Source code for eureka.lib.astropytable

from astropy.table import QTable
from import ascii
import numpy as np

from .split_channels import get_trim

[docs] def savetable_S1(filename, scale_factor): """Save the scale factor from Stage 1 as an ECSV. Parameters ---------- filename : str The fully qualified filename that the results will be stored in. scale_factor : ndarray (2D) The bias scale factor of dimension nints by ngroup Raises ------ ValueError There was a shape mismatch between your arrays """ nint, ngroup = scale_factor.shape names = [] for ii in range(1, ngroup+1): names.append(f'group{ii}') names = tuple(names) table = QTable(scale_factor, names=names) ascii.write(table, filename, format='ecsv', overwrite=True, fast_writer=True) return
[docs] def savetable_S5(filename, meta, time, wavelength, bin_width, lcdata, lcerr, individual_models, model, residuals): """Save the results from Stage 5 as an ECSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The fully qualified filename that the results will be stored in. time : ndarray (1D) The times for each data point. wavelength : ndarray (1D) The wavelengths of each data point. bin_width : ndarray (1D) The width of each wavelength bin. lcdata : ndarray (1D) The normalized flux measurements for each data point. lcerr : ndarray (1D) The normalized uncertainties for each data point. individual_models : ndarray (2D) An array containing pairs of model names and evaluated models. model : ndarray (1D) The predicted values from the fitted model. residuals : ndarray (1D) The residuals from lcdata - model. Raises ------ ValueError There was a shape mismatch between your arrays """ dims = [len(time), len(wavelength)] if not meta.multwhite: time = np.tile(time, dims[1]) wavelength = np.repeat(wavelength, dims[0]) bin_width = np.repeat(bin_width, dims[0]) else: terse_waves = np.copy(wavelength) terse_widths = np.copy(bin_width) wavelength = np.zeros(dims[0]) bin_width = np.zeros(dims[0]) for chan in range(dims[1]): trim1, trim2 = get_trim(meta.nints, chan) wavelength[trim1:trim2] = terse_waves[chan] bin_width[trim1:trim2] = terse_widths[chan] orig_shapes = [str(time.shape), str(wavelength.shape), str(bin_width.shape), str(lcdata.shape), str(lcerr.shape)] orig_shapes.extend([str(individual_models[i, 1].shape) for i in range(individual_models.shape[0])]) orig_shapes.extend([str(model.shape), str(residuals.shape)]) lcdata = lcdata.flatten() lcerr = lcerr.flatten() model_names = individual_models[:, 0] model_values = individual_models[:, 1] full_model = model.flatten() residuals = residuals.flatten() arr = [time, wavelength, bin_width, lcdata, lcerr, *model_values, full_model, residuals] try: table = QTable(arr, names=('time', 'wavelength', 'bin_width', 'lcdata', 'lcerr', *model_names, 'model', 'residuals')) ascii.write(table, filename, format='ecsv', overwrite=True, fast_writer=True) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("There was a shape mismatch between your arrays which" " had shapes:\n" "time, wavelength, bin_width, lcdata, lcerr, " + ', '.join(model_names) + ", model, residuals\n" + ", ".join(orig_shapes)) from e
[docs] def savetable_S6(filename, key, wavelength, bin_width, value, error): """Save the results from Stage 6 as an ECSV. Parameters ---------- filename : str The fully qualified filename that the results will be stored in. key : str The parameter being saved. wavelength : ndarray (1D) The wavelengths of each data point. bin_width : ndarray (1D) The width of each wavelength bin. value : ndarray (1D) The fitted value at each wavelength. error : ndarray (1D) The uncertainty on each value. Raises ------ ValueError There was a shape mismatch between your arrays """ orig_shapes = [str(wavelength.shape), str(bin_width.shape), str(value.shape), str(error[0].shape), str(error[1].shape)] arr = [wavelength.flatten(), bin_width.flatten(), value.flatten(), error[0].flatten(), error[1].flatten()] try: table = QTable(arr, names=('wavelength', 'bin_width', key+'_value', key+'_errorneg', key+'_errorpos')) ascii.write(table, filename, format='ecsv', overwrite=True, fast_writer=True) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("There was a shape mismatch between your arrays which" " had shapes:\n" f"wavelength, bin_width, {key}_value, {key}_errorneg," " {key}_errorpos\n" ",".join(orig_shapes)) from e
[docs] def readtable(filename): """Read in a saved ECSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The fully qualified filename of the file to read. Returns ------- astropy.table.QTable The table previously saved by savetable_S5 or savetable_S6. """ return, format='ecsv')