Source code for eureka.lib.apphot

import numpy as np
from . import disk as di
from . import meanerr as me
from . import interp2d as i2d

[docs] def apphot(meta, image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, betahw, targpos, mask=None, imerr=None, skyfrac=0.0, med=False, nochecks=False, expand=1, order=1, aperr=False, nappix=False, skylev=False, skyerr=False, nskypix=False, nskyideal=False, status=False, isbeta=False, betaper=False): """ Perform aperture photometry on the input image. Parameters ---------- image : 2D ndimage Float array containing object to measure. ctr : 2 elements tuple x,y location of object's center. photap : Scalar Size of photometry apperture in pixels. skyin : Scalar Inner sky annulus edge, in pixels. skyout : Scalar Outer sky annulus edge, in pixels. betahw : Scalar Half-width of box size around centroid for beta calculation. targpos : 2 elements tuple x,y location of object's center calculated from mean image. mask : 2D ndimage Byte array giving status of corresponding pixel in Image: bad pixel=0, good pixel=1. Default: all pixels are good. Same shape as image. imerr : 2D ndimage Error estimate for each pixel in the image. Suggest sqrt(image/flat/gain+rdnoise^2), with proper adjustment if a sky, dark, or bias frame has been removed. Same shape as image. skyfrac : Scalar Minimum fraction of sky pixels required to be good. Must be in range 0 < skyfrac < 1. med : Boolean If True use median rather than mean in sky level estimation. nochecks : Boolean Set to True to skip checks of input sanity. expand : Integer scalar Positive integer factor by which to blow up image, for more accurate aperture arithmetic. If expand=5, each pixel becomes a 5x5 block of pixels. If the pixel is on the edge of an aperture or annulus radius, some of the 5x5 block will be counted and some will not. order : Integer scalar Set order to 0 to do nearest-neighbor interpolation if expand. Default: 1, bilinear interpolation. aperr : Boolean Set to True to return flux error. nappix : Boolean Set to True to return number of total pixels in aperture. skylev : Boolean Set to True to return the sky level. skyerr : Boolean Set to True to return the error in the sky level. nskypix : boolean Set to True to return the number of good pixels in sky annulus. nskyideal: Boolean Set to True to return the number of pixels that should be in sky annulus. status : Boolean Set to True to return a status flag. If status = 0, result is good. Bits: 0 = there are NaN(s) in the photometry aperture 1 = there are masked pixel(s) in the photometry aperture 2 = the aperture is off the edge of the image 3 = a fraction less than skyfrac of the sky annulus pixels is in the image and not masked isbeta : boolean If True photometric extraction aperture scales with noise pixel parameter (beta). betaper : Scalar Returns aperture size used for beta. Returns ------- This function returns the flux within Photap pixels of [Cx,Cy], after subtracting the average per-pixel flux in the sky annulus. See POCEDURE for details of the calculation. Notes ----- The sky level is the mean, error-weighted mean (if errors are present), or median (if /med is set) of the non-masked Image pixels in the sky annulus. NaN values and values whose errors are zero (for the error-weighted mean) are not included in the average. No flagging is done if these values are found in the sky annulus. SKYERR is the error in the mean, even for the median calculation. Errors in the median can only be estimated using the compute-intensive bootstrap Monte-Carlo method. The sky value is subtracted from the Image. The photometric flux is then the total of Image pixels in the aperture, whether in the Mask or not. NaN values are not included in the calculation, and set the STATUS flag. It would be much better for the user to pass an interpolated image instead. For expansion, it is recommended to use bilinear interpolation, which is flux-conserving: sz = [50, 50] expand = 4 a = dblarr(sz) a[25, 25] = 1 b = rebin(a, expand * sz) / expand^2 print, total(b) 1.0000000 a[25, 26] = 1 b = rebin(a, expand * sz) / expand^2 print, total(b) 2.0000000 a[26, 26] = 3 b = rebin(a, expand * sz) / expand^2 print, total(b) 5.0000000 Of course, pixels on the high-indexed edge will not follow that. Neither will integer-arithmetic images, particularly at low integer values (such as masks). If either the entire sky annulus or the entire aperture is bad or filled with NaNs, the function sets a flag and returns NaN for all incalculable