Source code for eureka.lib.util

import numpy as np
import os
import glob
from import fits
from . import sort_nicely as sn
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from .naninterp1d import naninterp1d

from .citations import CITATIONS

# populate common imports for current stage
COMMON_IMPORTS = np.array([
    ["astropy", "eureka", "h5py", "jwst", "numpy", ],
    ["astropy", "eureka", "h5py", "jwst", "matplotlib", ],
    ["astraeus", "astropy", "crds", "eureka", "h5py", "jwst",
     "matplotlib", "numpy", "scipy", "xarray", ],
    ["astraeus", "astropy", "eureka", "h5py", "matplotlib", "numpy",
     "pandas", "scipy", "xarray", ],
    ["astraeus", "astropy", "eureka", "h5py", "matplotlib", "numpy",
     "pandas", "scipy", "xarray", ],
    ["astraeus", "astropy", "eureka", "h5py", "matplotlib", "numpy",
     "pandas", "xarray", ],
], dtype=object)

[docs] def readfiles(meta, log): """Read in the files saved in topdir + inputdir and save them to a list. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object with added segment_list containing the sorted data fits files. """ meta.segment_list = [] # Look for files in the input directory for fname in glob.glob(meta.inputdir+'*'+meta.suffix+'.fits'): meta.segment_list.append(fname) # Need to allow for separated sci and cal directories for WFC3 if len(meta.segment_list) == 0: # Add files from the sci directory if present if not hasattr(meta, 'sci_dir') or meta.sci_dir is None: meta.sci_dir = 'sci' sci_path = os.path.join(meta.inputdir, meta.sci_dir)+os.sep for fname in glob.glob(sci_path+'*'+meta.suffix+'.fits'): meta.segment_list.append(fname) # Add files from the cal directory if present if not hasattr(meta, 'cal_dir') or meta.cal_dir is None: meta.cal_dir = 'cal' cal_path = os.path.join(meta.inputdir, meta.cal_dir)+os.sep for fname in glob.glob(cal_path+'*'+meta.suffix+'.fits'): meta.segment_list.append(fname) meta.segment_list = np.array(sn.sort_nicely(meta.segment_list)) meta.num_data_files = len(meta.segment_list) if meta.num_data_files == 0: raise AssertionError(f'Unable to find any "{meta.suffix}.fits" files ' f'in the inputdir: \n"{meta.inputdir}"!\n' f'You likely need to change the inputdir in ' f'{meta.filename} to point to the folder ' f'containing the "{meta.suffix}.fits" files.') else: mute = hasattr(meta, 'verbose') and not meta.verbose log.writelog(f'\nFound {meta.num_data_files} data file(s) ' f'ending in {meta.suffix}.fits', mute=mute) with[-1]) as hdulist: # Figure out which instrument we are using meta.inst = hdulist[0].header['INSTRUME'].lower() return meta
[docs] def trim(data, meta): """Removes the edges of the data arrays. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Returns ------- subdata : Xarray Dataset A new Dataset object with arrays that have been trimmed, depending on xwindow and ywindow as set in the S3 ecf. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. """ subdata = data.isel(y=np.arange(meta.ywindow[0], meta.ywindow[1]), x=np.arange(meta.xwindow[0], meta.xwindow[1])) meta.subny = meta.ywindow[1] - meta.ywindow[0] meta.subnx = meta.xwindow[1] - meta.xwindow[0] if meta.inst == 'wfc3': subdata['guess'] = subdata.guess - meta.ywindow[0] return subdata, meta
[docs] def manual_clip(lc, meta, log): """Manually clip integrations along time axis. Parameters ---------- lc : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object containing light curve and time data. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The current metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. Returns ------- lc : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object containing light curve and time data with the requested integrations removed. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The updated metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The updated log. """ log.writelog('Manually removing data points from meta.manual_clip...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) meta.manual_clip = np.array(meta.manual_clip) if len(meta.manual_clip.shape) == 1: # The user didn't quite enter things right, so reshape meta.manual_clip = meta.manual_clip[np.newaxis] # Figure out which indices are being clipped time_bool = np.ones(len(, dtype=bool) for inds in meta.manual_clip: time_bool[inds[0]:inds[1]] = False time_inds = np.arange(len([time_bool] # Remove the requested integrations lc = lc.isel(time=time_inds) if hasattr(meta, 'scandir'): meta.scandir = meta.scandir[time_bool[::meta.nreads]] return meta, lc, log
