment variable
# and check that it is valid
EXOCTK_DATA = os.environ.get('EXOCTK_DATA')

# If the variable is blank or doesn't exist
HOME_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~')
ON_TRAVIS_OR_RTD = (HOME_DIR == '/home/travis' or HOME_DIR == '/Users/travis'
                    or HOME_DIR == '/home/docs')
    # if not EXOCTK_DATA:
    #     print(
    #         'WARNING (only important for Stage 5): The $EXOCTK_DATA '
    #         'environment variable is not set.  Please set the '
    #         'value of this variable to point to the location of the
    #         'exoctk_data download folder.  Users may retreive this folder by'
    #         ' clicking the "ExoCTK Data Download" button on the ExoCTK '
    #         'website, or by using the exoctk.utils.download_exoctk_data() '
    #         'function.')
        # If the variable exists but doesn't point to a real location
        if not os.path.exists(EXOCTK_DATA):
            print('WARNING (only important for Stage 5): The $EXOCTK_DATA '
                  'environment variable is set to a location that '
                  'cannot be accessed.')

        # If the variable exists, points to a real location, but
        # is missing contents
        for item in ['exoctk_contam', 'exoctk_log', 'fortney', 'generic',
                     'groups_integrations', 'modelgrid']:
            if item not in [os.path.basename(item)
                            for item in
                            glob.glob(os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, '*'))]:
                print('WARNING (only important for Stage 5): Missing {}/ '
                      'directory from {}. Please ensure that the ExoCTK data '
                      'package has been downloaded. Users may retrieve this '
                      'package by clicking the "ExoCTK Data Download" button '
                      'on the ExoCTK website, or by using the '
                      'exoctk.utils.download_exoctk_data() '
                      'function'.format(item, EXOCTK_DATA))

        EXOCTK_CONTAM_DIR = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, 'exoctk_contam/')
        EXOCTKLOG_DIR = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, 'exoctk_log/')
        FORTGRID_DIR = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, 'fortney/')
        GENERICGRID_DIR = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, 'generic/')
        MODELGRID_DIR = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA, 'modelgrid/')

[docs] def download_exoctk_data(download_location=os.path.expanduser('~')): """Retrieves the ``exoctk_data`` materials from Box, downloads them to the user's local machine, uncompresses the files, and arranges them into an ``exoctk_data`` directory. Parameters ---------- download_location : str; optional The path to where the ExoCTK data package will be downloaded. The default setting is the user's $HOME directory. """ print('\nDownloading ExoCTK data package. This may take a few minutes.') print(f'Materials will be downloaded to {download_location}/exoctk_data/') print() # Ensure the exoctk_data/ directory exists in user's home directory exoctk_data_dir = os.path.join(download_location, 'exoctk_data') try: if not os.path.exists(exoctk_data_dir): os.makedirs(exoctk_data_dir) except PermissionError: print(f'Data download failed. Unable to create {exoctk_data_dir}. ' f'Please check permissions.') # URLs to download contents url_base = '' urls = [url_base+'/exoctk_contam.tar.gz', url_base+'/exoctk_log.tar.gz', url_base+'/groups_integrations.tar.gz', url_base+'/fortney.tar.gz', url_base+'/generic.tar.gz', url_base+'/modelgrid_ATLAS9.tar.gz', url_base+'/modelgrid_ACES_1.tar.gz', url_base+'/modelgrid_ACES_2.tar.gz'] # Build landing paths for downloads download_paths = [os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, os.path.basename(url)) for url in urls] # Perform the downloads for i, url in enumerate(urls): landing_path = os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, os.path.basename(url)) print(f'({i+1}/{len(urls)}) Downloading data to {landing_path} from ' f'{url}') with requests.get(url, stream=True) as response: with open(landing_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048): if chunk: f.write(chunk) print('\nDownload complete\n') # Uncompress data print('Uncompressing data:\n') for path in download_paths: # Uncompress data print('\t{}'.format(path)) shutil.unpack_archive(path, exoctk_data_dir) # Remove original .tar.gz files os.remove(path) # Combine modelgrid directories print('\nOrganizing files into exoctk_data/ directory') try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid', 'ATLAS9')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid', 'ACES')) except FileExistsError: pass modelgrid_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid.*', '*')) for src in modelgrid_files: if 'ATLAS9' in src: dst = os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid', 'ATLAS9') elif 'ACES_' in src: dst = os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid', 'ACES') try: shutil.move(src, dst) except shutil.Error: print('Unable to organize modelgrid/ directory') shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid.ATLAS9')) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid.ACES_1')) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(exoctk_data_dir, 'modelgrid.ACES_2')) print('Completed!')
