Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.niriss

# NIRISS specific rountines go here
# Written by: Adina Feinstein
# Last updated by: Adina Feinstein
# Last updated date: February 7, 2022
import itertools
import numpy as np
import ccdproc as ccdp
from astropy import units
from import fits
import scipy.optimize as so
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from skimage.morphology import disk
from skimage import filters, feature
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from .background import fitbg3
from .niriss_profiles import *

# some cute cython code
import pyximport
from . import niriss_cython

__all__ = ['read', 'simplify_niriss_img', 'image_filtering',
           'f277_mask', 'fit_bg', 'wave_NIRISS',
           'mask_method_one', 'mask_method_two', 'fit_orders',

[docs]def read(filename, f277_filename, data, meta): """ Reads a single FITS file from JWST's NIRISS instrument. This takes in the Stage 2 processed files. Parameters ---------- filename : str Single filename to read. Should be a `.fits` file. data : object Data object in which the fits data will be stored. Returns ------- data : object Data object now populated with all of the FITS file information. meta : astropy.table.Table Metadata stored in the FITS file. """ meta.filename = filename hdu = f277= # loads in all the header data data.filename = filename data.mhdr = hdu[0].header data.shdr = hdu['SCI',1].header data.intend = hdu[0].header['NINTS'] + 0.0 data.time = np.linspace(data.mhdr['EXPSTART'], data.mhdr['EXPEND'], int(data.intend)) meta.time_units = 'BJD_TDB' # loads all the data into the data object = hdu['SCI',1].data + 0.0 data.err = hdu['ERR',1].data + 0.0 data.dq = hdu['DQ' ,1].data + 0.0 data.f277 = f277[1].data + 0.0 data.var = hdu['VAR_POISSON',1].data + 0.0 data.v0 = hdu['VAR_RNOISE' ,1].data + 0.0 meta.meta = hdu[-1].data # removes NaNs from the data & error arrays[np.isnan(] = 0 data.err[ np.isnan(data.err) ==True] = 0 data.median = np.nanmedian(, axis=0) return data, meta
[docs]def image_filtering(img, radius=1, gf=4): """ Does some simple image processing to isolate where the spectra are located on the detector. This routine is optimized for NIRISS S2 processed data and the F277W filter. Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray 2D image array. radius : np.float; optional Default is 1. gf : np.float; optional The standard deviation by which to Gaussian smooth the image. Default is 4. Returns ------- img_mask : np.ndarray A mask for the image that isolates where the spectral orders are. """ mask = filters.rank.maximum(img/np.nanmax(img), disk(radius=radius)) mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool) # applies the mask to the main frame data = img*~mask g = gaussian_filter(data, gf) g[g>6] = 200 edges = filters.sobel(g) edges[edges>0] = 1 # turns edge array into a boolean array edges = (edges-np.nanmax(edges)) * -1 z = feature.canny(edges) return z, g
[docs]def f277_mask(data, isplots=0): """ Marks the overlap region in the f277w filter image. Parameters ---------- data : object isplots : int; optional Level of plots that should be created in the S3 stage. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is 0. This stage will plot if isplots >= 5. Returns ------- mask : np.ndarray 2D mask for the f277w filter. mid : np.ndarray (x,y) anchors for where the overlap region is located. """ img = np.nanmax(data.f277, axis=(0,1)) mask, _ = image_filtering(img[:150,:500]) mid = np.zeros((mask.shape[1], 2),dtype=int) new_mask = np.zeros(img.shape) for i in range(mask.shape[1]): inds = np.where(mask[:,i]==True)[0] if len(inds) > 1: new_mask[inds[1]:inds[-2], i] = True mid[i] = np.array([i, (inds[1]+inds[-2])/2]) q = ((mid[:,0]<420) & (mid[:,1]>0) & (mid[:,0] > 0)) data.f277_img = new_mask if isplots >= 5: plt.imshow(new_mask) plt.title('F277 Mask') return new_mask, mid[q]
