Eureka! Outputs

Stage 2 through Stage 6 of Eureka! can be configured to output plots of the pipeline’s interim results as well as the data required to run further stages.

Stage 2 Outputs

If skip_extract_1d is set in the Stage 2 ECF, the 1-dimensional spectrum will not be extracted, and no plots will be made. Otherwise, Stage 2 will extract the 1-dimensional spectrum from the calibrated images, and will plot the spectrum.

Stage 2 1-dimensional spectrum plot

Stage 2 output: 1-Dimensional Spectrum Plot

Stage 3 Outputs

In Stage 3 through Stage 5, output plots are controlled with the isplots_SX parameter. The resulting plots are cumulative: setting isplots_S3 = 5 will also create the plots specified in isplots_S3 = 3 and isplots_S3 = 1.

In Stage 3:
  • If isplots_S3 = 1: Eureka! will plot the 2-dimensional, non-drift-corrected light curve.

Stage 3 2-dimensional spectrum plot

Stage 3 output: 2-Dimensional Spectrum Plot

  • If isplots_S3 = 3: Eureka! will plot the results of the background and optimal spectral extraction steps for each exposure in the observation, as well as the source position on the detector.

Stage 3 background subtracted flux plot

Stage 3 output: Background Subtracted Flux Plot

Stage 3 1-dimensional spectrum plot

Stage 3 output: 1-Dimensional Spectrum Plot

Stage 3 source position fit

Stage 3 output: Source Position Fit Plot

Stage 3 weighting profile

Stage 3 output: Weighting Profile Plot

  • If isplots_S3 = 5: Eureka! will plot the Subdata plots from the optimal spectral extraction step.

Stage 3 subdata plot

Stage 3 output: Spectral Extraction Subdata Plot

Stage 4 Outputs

In Stage 4:
  • If isplots_S4 = 1: Eureka! will plot the spectral drift per exposure, and the drift-corrected 2-dimensional lightcurve with extracted bins overlaid.

Stage 4 spectral drift plot

Stage 4 output: Spectral Drift Plot

Stage 4 2-dimensional binned spectrum

Stage 4 output: 2-Dimensional Binned Spectrum

  • If isplots_S4 = 3: Eureka! will plot the spectroscopic lightcurves for each wavelength bin.

Stage 4 spectroscopic lightcurve

Stage 4 output: Spectroscopic Lightcurve

  • If isplots_S4 = 5: Eureka! will plot the cross-correlated reference spectrum with the current spectrum for each integration, and the cross-correlation strength for each integration.

Stage 4 cross correlated reference spectrum

Stage 4 output: Cross-Correlated Reference Spectrum

Stage 4 cross correlation strength

Stage 4 output: Cross-Correlation Strength

Stage 5 Outputs

In Stage 5:
  • If isplots_S5 = 1: Eureka! will plot the fitted lightcurve model over the data in each channel.

Stage 5 fit data and lightcurve

Stage 5 output: Fitted lightcurve

  • If isplots_S5 = 3: Eureka! will plot an RMS deviation plot for each channel to help check for correlated noise, plot the normalized residual distribution, and plot the fitting chains for each channel.

Stage 5 RMS deviation plot

Stage 5 output: RMS Deviation Plot

Stage 5 residual distribution

Stage 5 output: Residual Distribution

Stage 5 fitting chains
Stage 5 fitting chains

Stage 5 output: Fitting Chains. Only made for emcee runs. Two version of the plot will be saved, one including the burn in steps and one without the burn in steps.

  • If isplots_S5 = 5, and if emcee or dynesty were used as the fitter: Eureka! will plot a corner plot for each channel.

Stage 5 corner plot

Stage 5 output: Corner Plot

  • If a GP model was used in the fit, then Eureka! will plot the lightcurve, the GP model, and the residuals.

Stage 5 GP plot

Stage 5 output: Lightcurve, GP model, and Residual Plot

Stage 6 Outputs

In Stage 6:
  • If isplots_S6 = 1: Eureka! will plot the transmission or emission spectrum, depending on the setting of y_unit.

Stage 6 transmission spectrum.

Stage 6 output: Transmission Spectrum.

Stage 6 emission spectrum.

Stage 6 output: Emission Spectrum.

  • If isplots_S6 = 3: Eureka! will make another transmission plot (if y_unit is transmission type) with a second y-axis which is in units of atmospheric scale height.

Stage 6 transmission spectrum with a second y-axis in units of atmospheric scale height.

Stage 6 output: Transmission Spectrum with Double y-axis.