[docs] def color_gen(colormap='viridis', key=None, n=10): """Color generator for Bokeh plots. Parameters ---------- colormap : str, sequence The name of the color map. key : str; optional The palette key. Defaults to None which uses the first palette key. n : int; optional If palette is callable, the argument to that function. Defaults to 10. Returns ------- generator A generator for the color palette. """ if colormap in dir(bpal): palette = getattr(bpal, colormap) if isinstance(palette, dict): if key is None: key = list(palette.keys())[0] palette = palette[key] elif callable(palette): palette = palette(n) else: raise TypeError("pallette must be a bokeh palette name or a " "sequence of color hex values.") elif isinstance(colormap, (list, tuple)): palette = colormap else: raise TypeError("pallette must be a bokeh palette name or a sequence " "of color hex values.") yield from itertools.cycle(palette)
COLORS = color_gen('Category10', 10)
[docs] def interp_flux(mu, flux, params, values): """Interpolate a cube of synthetic spectra for a given index of mu. Parameters ---------- mu : int The index of the (Teff, logg, FeH, *mu*, wavelength) data cube to interpolate. flux : np.ndarray The 5D data array. params : list A list of each free parameter range. values : list A list of each free parameter values. Returns ------- tuple The array of new flux values, and the generators. """ # Iterate over each wavelength (-1 index of flux array) shp = flux.shape[-1] flx = np.zeros(shp) generators = [] for lam in range(shp): interp_f = RegularGridInterpolator(params, flux[:, :, :, mu, lam]) f, = interp_f(values) flx[lam] = f generators.append(interp_f) return flx, generators
[docs] def calc_zoom(R_f, arr): """Calculate the zoom factor required to make the given array into the given resolution. Parameters ---------- R_f : int The desired final resolution of the wavelength array. arr : array-like The array to zoom. Returns ------- z : float The zoom factor """ # Get initial resolution lam = arr[-1]-arr[0] d_lam_i = np.nanmean(np.diff(arr)) # R_i = lam/d_lam_i # Calculate zoom d_lam_f = lam/R_f z = d_lam_i/d_lam_f return z
[docs] def rebin_spec(spec, wavnew, oversamp=100, plot=False): """Rebin a spectrum to a new wavelength array while preserving the total flux. Parameters ---------- spec : array-like The wavelength and flux to be binned. wavenew : array-like The new wavelength array. oversamp : int; optional The oversampling factor. Defaults to 100. plot : bool; optional Unused. Defaults to False. Returns ------- np.ndarray The rebinned flux """ wave, flux = spec nlam = len(wave) x0 = np.arange(nlam, dtype=float) x0int = np.arange((nlam-1.) * oversamp + 1., dtype=float)/oversamp w0int = np.interp(x0int, x0, wave) spec0int = np.interp(w0int, wave, flux)/oversamp # Set up the bin edges for down-binning maxdiffw1 = np.diff(wavnew).max() w1bins = np.concatenate(([wavnew[0]-maxdiffw1], .5*(wavnew[1::]+wavnew[0: -1]), [wavnew[-1]+maxdiffw1])) # Bin down the interpolated spectrum: w1bins = np.sort(w1bins) nbins = len(w1bins)-1 specnew = np.zeros(nbins) inds2 = [[w0int.searchsorted(w1bins[ii], side='left'), w0int.searchsorted(w1bins[ii+1], side='left')] for ii in range(nbins)] for ii in range(nbins): specnew[ii] = np.sum(spec0int[inds2[ii][0]: inds2[ii][1]]) return specnew
[docs] def writeFITS(filename, extensions, headers=()): """Write some data to a new FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the output FITS file. extensions : dict The extension name and associated data to include. in the file headers : array-like; optional The (keyword, value, comment) groups for the PRIMARY header extension. Defaults to (). """ # Write the arrays to a FITS file prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() = 'PRIMARY' hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu]) # Write the header to the PRIMARY HDU hdulist['PRIMARY'].header.extend(headers, end=True) # Write the data to the HDU for k, v in extensions.items(): hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=v, name=k)) # Write the file hdulist.writeto(filename, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
