Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.background

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import ccdproc as ccdp
from astropy import units
import multiprocessing as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
from photutils import MMMBackground, MedianBackground, Background2D
import os

from ..lib import clipping
from ..lib.plots import figure_filetype

__all__ = ['BGsubtraction', 'fitbg', 'fitbg2', 'fitbg3']

[docs]def BGsubtraction(data, meta, log, isplots): """Does background subtraction using inst.fit_bg & background.fitbg Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset Dataset object containing data, uncertainty, and variance arrays in units of MJy/sr or electrons. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. isplots : int The amount of plots saved; set in ecf. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset Dataset object containing background subtracted data. Notes ----- History: - Dec 10, 2021 Taylor Bell Edited to pass the full DataClass object into inst.fit_bg - Apr 20, 2022 Kevin Stevenson Convert to using Xarray Dataset """ # Load instrument module if meta.inst == 'miri': from . import miri as inst elif meta.inst == 'nircam': from . import nircam as inst elif meta.inst == 'nirspec': from . import nirspec as inst elif meta.inst == 'niriss': raise ValueError('NIRISS observations are currently unsupported!') elif meta.inst == 'wfc3': from . import wfc3 as inst else: raise ValueError('Unknown instrument {}'.format(meta.inst)) # Write background def writeBG(arg): bg_data, bg_mask, n = arg data['bg'][n] = bg_data data['mask'][n] = bg_mask return def writeBG_WFC3(arg): bg_data, bg_mask, datav0, datavariance, n = arg data['bg'][n] = bg_data data['mask'][n] = bg_mask data['v0'][n] = datav0 data['variance'][n] = datavariance return # Compute background for each integration log.writelog(' Performing background subtraction...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) data['bg'] = (['time', 'y', 'x'], np.zeros(data.flux.shape)) data['bg'].attrs['flux_units'] = data['flux'].attrs['flux_units'] if meta.ncpu == 1: # Only 1 CPU iterfn = range(meta.int_start, meta.n_int) if meta.verbose: iterfn = tqdm(iterfn) for n in iterfn: # Fit sky background with out-of-spectra data if meta.inst == 'niriss': writeBG(inst.fit_bg(data, meta, n, isplots)) elif meta.inst == 'wfc3': writeBG_WFC3(inst.fit_bg(data.flux[n].values, data.mask[n].values, data.v0[n].values, data.variance[n].values, data.guess[n].values, n, meta, isplots)) else: writeBG(inst.fit_bg(data.flux[n].values, data.mask[n].values, n, meta, isplots)) else: # Multiple CPUs pool = mp.Pool(meta.ncpu) args_list = [] # Todo, convert NIRISS fit_bg to only accept individual frames # (see nircam and below for example) if meta.inst == 'niriss': for n in range(meta.int_start, meta.n_int): args_list.append((data, meta, n, isplots)) jobs = [pool.apply_async(func=inst.fit_bg, args=(*args,), callback=writeBG) for args in args_list] elif meta.inst == 'wfc3': # The WFC3 background subtraction needs a few more inputs # and outputs jobs = [pool.apply_async(func=inst.fit_bg, args=(data.flux[n].values, data.mask[n].values, data.v0[n].values, data.variance[n].values, data.guess[n].values, n, meta, isplots,), callback=writeBG_WFC3) for n in range(meta.int_start, meta.n_int)] else: jobs = [pool.apply_async(func=inst.fit_bg, args=(data.flux[n].values, data.mask[n].values, n, meta, isplots,), callback=writeBG) for n in range(meta.int_start, meta.n_int)] pool.close() iterfn = jobs if meta.verbose: iterfn = tqdm(iterfn) for job in iterfn: job.get() # 9. Background subtraction # Perform background subtraction data['flux'] -= return data
[docs]def fitbg(dataim, meta, mask, x1, x2, deg=1, threshold=5, isrotate=False, isplots=0): '''Fit sky background with out-of-spectra data. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray The data array. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. mask : ndarray A mask array. x1 : ndarray x2 : ndarray deg : int; optional Polynomial order for column-by-column background subtraction Default is 1. threshold : int; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection during background subtraction. Defaullt is 5. isrotate : bool; optional Default is False. isplots : int; optional The amount of plots saved; set in ecf. Default is 0. Notes ----- History: - May 2013 Removed [::-1] for LDSS3 - Feb 2014 Modified x1 and x2 to allow for arrays ''' # Assume x is the spatial direction and y is the wavelength direction # Otherwise, rotate array if isrotate == 1: dataim = dataim[::-1].T mask = mask[::-1].T elif isrotate == 2: dataim = dataim.T