[docs]def mask_method_one(data, meta, isplots=0, save=True): """ There are some hard-coded numbers in here right now. The idea is that once we know what the real data looks like, nobody will have to actually call this function and we'll provide a CSV of a good initial guess for each order. This method uses some fun image processing to identify the boundaries of the orders and fits the edges of the first and second orders with a 4th degree polynomial. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object isplots : int; optional Level of plots that should be created in the S3 stage. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is 0. This stage will plot if isplots >= 5. save : bool; optional An option to save the polynomial fits to a CSV. Default is True. Output table is saved under `niriss_order_guesses.csv`. Returns ------- meta : object """ def rm_outliers(arr): # removes instantaneous outliers diff = np.diff(arr) outliers = np.where(np.abs(diff)>=np.nanmean(diff)+3*np.nanstd(diff)) arr[outliers] = 0 return arr def find_centers(img, cutends): """ Finds a running center """ centers = np.zeros(len(img[0]), dtype=int) for i in range(len(img[0])): inds = np.where(img[:,i]>0)[0] if len(inds)>0: centers[i] = np.nanmean(inds) centers = rm_outliers(centers) if cutends is not None: centers[cutends:] = 0 return centers def clean_and_fit(x1,x2,y1,y2): x1,y1 = x1[y1>0], y1[y1>0] x2,y2 = x2[y2>0], y2[y2>0] poly = np.polyfit(np.append(x1,x2), np.append(y1,y2), deg=4) # hard coded deg of polynomial fit fit = np.poly1d(poly) return fit g = simplify_niriss_img(data, meta, isplots) f,_ = f277_mask(data) g_centers = find_centers(g,cutends=None) f_centers = find_centers(f,cutends=430) # hard coded end of the F277 img gcenters_1 = np.zeros(len(g[0]),dtype=int) gcenters_2 = np.zeros(len(g[0]),dtype=int) for i in range(len(g[0])): inds = np.where(g[:,i]>100)[0] inds_1 = inds[inds <= 78] # hard coded y-boundary for the first order inds_2 = inds[inds>=80] # hard coded y-boundary for the second order if len(inds_1)>=1: gcenters_1[i] = np.nanmean(inds_1) if len(inds_2)>=1: gcenters_2[i] = np.nanmean(inds_2) gcenters_1 = rm_outliers(gcenters_1) gcenters_2 = rm_outliers(gcenters_2) x = np.arange(0,len(gcenters_1),1) fit1 = clean_and_fit(x, x[x>800], f_centers, gcenters_1[x>800]) fit2 = clean_and_fit(x, x[(x>800) & (x<1800)], f_centers, gcenters_2[(x>800) & (x<1800)]) if isplots >= 5: plt.figure(figsize=(14,4)) plt.title('Order Approximation') plt.imshow(g+f) plt.plot(x, fit1(x), 'k', label='First Order') plt.plot(x, fit2(x), 'r', label='Second Order') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) tab = Table() tab['x'] = x tab['order_1'] = fit1(x) tab['order_2'] = fit2(x) if save: tab.write('niriss_order_fits_method1.csv',format='csv') meta.tab1 = tab return meta
[docs]def mask_method_two(data, meta, isplots=0, save=False): """ A second method to extract the masks for the first and second orders in NIRISS data. This method uses the vertical profile of a summed image to identify the borders of each order. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object isplots : int; optional Level of plots that should be created in the S3 stage. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is 0. This stage will plot if isplots >= 5. save : bool; optional Has the option to save the initial guesses for the location of the NIRISS orders. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is False. Returns ------- meta : object """ def identify_peaks(column, height, distance): p,_ = find_peaks(column, height=height, distance=distance) return p summed = np.nansum(, axis=0) ccd = CCDData(summed*units.electron) new_ccd_no_premask = ccdp.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, readnoise=150, sigclip=5, verbose=False) summed_f277 = np.nansum(data.f277, axis=(0,1)) f277_peaks = np.zeros((summed_f277.shape[1],2)) peaks = np.zeros((new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1], 6)) double_peaked = [500, 700, 1850] # hard coded numbers to help set height bounds for i in range(summed.shape[1]): # Identifies peaks in the F277W filtered image fp = identify_peaks(summed_f277[:,i], height=100000, distance=10) if len(fp)==2: f277_peaks[i] = fp if i < double_peaked[0]: height=2000 elif i >= double_peaked[0] and i < double_peaked[1]: height = 100 elif i >= double_peaked[1]: height = 5000 p = identify_peaks(new_ccd_no_premask[:,i].data, height=height, distance=10) if i < 900: p = p[p>40] # sometimes catches an upper edge that doesn't exist peaks[i][:len(p)] = p # Removes 0s from the F277W boundaries xf = np.arange(0,summed_f277.shape[1],1) good = f277_peaks[:,0]!