# Insert END card to prevent header error # hdulist[0].header.tofile(filename, endcard=True, clobber=True)
[docs] def filter_table(table, **kwargs): """Retrieve the filtered rows. Parameters ---------- table : astropy.table.Table, pandas.DataFrame The table to filter. **kwargs : dict param : str The parameter to filter by, e.g. 'Teff'. value : str, float, int, sequence The criteria to filter by, which can be single valued like 1400 or a range with operators [<,<=,>,>=], e.g. ('>1200','<=1400'). Returns ------- astropy.table.Table, pandas.DataFrame The filtered table. """ for param, value in kwargs.items(): # Check it is a valid column if param not in table.colnames: raise KeyError("No column named {}".format(param)) # Wildcard case if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)) and '*' in value: # Get column data data = list(map(str, table[param])) if not value.startswith('*'): value = '^'+value if not value.endswith('*'): value = value+'$' # Strip double quotes and decod value = value.replace("'", '')\ .replace('"', '')\ .replace('*', '(.*)') # Regex reg = re.compile(value, re.IGNORECASE) keep = list(filter(reg.findall, data)) # Get indexes idx = np.where([i in keep for i in data]) # Filter table table = table[idx] else: # Make single value string into conditions if isinstance(value, str): # Check for operator if any([value.startswith(o) for o in ['<', '>', '=']]): value = [value] # Assume eqality if no operator else: value = ['=='+value] # Turn numbers into strings if isinstance(value, (int, float, np.float16)): value = ["=={}".format(value)] # Iterate through multiple conditions for cond in value: # Equality if cond.startswith('='): v = cond.replace('=', '') if v.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit(): table = table[table[param] == eval(v)] else: table = table[table[param] == v] # Less than or equal elif cond.startswith('<='): v = cond.replace('<=', '') table = table[table[param] <= eval(v)] # Less than elif cond.startswith('<'): v = cond.replace('<', '') table = table[table[param] < eval(v)] # Greater than or equal elif cond.startswith('>='): v = cond.replace('>=', '') table = table[table[param] >= eval(v)] # Greater than elif cond.startswith('>'): v = cond.replace('>', '') table = table[table[param] > eval(v)] else: raise ValueError("'{}' operator not valid.".format(cond)) return table
[docs] def find_closest(axes, points, n=1, values=False): """Find the n-neighboring elements of a given value in an array. Parameters ---------- axes : list, np.array The array(s) to search. points : array-like, float The point(s) to search for. n : int; optional The number of values to the left and right of the points. Defaults to 1. values : bool; optional Defaults to False. Returns ------- np.ndarray The n-values to the left and right of 'points' in 'axes'. """ results = [] if not isinstance(axes, list): axes = [axes] points = [points] for i, (axis, point) in enumerate(zip(axes, points)): if point >= min(axis) and point <= max(axis): axis = np.asarray(axis) idx = np.clip(axis.searchsorted(point), 1, len(axis)-1) slc = slice(max(0, idx-n), min(idx+n, len(axis))) if values: result = axis[slc] else: result = np.arange(0, len(axis))[slc].astype(int) results.append(result) else: print('Point {} outside grid.'.format(point)) return return results
