Source code for eureka.lib.util

import numpy as np
from . import sort_nicely as sn
import os
import glob

[docs]def readfiles(meta): """Reads in the files saved in topdir + inputdir and saves them into a list. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object with added segment_list containing the sorted data fits files. """ meta.segment_list = [] for fname in os.listdir(meta.inputdir): if fname.endswith(meta.suffix + '.fits'): meta.segment_list.append(meta.inputdir + fname) meta.segment_list = np.array(sn.sort_nicely(meta.segment_list)) return meta
[docs]def trim(data, meta): """Removes the edges of the data arrays. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. Returns ------- subdata : Xarray Dataset A new Dataset object with arrays that have been trimmed, depending on xwindow and ywindow as set in the S3 ecf. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. """ subdata = data.isel(y=np.arange(meta.ywindow[0], meta.ywindow[1]), x=np.arange(meta.xwindow[0], meta.xwindow[1])) meta.subny = meta.ywindow[1] - meta.ywindow[0] meta.subnx = meta.xwindow[1] - meta.xwindow[0] if hasattr(meta, 'diffmask'): # Need to crop diffmask and variance from WFC3 as well meta.subdiffmask.append( meta.diffmask[-1][:, meta.ywindow[0]:meta.ywindow[1], meta.xwindow[0]:meta.xwindow[1]]) # data.subvariance = np.copy( # data.variance[:, meta.ywindow[0]:meta.ywindow[1], # meta.xwindow[0]:meta.xwindow[1]]) # delattr(data, 'variance') return subdata, meta
[docs]def check_nans(data, mask, log, name=''): """Checks where a data array has NaNs. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray a data array (e.g. data, err, dq, ...). mask : ndarray Input mask. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which NaNs will be mentioned if existent. name : str; optional The name of the data array passed in (e.g. SUBDATA, SUBERR, SUBV0). Defaults to ''. Returns ------- mask : ndarray Output mask where 0 will be written where the input data array has NaNs """ num_nans = np.sum(np.isnan(data)) if num_nans > 0: log.writelog(f" WARNING: {name} has {num_nans} NaNs. Your subregion " f"may be off the edge of the detector subarray.\n" "Masking NaN region and continuing, but you should really" " stop and reconsider your choices.") inan = np.where(np.isnan(data)) # subdata[inan] = 0 mask[inan] = 0 return mask
[docs]def makedirectory(meta, stage, counter=None, **kwargs): """Creates a directory for the current stage. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. stage : str 'S#' string denoting stage number (i.e. 'S3', 'S4'). counter : int; optional The run number if you want to force a particular run number. Defaults to None which automatically finds the run number. **kwargs : dict Additional key,value pairs to add to the folder name (e.g. {'ap': 4, 'bg': 10}). Returns ------- run : int The run number """ # This code allows the input and output files to be stored outside # of the Eureka! folder rootdir = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.outputdir_raw.split(os.sep)) if rootdir[-1] != os.sep: rootdir += os.sep outputdir = rootdir+stage+'_'+meta.datetime+'_'+meta.eventlabel+'_run' if counter is None: counter = 1 while os.path.exists(outputdir+str(counter)): counter += 1 outputdir += str(counter)+os.sep else: outputdir += str(counter)+os.sep # Nest the different folders underneath one main folder for this run for key, value in kwargs.items(): outputdir += key+str(value)+'_' # Remove trailing _ if present if outputdir[-1] == '_': outputdir = outputdir[:-1] # Add trailing slash if outputdir[-1] != os.sep: outputdir += os.sep if not os.path.exists(outputdir): try: os.makedirs(outputdir) except (PermissionError, OSError) as e: # Raise a more helpful error message so that users know to update # topdir in their ecf file message = (f'You do not have the permissions to make the folder ' f'{outputdir}\nYour topdir is currently set to' f'{meta.topdir}, but your user account is called ' f'{os.getenv("USER")}.\nYou likely need to update the ' f'topdir setting in your {stage} .ecf file.') raise PermissionError(message) from e if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputdir, "figs")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outputdir, "figs")) return counter
