Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.nirspec

# NIRSpec specific rountines go here
import numpy as np
from import fits
import astraeus.xarrayIO as xrio
from . import nircam, sigrej
from ..lib.util import read_time

[docs]def read(filename, data, meta): '''Reads single FITS file from JWST's NIRCam instrument. Parameters ---------- filename : str Single filename to read. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. Notes ----- History: - November 2012 Kevin Stevenson Initial version - June 2021 Aarynn Carter/Eva-Maria Ahrer Updated for NIRSpec - Apr 22, 2022 Kevin Stevenson Convert to using Xarray Dataset ''' hdulist = # Load master and science headers data.attrs['filename'] = filename data.attrs['mhdr'] = hdulist[0].header data.attrs['shdr'] = hdulist['SCI', 1].header try: data.attrs['intstart'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTSTART'] data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTEND'] except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the particular exception we expect print(' WARNING: Manually setting INTSTART to 1 and INTEND to NINTS') data.attrs['intstart'] = 1 data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['NINTS'] sci = hdulist['SCI', 1].data err = hdulist['ERR', 1].data dq = hdulist['DQ', 1].data v0 = hdulist['VAR_RNOISE', 1].data wave_2d = hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data int_times = hdulist['INT_TIMES', 1].data[data.attrs['intstart']-1: data.attrs['intend']] # Record integration mid-times in BJD_TDB if (hasattr(meta, 'time_file') and meta.time_file is not None): time = read_time(meta, data) elif len(int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB']) == 0: # There is no time information in the simulated NIRSpec data print(' WARNING: The timestamps for the simulated NIRSpec data are ' 'currently\n' ' hardcoded because they are not in the .fits files ' 'themselves') time = np.linspace(data.mhdr['EXPSTART'], data.mhdr['EXPEND'], data.intend) else: time = int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB'] # Record units flux_units = data.attrs['shdr']['BUNIT'] time_units = 'BJD_TDB' wave_units = 'microns' data['flux'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(sci, time, flux_units, time_units, name='flux') data['err'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(err, time, flux_units, time_units, name='err') data['dq'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(dq, time, "None", time_units, name='dq') data['v0'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(v0, time, flux_units, time_units, name='v0') data['wave_2d'] = (['y', 'x'], wave_2d) data['wave_2d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units return data, meta
[docs]def flag_bg(data, meta): '''Outlier rejection of sky background along time axis. Parameters ---------- data : DataClass The data object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Returns ------- data : DataClass The updated data object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' y1, y2, bg_thresh = meta.bg_y1, meta.bg_y2, meta.bg_thresh bgdata1 = data.flux[:, :y1] bgmask1 = data.mask[:, :y1] bgdata2 = data.flux[:, y2:] bgmask2 = data.mask[:, y2:] # This might not be necessary for real data # bgerr1 =[:, :y1], 0)) # bgerr2 =[:, y2:], 0)) # estsig1 = [bgerr1 for j in range(len(bg_thresh))] # estsig2 = [bgerr2 for j in range(len(bg_thresh))] # FINDME: KBS removed estsig from inputs to speed up outlier detection. # Need to test performance with and without estsig on real data. data['mask'][:, :y1] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata1, bg_thresh, bgmask1) # , # estsig1) data['mask'][:, y2:] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata2, bg_thresh, bgmask2) # , # estsig1) return data
[docs]def fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=0): """Fit for a non-uniform background. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for NIRSpec. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray (2D) The 2D image array. datamask : ndarray (2D) An array of which data should be masked. n : int The current integration. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity, by default 0. Returns ------- bg : ndarray (2D) The fitted background level. mask : ndarray (2D) The updated mask after background subtraction. n : int The current integration number. """ return nircam.fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=isplots)