values. History: - 27-02-2004: Joseph Harrington, Cornell. Initial version - 18-03-2004: jh Added nochecks keyword. - 19-03-2004: jh Added error calculation. - 13-01-2005: jh Fixed header comment. Added NAN keyword. - 14-10-2005: jh Found and fixed major bug in sky mask calculation (needed parens around subtraction next to mask multiplication). Added skyfrac. - 07-11-2005: shl35 Added STATUS keyword, error-weighted sky mean. - 16-11-2005: jh Rewrote, using meanerr. Fixed major bug in error calc. Added scaling and test cases. - 24-11-2005: jh Return NAPPIX, NSKYPIX, NSKYIDEAL (all renamed). - 30-11-2005: jh Changed NAPPIX, NSKYPIX, NSKYIDEAL to give fractional, unexpanded pixels. - 21-07-2010: patricio Converted to python. Examples -------- This being one of my most important routines, and being also complex, the following examples are also its test suite. Any changes should produce exactly the same numerical results. These tests should also be available in the accompanying file .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append('/home/esp01/code/python/photpipe/lib/') >>> import apphot as ap >>> import myasym as asy >>> test = 0 >>> ntest = 11 >>> testout = np.zeros((5, ntest)) >>> testright = np.zeros((5, ntest)) >>> sz = [50, 50] >>> sig = 3.0, 3.0 >>> ctr = 25.8, 25.2 >>> photap = 12 >>> skyin = 12 >>> skyout = 15 >>> ampl = 1000.0 >>> sky = 100.0 >>> # height that make integral equal to ampl >>> h = ampl/(2*np.pi*sig[0]*sig[1]) >>> f = asy.gaussian(h, ctr[0], ctr[1], sig[0], sig[1]) >>> r,l = np.indices(sz) >>> image = f(r,l) + sky >>> plt.figure(1,(9,7)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('Gaussian') >>> plt.xlabel('X coordinate') >>> plt.ylabel('Y coordinate') >>> plt.pcolor(r, l, image, >>> plt.axis([0, sz[1]-1, 0, sz[0]-1]) >>> plt.colorbar() >>> >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, >>> aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, >>> status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # A bit of the Gaussian leaks from aperture to sky, rest is right. >>> mask = np.ones(sz, byte) >>> mask[24,24] = 0 >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask = mask, >>> aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, 0, skylev, 0, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # We use the bad value since it's in the aperture, but we flag it. >>> image[25,24] = np.nan >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask = mask, >>> aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, 0, skylev, 0, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # We can't use a NaN! Flagged, and value changes. >>> # Bad value still flagged. >>> ctr2 = [48.8, 48.2] >>> f = asy.gaussian(h, ctr2[0], ctr2[1], sig[0], sig[1]) >>> image2 = f(r,l) + sky >>> plt.figure(2,(9,7)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('Gaussian') >>> plt.xlabel('X coordinate') >>> plt.ylabel('Y coordinate') >>> plt.pcolor(r, l, image2, >>> plt.axis([0, sz[1]-1, 0, sz[0]-1]) >>> plt.colorbar() >>> >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image2, ctr2, photap, skyin, skyout, mask=mask, >>> aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, 0, skylev, 0, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # Flagged that we're off the image. >>> skyfrac = 0.5 >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image2, ctr2, photap, skyin, skyout, >>> mask=mask, skyfrac=skyfrac, >>> aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, 0, skylev, 0, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # Flagged that we are off the image and have insufficient sky. >>> # Same numbers. >>> f = asy.gaussian(h, ctr[0], ctr[1], sig[0], sig[1]) >>> image = f(r,l) + sky >>> imerr = np.sqrt(image) >>> mask = np.ones(sz, byte) >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask=mask, >>> imerr=imerr, aperr=True, skylev=True, >>> skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # Estimates for errors above. Basic numbers don't change. >>> imerr[25, 38] = 0 >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask=mask, >>> imerr=imerr, aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # The zero-error pixel is ignored in the sky average. >>> # Small changes result. >>> imerr[25, 38] = np.nan >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask=mask, >>> imerr=imerr, aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # The NaN in the sky error is ignored, with the same result. >>> image[25, 38] = np.nan >>> imerr = sqrt(image) >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, mask=mask, >>> imerr=imerr, aperr=True, skylev=True, skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # The NaN in the sky data is ignored, with the same result. >>> # FINDME: my aplev is changing >>> ## >>> f = asy.gaussian(h, ctr[0], ctr[1], sig[0], sig[1]) >>> image = f(r,l) + sky >>> imerr = sqrt(image) >>> expand = 5 >>> order = 0 # sample = 1 >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, >>> expand=expand, mask=mask, imerr=imerr, >>> order=order, aperr=True, skylev=True, >>> skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # Slight changes. >>> expand = 5 >>> order = 1 # IDL sample = 0 >>> aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, \ >>> status = ap.apphot(image, ctr, photap, skyin, skyout, >>> expand=expand, mask=mask, imerr=imerr, >>> order=order, aperr=True, skylev=True, >>> skyerr=True, status=True) >>> print(aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status) >>> testout [:, test] = [aplev, aperr, skylev, skyerr, status] >>> test += 1 >>> # Slight changes. Why the flag? >>> # skyerr estimate >>> skyerrest = np.sqrt(sky/(np.pi * (skyout**2 - skyin**2))) >>> # 0.62687732 >>> print('Correct:') >>> print([ampl, >>> # aperr estim. >>> np.sqrt(ampl + np.pi * photap**2 * (sky+skyerrest**2)), >>> # Note that background flux of 100 contributes a lot! >>> # 215.44538 >>> sky, skyerrest, 0]) >>> print('Test results:') >>> print(testout) >>> print('Correct results:') >>> print(testright) >>> print('Differences:') >>> print(testout - testright) """ # tini = time.time() # Returned values (include aperture size) retidx = [True, aperr, nappix, skylev, skyerr, nskypix, nskyideal, status, betaper] # indexes # consider return the whole list always # FINDME: use iaplev etc ... or use a dicctionary aplev, aperr, nappix, skylev, \ skyerr, nskypix, nskyideal, stat, betaper = np.arange(9) ret = np.zeros(9) # changed from 8 to 9 ret[:] = np.nan # set error status to 'good' = 0 ret[stat] = 0 status = 0 # bit flag definitions statnan = 2 ** 0 statbad = 2 ** 1 statap = 2 ** 2 statsky = 2 ** 3 # internal skyfrac, so we don't set it in caller iskyfrac = skyfrac # Check inputs sz = np.shape(image) if not nochecks: if np.ndim(image) != 2: # FINDME: raise exceptions instead print('image must be a 2D array') # break return ret[np.where(retidx)] if mask is None: mask = np.ones(sz, dtype=np.byte) if np.ndim(mask) != 2: print('mask must be a 2D array') return ret[np.where(retidx)] if (np.shape(image) != np.shape(mask)): print('image and mask sizes differ') return ret[np.where(retidx)] if imerr is not None: if (np.shape(image) != np.shape(imerr)): print('image and imerr sizes differ') return ret[np.where(retidx)] if (iskyfrac < 0.0) or (iskyfrac > 1.0): print('skyfrac must be in range [0,1]') return ret[np.where(retidx)] if expand != np.compat.long(expand) or expand < 1: print('invalid expand') return ret[np.where(retidx)] # Expand iexpand = int(expand) isz = np.array(sz, dtype=int)+(np.array(sz, dtype=int)-1)*(iexpand-1) ictr = iexpand * np.array(ctr) iphotap = iexpand * photap iskyin = iexpand * skyin iskyout = iexpand * skyout y, x = np.arange(sz[0]), np.arange(sz[1]) yi, xi = np.linspace(0, sz[0]-1, isz[0]), np.linspace(0, sz[1]-1, isz[1]) iimage = i2d.interp2d(image, expand=iexpand, y=y, x=x, yi=yi, xi=xi) imask = i2d.interp2d(mask, expand=iexpand, y=y, x=x, yi=yi, xi=xi) imask = imask == 1 if imerr is not None: iimerr = i2d.interp2d(imerr, expand=iexpand, y=y, x=x, yi=yi, xi=xi) # SKY # make sky annulus mask skyann = np.bitwise_xor(di.disk(iskyout, ictr, isz), di.disk(iskyin, ictr, isz)) skymask = skyann * imask * np.isfinite(iimage) # flag NaNs to eliminate # from nskypix # Check for skyfrac violation # FINDME: include NaNs and zero errors ret[nskypix] = np.sum(skymask) / iexpand ** 2.0 szsky = (int(np.ceil(iskyout)) * 2 + 3) * np.array([1, 1], dtype=int) ctrsky = (ictr % 1.0) + np.ceil(iskyout) + 1.0 # nskyideal = all pixels in sky ret[nskyideal] = (np.sum(np.bitwise_xor(di.disk(iskyout, ctrsky, szsky), di.disk(iskyin, ctrsky, szsky))) / iexpand**2.0) if ret[nskypix] < iskyfrac * ret[nskyideal]: status |= statsky if ret[nskypix] == 0: # no good pixels in sky? status |= statsky ret[stat] = status print('no good pixels in sky') return ret[np.where(retidx)] # Calculate the sky and sky error values: # Ignore the status flag from meanerr, it will skip bad # values intelligently. if med: # Do median sky ret[skylev] = np.median(iimage[np.where(skymask)]) if imerr is not None: # FINDME: We compute