[docs] def check_nans(data, mask, log, name=''): """Checks where a data-like array is invalid (contains NaNs or infs). Parameters ---------- data : ndarray a data-like array (e.g. data, err, dq, ...). mask : ndarray Input mask. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which NaNs/Infs will be mentioned, if existent. name : str; optional The name of the data array passed in (e.g. SUBDATA, SUBERR, SUBV0). Defaults to ''. Returns ------- mask : ndarray Output mask where 0 will be written where the input data array has NaNs or infs. """ data = == 0, np.copy(data)) masked = inan = np.where(masked) num_nans = np.sum(masked) num_pixels = np.size(data) perc_nans = 100*num_nans/num_pixels if num_nans > 0 and name == 'wavelength': log.writelog(f" WARNING: Your {name} array has {num_nans} NaNs, which" f" are outside of the wavelength solution. You should " f"consider removing indices {inan} as their data quality " f"may be poor.") elif num_nans > 0: log.writelog(f" {name} has {num_nans} NaNs/infs, which is " f"{perc_nans:.2f}% of all pixels.") mask[inan] = 0 if perc_nans > 10: log.writelog(" WARNING: Your region of interest may be off the edge " "of the detector subarray. Masking NaN/inf regions and " "continuing, but you should really stop and reconsider " "your choices.") return mask
[docs] def makedirectory(meta, stage, counter=None, **kwargs): """Creates a directory for the current stage. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. stage : str 'S#' string denoting stage number (i.e. 'S3', 'S4'). counter : int; optional The run number if you want to force a particular run number. Defaults to None which automatically finds the run number. **kwargs : dict Additional key,value pairs to add to the folder name (e.g. {'ap': 4, 'bg': 10}). Returns ------- run : int The run number """ # This code allows the input and output files to be stored outside # of the Eureka! folder rootdir = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.outputdir_raw.split(os.sep)) if rootdir[-1] != os.sep: rootdir += os.sep outputdir = rootdir+stage+'_'+meta.datetime+'_'+meta.eventlabel+'_run' if counter is None: counter = 1 while os.path.exists(outputdir+str(counter)): counter += 1 outputdir += str(counter)+os.sep else: outputdir += str(counter)+os.sep # Nest the different folders underneath one main folder for this run for key, value in kwargs.items(): outputdir += key+str(value)+'_' # Remove trailing _ if present if outputdir[-1] == '_': outputdir = outputdir[:-1] # Add trailing slash if outputdir[-1] != os.sep: outputdir += os.sep if not os.path.exists(outputdir): try: os.makedirs(outputdir) except (PermissionError, OSError) as e: # Raise a more helpful error message so that users know to update # topdir in their ecf file message = (f'You do not have the permissions to make the folder ' f'{outputdir}\nYour topdir is currently set to' f'{meta.topdir}, but your user account is called ' f'{os.getenv("USER")}.\nYou likely need to update the ' f'topdir setting in your {stage} .ecf file.') raise PermissionError(message) from e if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputdir, "figs")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outputdir, "figs")) return counter
[docs] def pathdirectory(meta, stage, run, old_datetime=None, **kwargs): """Finds the directory for the requested stage, run, and datetime (or old_datetime). Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. stage : str 'S#' string denoting stage number (i.e. 'S3', 'S4') run : int run #, output from makedirectory function old_datetime : str; optional The date that a previous run was made (for looking up old data). Defaults to None in which case meta.datetime is used instead. **kwargs : dict Additional key,value pairs to add to the folder name (e.g. {'ap': 4, 'bg': 10}). Returns ------- path : str Directory path for given parameters """ if old_datetime is not None: datetime = old_datetime else: datetime = meta.datetime # This code allows the input and output files to be stored outside # of the Eureka! folder rootdir = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.outputdir_raw.split(os.sep)) if rootdir[-1] != os.sep: rootdir += os.sep outputdir = (rootdir+stage+'_'+datetime+'_'+meta.eventlabel+'_run' + str(run)+os.sep) for key, value in kwargs.items(): outputdir += key+str(value)+'_' # Remove trailing _ if present if outputdir[-1] == '_': outputdir = outputdir[:-1] # Add trailing slash if outputdir[-1] != os.sep: outputdir += os.sep return outputdir