[docs]def pathdirectory(meta, stage, run, old_datetime=None, **kwargs): """Finds the directory for the requested stage, run, and datetime (or old_datetime). Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. stage : str 'S#' string denoting stage number (i.e. 'S3', 'S4') run : int run #, output from makedirectory function old_datetime : str; optional The date that a previous run was made (for looking up old data). Defaults to None in which case meta.datetime is used instead. **kwargs : dict Additional key,value pairs to add to the folder name (e.g. {'ap': 4, 'bg': 10}). Returns ------- path : str Directory path for given parameters """ if old_datetime is not None: datetime = old_datetime else: datetime = meta.datetime # This code allows the input and output files to be stored outside # of the Eureka! folder rootdir = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.outputdir_raw.split(os.sep)) if rootdir[-1] != os.sep: rootdir += os.sep outputdir = (rootdir+stage+'_'+datetime+'_'+meta.eventlabel+'_run' + str(run)+os.sep) for key, value in kwargs.items(): outputdir += key+str(value)+'_' # Remove trailing _ if present if outputdir[-1] == '_': outputdir = outputdir[:-1] # Add trailing slash if outputdir[-1] != os.sep: outputdir += os.sep return outputdir
[docs]def find_fits(meta): '''Locates S1 or S2 output FITS files if unable to find an metadata file. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The new meta object for the current stage processing. Returns ------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The meta object with the updated inputdir pointing to the location of the input files to use. Notes ----- History: - April 25, 2022 Taylor Bell Initial version. ''' fnames = glob.glob(meta.inputdir+'*'+meta.suffix + '.fits') if len(fnames) == 0: # There were no rateints files in that folder, so let's see if # there are in children folders fnames = glob.glob(meta.inputdir+'**'+os.sep+'*'+meta.suffix+'.fits', recursive=True) fnames = sn.sort_nicely(fnames) if len(fnames) == 0: # If the code can't find any of the reqested files, raise an error # and give a helpful message message = (f'Unable to find any "{meta.suffix}.fits" files in the ' f'inputdir: \n"{meta.inputdir}"!\nYou likely need to change' f' the inputdir in {meta.filename} to point to the folder ' f'containing the "{meta.suffix}.fits" files.') raise AssertionError(message) folders = np.unique([os.sep.join(fname.split(os.sep)[:-1]) for fname in fnames]) if len(folders) >= 1: # get the file with the latest modified time folder = max(folders, key=os.path.getmtime) if len(folders) > 1: # There may be multiple runs - use the most recent but warn the user print(f'WARNING: There are multiple folders containing ' f'"{meta.suffix}.fits" files in your inputdir:\n' f'"{meta.inputdir}"\n' f'Using the files in: \n{folder}\n' f'and will consider aperture ranges listed there. If this ' f'metadata file is not a part\nof the run you intended, please ' f'provide a more precise folder for the metadata file.') meta.inputdir = folder meta.inputdir_raw = folder[len(meta.topdir):] # Make sure there's a trailing slash at the end of the paths if meta.inputdir[-1] != os.sep: meta.inputdir += os.sep return meta
[docs]def get_mad(meta, wave_1d, optspec, wave_min=None, wave_max=None): """Computes variation on median absolute deviation (MAD) using ediff1d for 2D data. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass Unused. The metadata object. wave_1d : ndarray Wavelength array (nx) with trimmed edges depending on xwindow and ywindow which have been set in the S3 ecf optspec : ndarray Optimally extracted spectra, 2D array (time, nx) wave_min : float; optional Minimum wavelength for binned lightcurves, as given in the S4 .ecf file. Defaults to None which does not impose a lower limit. wave_maxf : float; optional Maximum wavelength for binned lightcurves, as given in the S4 .ecf file. Defaults to None which does not impose an upper limit. Returns ------- mad : float Single MAD value in ppm """ optspec = n_int, nx = optspec.shape if wave_min is not None: iwmin = np.argmin(np.abs(wave_1d-wave_min)) else: iwmin = 0 if wave_max is not None: iwmax = np.argmin(np.abs(wave_1d-wave_max)) else: iwmax = None normspec = optspec /, axis=0) ediff = for m in range(n_int): ediff[m] = get_mad_1d(normspec[m], iwmin, iwmax) mad = return mad
[docs]def get_mad_1d(data, ind_min=0, ind_max=-1): """Computes variation on median absolute deviation (MAD) using ediff1d for 1D data. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The array from which to calculate MAD. int_min : int Minimum index to consider. ind_max : int Maximum index to consider (excluding ind_max). Returns ------- mad : float Single MAD value in ppm """ return 1e6 *[ind_min:ind_max])))
[docs]def read_time(meta, data): """Read in a time CSV file instead of using the FITS time array. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. Returns ------- time : ndarray The time array stored in the meta.time_file CSV file. """ fname = os.path.join(meta.topdir, os.sep.join(meta.time_file.split(os.sep))) if meta.firstFile: print(' Note: Using the time stamps from:\n'+fname) time = np.loadtxt(fname).flatten()[data.attrs['intstart']-1: data.attrs['intend']-1] return time