the standard deviation of the mean, not the # median. The standard deviation of the median is complicated and # can only be estimated statistically using the bootstrap method. # It's also very computationally expensive. We could alternatively # use the maximum of the standard deviation of the mean and the # mean separation of values in the middle of the distribution. dummy, ret[skyerr] = me.meanerr(iimage, iimerr, mask=skymask, err=True) # Expand correction. Since repeats are correlated, ret[skyerr] *= iexpand # error in mean was improved by sqrt(iexpand^2). else: # Do mean if imerr is not None: ret[skylev], ret[skyerr] = me.meanerr(iimage, iimerr, mask=skymask, err=True) ret[skyerr] *= iexpand # Expand correction. else: ret[skylev] = np.mean(iimage[np.where(skymask)]) if meta.skip_apphot_bg: ret[skylev] = np.zeros_like(ret[skylev]) # Calculate Beta values. If True photometric extraction aperture scales # with noise pixel parameter (beta). if isbeta == 1 and betahw > 0: # Using target position from mean image ctr_y = int(targpos[1]) ctr_x = int(targpos[0]) betahw = int(betahw) # Create a box of width and length (betahw) around the target position betabox = image[ctr_y-betahw:ctr_y+betahw+1, ctr_x-betahw:ctr_x+betahw+1] # Subtract the background betabox -= ret[skylev] # beta = sum(I(i))^2 / sum(I(i)^2) see details in link describing the # noise pixels: beta = np.sum(betabox) ** 2 / np.sum(betabox ** 2) iphotap += iexpand * (np.sqrt(beta) + photap) # Return aperture size used for beta. ret[betaper] = iphotap elif betahw == 0: raise ValueError("Could not evalaute beta. Please update POET " "photom.pcf to betahw > 0.") # APERTURE # make aperture mask, extract data and mask apmask, dstatus = di.disk(iphotap, ictr, isz, status=True) if dstatus: # is the aperture fully on the image? status |= statap aploc = np.where(apmask) # report number of pixels in aperture # make it unexpended pixels ret[nappix] = np.sum(apmask[aploc])/iexpand**2.0 if ret[nappix] == 0: # is there *any* good aperture? status |= statbad ret[stat] = status return ret[np.where(retidx)] if np.all(np.isfinite(iimage[aploc]) == 0): # all aperture pixels are NaN? status |= statnan ret[stat] = status return ret[np.where(retidx)] # subtract sky here to get a flag if it's NaN apdat = iimage[aploc] - ret[skylev] apmsk = imask[aploc] # flag NaNs and bad pixels goodies = np.isfinite(apdat) if np.any(goodies == 0): status |= statnan if np.any(apmsk == 0): status |= statbad # PHOTOMETRY # Do NOT multiply by bad pixel mask! We need to use the interpolated # pixels here, unfortunately. ret[aplev] = np.sum(apdat[goodies]) # Expand correction. We overcount by iexpand^2. ret[aplev] /= iexpand ** 2.0 # if we have uncertainties... if imerr is not None: # Flag NaNs. Zeros are ok, if weird. apunc = iimerr[aploc] apuncloc = np.isfinite(apunc) if not np.all(apuncloc): status |= statnan # Multiply by mask for the aperture error calc. The error on a # replaced pixel is unknown. In one sense, it's infinite. In # another, it's zero, or should be close. So, ignore those points. # Sky error still contributes. apunc[np.where(apuncloc == 0)] = 0 ret[aperr] = np.sqrt(np.sum(apmsk * apunc ** 2.0) + np.size(aploc) * ret[skyerr] ** 2.0) # Expand correction. We overcount by iexpand^2, but that's # inside sqrt: # sqrt(sum(iexpand^2 * (indep errs))), so div. by iexpand ret[aperr] /= iexpand ret[stat] = status # ttotal = time.time() - tini return ret[np.where(retidx)]
[docs] def apphot_status(data): """ Prints a warning if aperture step had errors. Bit flag definitions from the apphot function: | statnan = 2 ** 0 | statbad = 2 ** 1 | statap = 2 ** 2 | statsky = 2 ** 3 | E.g., If the flag is 6 then is was created by a flag in | statap and statbad as 2 ** 2 + 2 ** 1 = 6. | This function is converting the flags back to binary | and checking which flags were triggered. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. """ if sum(data.status != 0) > 0: unique_flags = np.unique(data.status) unique_flags_binary = ['{:08b}'.format(int(i)) for i in unique_flags] for binary_flag in unique_flags_binary: print('A warning by the aperture photometry routine:') if binary_flag[-1] == '1': print('There are NaN(s) in the photometry aperture') if binary_flag[-2] == '1': print('There are masked pixel(s) in the photometry aperture') if binary_flag[-3] == '1': print('The aperture is off the edge of the image') if binary_flag[-4] == '1': print('A fraction less than skyfrac of the sky annulus ' 'pixels is in the image and not masked')