[docs] def find_fits(meta): '''Locates S1 or S2 output FITS files if unable to find an metadata file. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The new meta object for the current stage processing. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The meta object with the updated inputdir pointing to the location of the input files to use. Notes ----- History: - April 25, 2022 Taylor Bell Initial version. ''' fnames = glob.glob(meta.inputdir+'*'+meta.suffix + '.fits') if len(fnames) == 0: # There were no rateints files in that folder, so let's see if # there are in children folders fnames = glob.glob(meta.inputdir+'**'+os.sep+'*'+meta.suffix+'.fits', recursive=True) fnames = sn.sort_nicely(fnames) if len(fnames) == 0: # If the code can't find any of the reqested files, raise an error # and give a helpful message message = (f'Unable to find any "{meta.suffix}.fits" files in the ' f'inputdir: \n"{meta.inputdir}"!\nYou likely need to change' f' the inputdir in {meta.filename} to point to the folder ' f'containing the "{meta.suffix}.fits" files.') raise AssertionError(message) folders = np.unique([os.sep.join(fname.split(os.sep)[:-1]) for fname in fnames]) if len(folders) >= 1: # get the file with the latest modified time folder = max(folders, key=os.path.getmtime) if len(folders) > 1: # There may be multiple runs - use the most recent but warn the user print(f'WARNING: There are multiple folders containing ' f'"{meta.suffix}.fits" files in your inputdir:\n' f'"{meta.inputdir}"\n' f'Using the files in: \n{folder}\n' f'and will consider aperture ranges listed there. If this ' f'metadata file is not a part\nof the run you intended, please ' f'provide a more precise folder for the metadata file.') meta.inputdir = folder meta.inputdir_raw = folder[len(meta.topdir):] # Make sure there's a trailing slash at the end of the paths if meta.inputdir[-1] != os.sep: meta.inputdir += os.sep return meta
[docs] def binData(data, nbin=100, err=False): """Temporally bin data for easier visualization. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (1D) The data to temporally bin. nbin : int, optional The number of bins there should be. By default 100. err : bool, optional If True, divide the binned data by sqrt(N) to get the error on the mean. By default False. Returns ------- binned : ndarray The binned data. """ # Make a copy for good measure data = data = # Make sure there's a whole number of bins data = data[:nbin*int(len(data)/nbin)] # Bin data binned =, -1), axis=1) if err: binned /= np.sqrt(int(len(data)/nbin)) return binned
[docs] def normalize_spectrum(meta, optspec, opterr=None, optmask=None): """Normalize a spectrum by its temporal mean. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The new meta object for the current stage processing. optspec : ndarray The spectrum to normalize. opterr : ndarray; optional The noise array to normalize using optspec, by default None. optmask : ndarray (1D); optional A mask array to use if optspec is not a masked array. Defaults to None in which case only the invalid values of optspec will be masked. Returns ------- normspec The normalized spectrum. normerr : ndarray; optional The normalized error. Only returned if opterr is not none. """ normspec = normspec =, normspec) if opterr is not None: normerr = normerr =, normerr) # Normalize the spectrum if meta.inst == 'wfc3': scandir = np.repeat(meta.scandir, meta.nreads) for p in range(2): iscans = np.where(scandir == p)[0] if len(iscans) > 0: for r in range(meta.nreads): if opterr is not None: normerr[iscans[r::meta.nreads]] /= normspec[iscans[r::meta.nreads]], axis=0) normspec[iscans[r::meta.nreads]] /= normspec[iscans[r::meta.nreads]], axis=0) else: if opterr is not None: normerr = normerr/, axis=0) normspec = normspec/, axis=0) if opterr is not None: return normspec, normerr else: return normspec
[docs] def get_mad(meta, log, wave_1d, optspec, optmask=None, wave_min=None, wave_max=None): """Computes variation on median absolute deviation (MAD) using ediff1d for 2D data. The computed MAD is the average MAD along the time axis. In otherwords, the MAD is computed in the time direction for each wavelength, and then the returned value is the average of those MAD values. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass Unused. The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. wave_1d : ndarray Wavelength array (nx) with trimmed edges depending on xwindow and ywindow which have been set in the S3 ecf optspec : ndarray Optimally extracted spectra, 2D array (time, nx) optmask : ndarray (1D); optional A mask array to use if optspec is not a masked array. Defaults to None in which case only the invalid values of optspec will be masked. wave_min : float; optional Minimum wavelength for binned lightcurves, as given in the S4 .ecf file. Defaults to None which does not impose a lower limit. wave_maxf : float; optional Maximum wavelength for binned lightcurves, as given in the S4 .ecf file. Defaults to None which does not impose an upper limit. Returns ------- mad : float Single MAD value in ppm """ optspec = optspec =, optspec) if wave_min is not None: iwmin = np.argmin(np.abs(wave_1d-wave_min)) else: iwmin = 0 if wave_max is not None: iwmax = np.argmin(np.abs(wave_1d-wave_max)) else: iwmax = None # Normalize the spectrum normspec = normalize_spectrum(meta, optspec[:, iwmin:iwmax]) if meta.inst == 'wfc3': # Setup 1D MAD arrays n_wav = normspec.shape[1] ediff =, n_wav)) scandir = np.repeat(meta.scandir, meta.nreads) # Compute the MAD for each scan direction for p in range(2): iscans = np.where(scandir == p)[0] if len(iscans) > 0: # Compute the MAD for m in range(n_wav): ediff[p, m] = get_mad_1d(normspec[iscans, m]) mad =[p]) log.writelog(f"Scandir {p} MAD = {int(np.round(mad))} ppm") setattr(meta, f'mad_scandir{p}', mad) if np.all(scandir == scandir[0]): # Only scanned in one direction, so get rid of the other ediff = ediff[scandir[0]] else: # Collapse the MAD along the scan direction ediff = np.mean(ediff, axis=0) else: # Setup 1D MAD array n_wav = normspec.shape[1] ediff = # Compute the MAD for m in range(n_wav): ediff[m] = get_mad_1d(normspec[:, m]) return
[docs] def get_mad_1d(data, ind_min=0, ind_max=None): """Computes variation on median absolute deviation (MAD) using ediff1d for 1D data. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The array from which to calculate MAD. int_min : int Minimum index to consider. ind_max : int Maximum index to consider (excluding ind_max). Returns ------- mad : float Single MAD value in ppm """ return 1e6 *[ind_min:ind_max])))
[docs] def read_time(meta, data, log): """Read in a time CSV file instead of using the FITS time array. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- time : ndarray The time array stored in the meta.time_file CSV file. """ fname = os.path.join(meta.topdir, os.sep.join(meta.time_file.split(os.sep))) if meta.firstFile: log.writelog(' Note: Using the time stamps from:\n '+fname) time = np.loadtxt(fname).flatten()[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']-1] return time
[docs] def manmask(data, meta, log): '''Manually mask input bad pixels. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with requested pixels masked. ''' log.writelog(" Masking manually identified bad pixels...", mute=(not meta.verbose)) for i in range(len(meta.manmask)): colstart, colend, rowstart, rowend = meta.manmask[i] data['mask'][:, rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend] = 0 return data
[docs] def interp_masked(data, meta, i, log): """ Interpolates masked pixels. Based on the example here: Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The current integration. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with requested pixels masked. """ if i == 0: log.writelog(' Interpolating masked values...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) flux = data.flux.values[i] mask = data.mask.values[i] nx = flux.shape[1] ny = flux.shape[0] grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:ny-1:complex(0, ny), 0:nx-1:complex(0, nx)] points = np.where(mask == 1) # x,y positions of not masked pixels points_t = np.array(points).transpose() values = flux[np.where(mask == 1)] # flux values of not masked pixels # Use scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate if meta.interp_method == 'nearest': grid_z = griddata(points_t, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='nearest') elif meta.interp_method == 'linear': grid_z = griddata(points_t, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='linear') elif meta.interp_method == 'cubic': grid_z = griddata(points_t, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic') else: log.writelog('Your method for interpolation is not supported!' 'Please choose between None, nearest, linear or cubic.', mute=(not meta.verbose)) data.flux.values[i] = grid_z return data
[docs] def phot_arrays(data): """Setting up arrays for the photometry routine. These arrays will be populated by the returns coming from and Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with new arrays where the outputs from the photometry routine will be saved in. """ keys = ['centroid_x', 'centroid_y', 'centroid_sx', 'centroid_sy', 'aplev', 'aperr', 'nappix', 'skylev', 'skyerr', 'nskypix', 'nskyideal', 'status', 'betaper'] for key in keys: data[key] = (['time'], np.zeros_like(data.time)) data['aplev'].attrs['flux_units'] = data.flux.attrs['flux_units'] data['aplev'].attrs['time_units'] = data.flux.attrs['time_units'] data['aperr'].attrs['flux_units'] = data.flux.attrs['flux_units'] data['aperr'].attrs['time_units'] = data.flux.attrs['time_units'] return data