mask = mask.T # Convert x1 and x2 to array, if need be ny, nx = np.shape(dataim) if type(x1) == int or type(x1) == np.int64: x1 = np.zeros(ny, dtype=int)+x1 if type(x2) == int or type(x2) == np.int64: x2 = np.zeros(ny, dtype=int)+x2 if deg < 0: # Calculate median background of entire frame # Assumes all x1 and x2 values are the same submask = np.concatenate((mask[:, :x1[0]].T, mask[:, x2[0]+1:nx].T)).T subdata = np.concatenate((dataim[:, :x1[0]].T, dataim[:, x2[0]+1:nx].T)).T bg = np.zeros((ny, nx)) + np.median(subdata[np.where(submask)]) elif deg is None: # No background subtraction bg = np.zeros((ny, nx)) else: degs = np.ones(ny)*deg # Initiate background image with zeros bg = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # Fit polynomial to each column for j in range(ny): nobadpixels = False # Create x indices for background sections of frame xvals = np.concatenate((range(x1[j]), range(x2[j]+1, nx))).astype(int) # If too few good pixels then average too_few_pix = (np.sum(mask[j, :x1[j]]) < deg or np.sum(mask[j, x2[j]+1:nx]) < deg) if too_few_pix: degs[j] = 0 while not nobadpixels: try: goodxvals = xvals[np.where(mask[j, xvals])] except: # FINDME: Need to change this except to only catch the # specific type of exception we expect print("****Warning: Background subtraction failed!****") print(j) print(xvals) print(np.where(mask[j, xvals])) return dataslice = dataim[j, goodxvals] # Check for at least 1 good x value if len(goodxvals) == 0: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop # Use coefficients from previous row else: # Fit along spatial direction with a polynomial of # degree 'deg' coeffs = np.polyfit(goodxvals, dataslice, deg=degs[j]) # Evaluate model at goodexvals model = np.polyval(coeffs, goodxvals) # Calculate residuals and number of sigma from the model residuals = dataslice - model # Simple standard deviation (faster but prone to missing # scanned background stars) # stdres = np.std(residuals) # Median Absolute Deviation (slower but more robust) # stdres = np.median(np.abs(np.ediff1d(residuals))) # Mean Absolute Deviation (good comprimise) stdres = np.mean(np.abs(np.ediff1d(residuals))) if stdres == 0: stdres = np.inf stdevs = np.abs(residuals) / stdres # Find worst data point loc = np.argmax(stdevs) # Mask data point if > threshold if stdevs[loc] > threshold: mask[j, goodxvals[loc]] = 0 else: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop # Evaluate background model at all points, write model to # background image if len(goodxvals) != 0: bg[j] = np.polyval(coeffs, range(nx)) if isplots >= 6: plt.figure(3601) plt.clf() plt.title(str(j)) plt.plot(goodxvals, dataslice, 'bo') plt.plot(range(nx), bg[j], 'g-') fname = 'figs'+os.sep+'Fig6_BG_'+str(j)+figure_filetype plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=300) plt.pause(0.01) if isrotate == 1: bg = (bg.T)[::-1] mask = (mask.T)[::-1] elif isrotate == 2: bg = (bg.T) mask = (mask.T) return bg, mask
[docs]def fitbg2(dataim, meta, mask, bgmask, deg=1, threshold=5, isrotate=False, isplots=0): '''Fit sky background with out-of-spectra data. fitbg2 uses bgmask, a mask for the background region which enables fitting more complex background regions than simply above or below a given distance from the trace. This will help mask the 2nd and 3rd orders of NIRISS. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray The data array. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. mask : ndarray A mask array. bgmask : ndarray A background mask array. deg : int; optional Polynomial order for column-by-column background subtraction. Default is 1. threshold : int; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection during background subtraction. Default is 5. isrotate : bool; optional Default is False. isplots : int; optional The amount of plots saved; set in ecf. Default is 0. Notes ----- History: - September 2016 Kevin Stevenson Initial version ''' # Assume x is the spatial direction and y is the wavelength direction # Otherwise, rotate array if isrotate == 1: dataim = dataim[::-1].T mask = mask[::-1].T bgmask = bgmask[::-1].T elif isrotate == 2: dataim = dataim.T mask = mask.T bgmask = bgmask.T # Initiate background image with zeros ny, nx = np.shape(dataim) bg = np.zeros((ny, nx)) mask2 = mask*bgmask if deg < 0: # Calculate median background of entire frame bg += np.median(dataim[np.where(mask2)]) elif deg is None: # No background subtraction pass else: degs = np.ones(ny)*deg # Fit polynomial to each column for j in tqdm(range(ny)): nobadpixels = False # Create x indices for background sections of frame xvals = np.where(bgmask[j] == 1)[0] # If too few good pixels on either