Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.plots_s3

import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .source_pos import gauss
from ..lib.plots import figure_filetype

[docs]def lc_nodriftcorr(meta, wave_1d, optspec): '''Plot a 2D light curve without drift correction. (Fig 3101) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. wave_1d : ndarray Wavelength array with trimmed edges depending on xwindow and ywindow which have been set in the S3 ecf optspec : ndarray The optimally extracted spectrum. Returns ------- None ''' optspec = plt.figure(3101, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.clf() wmin = wave_1d.min() wmax = wave_1d.max() n_int, nx = optspec.shape vmin = 0.97 vmax = 1.03 normspec = optspec /, axis=0) plt.imshow(normspec, origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[wmin, wmax, 0, n_int], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plt.title("MAD = " + str(np.round(meta.mad_s3, 0).astype(int)) + " ppm") plt.ylabel('Integration Number') plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)') plt.colorbar(label='Normalized Flux') plt.tight_layout() fname = 'figs'+os.sep+'fig3101-2D_LC'+figure_filetype plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def image_and_background(data, meta, n, m): '''Make image+background plot. (Figs 3301) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. n : int The integration number. m : int The file number. Returns ------- None ''' intstart, subdata, submask, subbg = (data.attrs['intstart'], data.flux.values, data.mask.values, xmin, xmax = data.flux.x.min().values, data.flux.x.max().values ymin, ymax = data.flux.y.min().values, data.flux.y.max().values plt.figure(3301, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'Integration {intstart + n}') plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Background-Subtracted Flux') max = np.max(subdata[n] * submask[n]) plt.imshow(subdata[n]*submask[n], origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmin=0, vmax=max/10, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Subtracted Background') median = np.median(subbg[n]) std = np.std(subbg[n]) plt.imshow(subbg[n], origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmin=median-3*std, vmax=median+3*std, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3301_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + '_ImageAndBackground'+figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def optimal_spectrum(data, meta, n, m): '''Make optimal spectrum plot. (Figs 3302) Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. n : int The integration number. m : int The file number. Returns ------- None ''' intstart, stdspec, optspec, opterr = (data.attrs['intstart'], data.stdspec.values, data.optspec.values, data.opterr.values) plt.figure(3302) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'1D Spectrum - Integration {intstart + n}') plt.semilogy(data.stdspec.x.values, stdspec[n], '-', color='C1', label='Standard Spec') plt.errorbar(data.stdspec.x.values, optspec[n], yerr=opterr[n], fmt='-', color='C2', ecolor='C2', label='Optimal Spec') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.xlabel('Detector Pixel Position') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3302_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + '_Spectrum'+figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def source_position(meta, x_dim, pos_max, m, isgauss=False, x=None, y=None, popt=None, isFWM=False, y_pixels=None, sum_row=None, y_pos=None): '''Plot source position for MIRI data. (Figs 3303) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. x_dim : int The number of pixels in the y-direction in the image. pos_max : float The brightest row. m : int The file number. isgauss : bool; optional Used a guassian centring method. x : type; optional Unused. y : type; optional Unused. popt : list; optional The fitted Gaussian terms. isFWM : bool; optional Used a flux-weighted mean centring method. y_pixels : 1darray; optional The indices of the y-pixels. sum_row : 1darray; optional The sum over each row. y_pos : float; optional The FWM central position of the star. Returns ------- None Notes ----- History: - 2021-07-14: Sebastian Zieba Initial version. - Oct 15, 2021: Taylor Bell Tidied up the code a bit to reduce repeated code. ''' plt.figure(3303) plt.clf() plt.plot(y_pixels, sum_row, 'o', label='Data') if isgauss: x_gaussian = np.linspace(0, x_dim, 500) gaussian = gauss(x_gaussian, *popt) plt.plot(x_gaussian, gaussian, '-', label='Gaussian Fit') plt.axvline(popt[1], ls=':', label='Gaussian Center', c='C2') plt.xlim(pos_max-meta.spec_hw, pos_max+meta.spec_hw) elif isFWM: plt.axvline(y_pos, ls='-', label='Weighted Row') plt.axvline(pos_max, ls='--', label='Brightest Row', c='C3') plt.ylabel('Row Flux') plt.xlabel('Row Pixel Position') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) fname = ('figs'+os.sep+f'fig3303_file{file_number}_source_pos' + figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def profile(meta, profile, submask, n, m): '''Plot weighting profile from optimal spectral extraction routine. (Figs 3304) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the data array. submask : ndarray Outlier mask. n : int The current integration number. m : int The file number. Returns ------- None ''' profile = submask = mask = np.logical_or(, profile =, profile) submask =, submask) vmax = 0.05**submask) vmin =*submask) plt.figure(3304) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f"Profile - Integration {n}") plt.imshow(profile*submask, aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin) plt.ylabel('Relative Pixel Postion') plt.xlabel('Relative Pixel Position') plt.tight_layout() file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3304_file{file_number}_int{int_number}_Profile' + figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def subdata(meta, i, n, m, subdata, submask, expected, loc): '''Show 1D view of profile for each column. (Figs 3501) Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. i : int The column number. n : int The current integration number. m : int The file number. subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. submask : ndarray Outlier mask. expected : ndarray Expected profile loc : ndarray Location of worst outliers. Returns ------- None ''' ny, nx = subdata.shape plt.figure(3501) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(f'Integration {n}, Columns {i}/{nx}') plt.plot(np.arange(ny)[np.where(submask[:, i])[0]], subdata[np.where(submask[:, i])[0], i], 'bo') plt.plot(np.arange(ny)[np.where(submask[:, i])[0]], expected[np.where(submask[:, i])[0], i], 'g-') plt.plot((loc[i]), (subdata[loc[i], i]), 'ro') file_number = str(m).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.num_data_files))+1)) int_number = str(n).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(meta.n_int))+1)) col_number = str(i).zfill(int(np.floor(np.log10(nx))+1)) fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig3501_file{file_number}_int{int_number}' + f'_col{col_number}_subdata'+figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.1)