[docs] def make_citations(meta, stage=None): """Store relevant citation information in the current meta file. Searches through imported libraries and current ECF parameters for terms that match BibTeX entries in Every entry that matches gets added to a bibliography field in the meta file. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The current metadata object. mods : array-like Array of strings containing the currently installed modules. stage: integer The integer number of the current stage (1,2,3,4,5,6) """ # get common modules for the current stage module_cites = COMMON_IMPORTS[stage-1] # in S5, extract fitting methods/myfuncs to grab citations other_cites = [] # check for nircam photometry in S3 if stage == 3: if hasattr(meta, 'inst') and hasattr(meta, "photometry"): if meta.photometry and meta.inst == "nircam": other_cites = other_cites + ["nircam_photometry"] if stage == 5: # concat non-lsq fit methods (emcee/dynesty) to the citation list if "emcee" in meta.fit_method: other_cites = other_cites + ["emcee"] if "dynesty" in meta.fit_method: other_cites = other_cites + ["dynesty"] if "nuts" in meta.fit_method: other_cites = other_cites + ["pymc3"] if "exoplanet" in meta.fit_method: other_cites = other_cites + ["exoplanet"] # check if batman or GP is being used for transit/eclipse modeling if "batman_tr" in meta.run_myfuncs or "batman_ecl" in meta.run_myfuncs: other_cites.append("batman") if "starry" in meta.run_myfuncs: other_cites.append("starry") if "GP" in meta.run_myfuncs: if hasattr(meta, "GP_package"): other_cites.append(meta.GP_package) # I set the instrument in the relevant bits of S1/2, so I don't think this # should really be necessary. Taylor's boilerplate for later if not hasattr(meta, 'inst'): valid = False insts = ['miri', 'nirspec', 'nircam', 'niriss', 'wfc3'] while not valid: inst = input('Which JWST/HST instrument are you using? \ (leave blank for none): ').lower() if inst != '': if inst in insts: # The entered instrument was valid, so continue meta.inst = inst valid = True else: # No instrument, so just continue valid = True if not valid: # The entered instrument was not valid, so explain, ask again print(f'The instrument {inst} is not a valid instrument. \ Please choose from {insts}.') # make sure instrument is in citation list other_cites.append(meta.inst) # get all new citations together current_cites = np.union1d(module_cites, other_cites) # check if meta has existing list of citations/bibitems, if it does, make # sure we include imports from previous stages in our citations prev_cites = [] if hasattr(meta, 'citations'): prev_cites = meta.citations all_cites = np.union1d(current_cites, prev_cites).tolist() # make sure everything in meta citation list can be added to bibliography for entry in all_cites: if entry not in CITATIONS.keys(): all_cites.remove(entry) # store everything in the meta object meta.citations = all_cites meta.bibliography = [CITATIONS[entry] for entry in meta.citations]
[docs] def supersample(data, expand, type, axis=1): """Apply subpixel interpolation to the given arrays in the cross-disperion direction. Parameters ---------- data : ND array Array of values to be super-sampled. expand : int Super-sampling factor along the given axis. type : str Options are: data, err, dq, or wave. axis : int, Optional Axis along which interpolation is performed (default is 1). Returns ------- zdata : ND array The updated array at higher resolution """ # Build array of expansion factors # e.g., [1, 5, 1] for axis=1 and expand=5 ndim = np.ndim(data) expand_seq = np.ones(ndim, dtype=int) expand_seq[axis] = expand # SciPy's zoom can't handle NaNs, so let's replace them via interpolation if ndim == 3: for i in range(data.shape[0]): for j in range(data.shape[1]): data[i, j] = naninterp1d(data[i, j]) if ndim == 2: for i in range(data.shape[0]): data[i] = naninterp1d(data[i]) # Apply linear interpolation along axis if type == 'flux': # Divide by 'expand' to conserve flux/variance zdata = zoom(data, expand_seq, order=1, mode='nearest')/expand elif type == 'err': # Divide by 'sqrt(expand)'' to conserve uncertainty zdata = zoom(data, expand_seq, order=1, mode='nearest')/np.sqrt(expand) elif type == 'cal': # Apply same dq flag, gain values, etc to all super-sampled pixels zdata = np.repeat(data, expand, axis=axis) elif type == 'wave': zdata = zoom(data, expand_seq, order=1, mode='nearest') else: print(f"Type {type} not supported. Must be one of flux, err, cal, " + "or wave. No super-sampling applied.") zdata = data return zdata