half of detector then # compute average too_few_pixels = (np.sum(bgmask[j, :int(nx/2)]) < deg or np.sum(bgmask[j, int(nx/2):nx]) < deg) if too_few_pixels: degs[j] = 0 while not nobadpixels: try: goodxvals = xvals[np.where(bgmask[j, xvals])] except: # FINDME: Need to change this except to only catch the # specific type of exception we expect print('column: ', j, 'xvals: ', xvals) print(np.where(mask[j, xvals])) return dataslice = dataim[j, goodxvals] # Check for at least 1 good x value if len(goodxvals) == 0: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop # Use coefficients from previous row else: # Fit along spatial direction with a polynomial of # degree 'deg' coeffs = np.polyfit(goodxvals, dataslice, deg=degs[j]) # Evaluate model at goodexvals model = np.polyval(coeffs, goodxvals) # model = smooth.smooth(dataslice, window_len=window_len, # window=windowtype) # model = sps.medfilt(dataslice, window_len) if isplots == 6: plt.figure(3601) plt.clf() plt.title(str(j)) plt.plot(goodxvals, dataslice, 'bo') plt.plot(goodxvals, model, 'g-') fname = 'figs'+os.sep+'Fig6_BG_'+str(j)+figure_filetype plt.savefig(meta.outputdir + fname, dpi=300) plt.pause(0.01) # Calculate residuals residuals = dataslice - model # Find worst data point loc = np.argmax(np.abs(residuals)) # Calculate standard deviation of points excluding # worst point ind = np.arange(0, len(residuals), 1) ind = np.delete(ind, loc) stdres = np.std(residuals[ind]) if stdres == 0: stdres = np.inf # Calculate number of sigma from the model stdevs = np.abs(residuals) / stdres # Mask data point if > threshold if stdevs[loc] > threshold: bgmask[j, goodxvals[loc]] = 0 else: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop if isplots == 6: plt.figure(3601) plt.clf() plt.title(str(j)) plt.plot(goodxvals, dataslice, 'bo') plt.plot(goodxvals, model, 'g-') plt.pause(0.01) # Evaluate background model at all points, write model # to background image if len(goodxvals) != 0: bg[j] = np.polyval(coeffs, range(nx)) # bg[j] = np.interp(range(nx), goodxvals, model) if isrotate == 1: bg = (bg.T)[::-1] mask = (mask.T)[::-1] bgmask = (bgmask.T)[::-1] elif isrotate == 2: bg = (bg.T) mask = (mask.T) bgmask = (bgmask.T) return bg, bgmask # , mask # ,variance
def bkg_sub(img, mask, sigma=5, bkg_estimator='median', box=(10, 2), filter_size=(1, 1)): """Completes a step for fitting a 2D background model. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray Single exposure frame. mask : np.ndarray Mask to remove the orders. sigma : float; optional Sigma to remove above. Default is 5. bkg_estimator : str; optional Which type of 2D background model to use. Default is `median`. box : tuple; optional Box size by which to smooth over. Default is (10,2) --> prioritizes smoothing by column. filter_size : tuple; optional The window size of the 2D filter to apply to the low-resolution background map. Default is (1,1). Returns ------- background : np.ndarray The modeled background image. """ sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=sigma) if bkg_estimator.lower() == 'mmmbackground': bkg = MMMBackground() elif bkg_estimator.lower() == 'median': bkg = MedianBackground() b = Background2D(img, box, filter_size=filter_size, bkg_estimator=bkg, sigma_clip=sigma_clip, fill_value=0.0, mask=mask) return b.background
[docs]def fitbg3(data, order_mask, readnoise=11, sigclip=[4, 2, 3], isplots=0): """Fit sky background with out-of-spectra data. Optimized to remove the 1/f noise in the NIRISS spectra (works in the y-direction). Parameters ---------- isplots : bool; optional Plots intermediate steps for the background fitting routine. Default is False. Returns ------- data : object data object now contains new attribute `bkg_removed`. """ # Removes cosmic rays # Loops through niters cycles to make sure all pesky # cosmic rays are trashed rm_crs = np.zeros( bkg_subbed = np.zeros( for i in tqdm(range(len( ccd = CCDData(([i])*units.electron) mask = np.zeros([i].shape) for n in range(len(sigclip)): m1 = ccdp.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, readnoise=readnoise, sigclip=sigclip[n]) ccd = CCDData(*units.electron) mask[m1.mask] += 1 rm_crs[i] = rm_crs[i][mask >= 1] = np.nan # removal from background rm_crs[i] = clipping.gauss_removal(rm_crs[i], ~order_mask, linspace=[-200, 200]) # removal from order rm_crs[i] = clipping.gauss_removal(rm_crs[i], order_mask, linspace=[-10, 10], where='order') b1 = bkg_sub(rm_crs[i], order_mask, bkg_estimator='median', sigma=4, box=(10, 5), filter_size=(2, 2)) b2 = bkg_sub(rm_crs[i]-b1, order_mask, sigma=3, bkg_estimator='median') bkg_subbed[i] = (rm_crs[i]-b1)-b2 data.bkg_removed = bkg_subbed return data