[docs] def build_target_url(target_name): '''Build restful api url based on target name. Parameters ---------- target_name : str The name of the target transit. Returns ------- target_url : str ''' # Encode the target name string. encode_target_name = urllib.parse.quote(target_name, encoding='utf-8') target_url = (f"" f"{encode_target_name}/properties/") return target_url
[docs] def get_canonical_name(target_name): '''Get ExoMAST prefered name for exoplanet. Parameters ---------- target_name : str The name of the target transit. Returns ------- canonical_name : str ''' target_url = "" # Create params dict for url parsing. Easier than trying # to format yourself. params = {"name": target_name} r = requests.get(target_url, params=params) planetnames = r.json() canonical_name = planetnames['canonicalName'] return canonical_name
[docs] def get_env_variables(): """Returns a dictionary containing various environment variable information. Returns ------- env_variables : dict A dictionary containing various environment variable data """ env_variables = {} # Get the location of EXOCTK_DATA environvment variable and check # that it is valid env_variables['exoctk_data'] = os.environ.get('EXOCTK_DATA') # If the variable is blank or doesn't exist ON_TRAVIS = (os.path.expanduser('~') == '/home/travis' or os.path.expanduser('~') == '/Users/travis') if not ON_TRAVIS: if not env_variables['exoctk_data']: raise ValueError( 'The $EXOCTK_DATA environment variable is not set. Please set ' 'the value of this variable to point to the location of the ' 'ExoCTK data download folder. Users may retreive this folder ' 'by clicking the "ExoCTK Data Download" button on the ExoCTK ' 'website.' ) # If the variable exists but doesn't point to a real location if not os.path.exists(env_variables['exoctk_data']): raise FileNotFoundError('The $EXOCTK_DATA environment variable is ' 'set to a location that cannot be ' 'accessed.') # If the variable exists, points to a real location, # but is missing contents for item in ['modelgrid', 'fortney', 'exoctk_log', 'generic']: dirs = [os.path.basename(item) for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(env_variables['exoctk_data'], '*'))] if item not in dirs: raise KeyError(f'Missing {item}/ directory from ' f'{env_variables["exoctk_data"]}') env_variables['modelgrid_dir'] = \ os.path.join(env_variables['exoctk_data'], 'modelgrid/') env_variables['fortgrid_dir'] = \ os.path.join(env_variables['exoctk_data'], 'fortney/') env_variables['exoctklog_dir'] = \ os.path.join(env_variables['exoctk_data'], 'exoctk_log/') env_variables['genericgrid_dir'] = \ os.path.join(env_variables['exoctk_data'], 'generic/') return env_variables
[docs] def get_target_data(target_name): """Send request to exomast restful api for target information. Parameters ---------- target_name : str The name of the target transit Returns ------- target_data : json json object with target data. """ canonical_name = get_canonical_name(target_name) target_url = build_target_url(canonical_name) r = requests.get(target_url) if r.status_code == 200: target_data = r.json() else: print('Whoops, no data for this target!') # Some targets have multiple catalogs # nexsci is the first choice. if len(target_data) > 1: # Get catalog names from exomast and make then the keys of a dictionary # and the values are its position in the json object. catalog_dict = {data['catalog_name']: index for index, data in enumerate(target_data)} # Parse based on catalog accuracy. if 'nexsci' in list(catalog_dict.keys()): target_data = target_data[catalog_dict['nexsci']] elif '' in list(catalog_dict.keys()): target_data = target_data[catalog_dict['']] else: target_data = target_data[0] else: target_data = target_data[0] # Strip spaces and non numeric or alphabetic characters and combine. name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', canonical_name) url = f'{name}' return target_data, url