=0 xf=xf[good] f277_peaks=f277_peaks[good] # Fitting a polynomial to the boundary of each order x = np.arange(0,new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1],1) avg = np.zeros((new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1], 6)) for ind in range(4): # CHANGE THIS TO 6 TO ADD THE THIRD ORDER q = peaks[:,ind] > 0 # removes outliers diff = np.diff(peaks[:,ind][q]) good = np.where(np.abs(diff)<=np.nanmedian(diff)+2*np.nanstd(diff)) good = good[5:-5] y = peaks[:,ind][q][good] + 0 y = y[x[q][good]>xf[-1]] # removes some of the F277W points to better fit the 2nd order if ind < 2: cutoff=-1 else: cutoff=250 xtot = np.append(xf[:cutoff], x[q][good][x[q][good]>xf[-1]]) if ind == 0 or ind == 2: ytot = np.append(f277_peaks[:,0][:cutoff], y) else: ytot = np.append(f277_peaks[:,1][:cutoff], y) # Fits a 4th degree polynomiall poly= np.polyfit(xtot, ytot, deg=4) fit = np.poly1d(poly) avg[:,ind] = fit(x) if isplots >= 5: plt.figure(figsize=(14,4)) plt.title('Order Approximation') plt.imshow(summed, vmin=0, vmax=2e3) plt.plot(x, np.nanmedian(avg[:,:2],axis=1), 'k', lw=2, label='First Order') plt.plot(x, np.nanmedian(avg[:,2:4],axis=1), 'r', lw=2, label='Second Order') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) tab = Table() tab['x'] = x tab['order_1'] = np.nanmedian(avg[:,:2],axis=1) tab['order_2'] = np.nanmedian(avg[:,2:4],axis=1) if save: tab.write('niriss_order_fits_method2.csv',format='csv') meta.tab2 = tab return meta
[docs]def simplify_niriss_img(data, meta, isplots=0): """ Creates an image to map out where the orders are in the NIRISS data. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object isplots : int; optional Level of plots that should be created in the S3 stage. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is 0. Returns ------- g : np.ndarray A 2D array that marks where the NIRISS first and second orders are. """ perc = np.nanmax(, axis=0) # creates data img mask z,g = image_filtering(perc) if isplots >= 6: fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2,figsize=(14,4), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax1.imshow(z) ax1.set_title('Canny Edge') ax2.imshow(g) ax2.set_title('Gaussian Blurred') ax2.set_ylabel('y') ax1.set_ylabel('y') ax2.set_xlabel('x') data.simple_img = g return g
[docs]def wave_NIRISS(wavefile, meta): """ Adds the 2D wavelength solutions to the meta object. Parameters ---------- wavefile : str The name of the .FITS file with the wavelength solution. meta : object Returns ------- meta : object """ hdu = meta.wavelength_order1 = hdu[1].data + 0.0 meta.wavelength_order2 = hdu[2].data + 0.0 meta.wavelength_order3 = hdu[3].data + 0.0 hdu.close() return meta
def flag_bg(data, meta): '''Outlier rejection of sky background along time axis. Parameters ---------- data: DataClass The data object in which the fits data will stored meta: MetaClass The metadata object Returns ------- data: DataClass The updated data object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' print('WARNING, niriss.flag_bg is not yet implemented!') return
[docs]def fit_bg(data, meta, n_iters=3, readnoise=11, sigclip=[4,4,4], isplots=0): """ Subtracts background from non-spectral regions. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object n_iters : int; optional The number of iterations to go over and remove cosmic rays. Default is 3. readnoise : float; optional An estimation of the readnoise of the detector. Default is 5. sigclip : list, array; optional A list or array of len(n_iiters) corresponding to the sigma-level which should be clipped in the cosmic ray removal routine. Default is [4,2,3]. isplots : int; optional The level of output plots to display. Default is 0 (no plots). Returns ------- data : object """ def dirty_mask(img, boxsize1=70, boxsize2=60): """Really dirty box mask for background purposes.""" order1 = np.zeros((boxsize1, len(img[0]))) order2 = np.zeros((boxsize2, len(img[0]))) mask = np.ones(img.shape) for i in range(img.shape[1]): s,e = int(meta.tab2['order_1'][i]-boxsize1/2), int(meta.tab2['order_1'][i]+boxsize1/2) order1[:,i] = img[s:e,i] mask[s:e,i] = 0 s,e = int(meta.tab2['order_2'][i]-boxsize2/2), int(meta.tab2['order_2'][i]+boxsize2/2) try: order2[:,i] = img[s:e,i] mask[s:e,i] = 0 except: pass return mask box_mask = dirty_mask(data.median) data = fitbg3(data, np.array(box_mask-1, dtype=bool), readnoise, sigclip, isplots) return data
def set_which_table(i, meta): """ A little routine to return which table to use for the positions of the orders. Parameters ---------- i : int meta : object Returns ------- pos1 : np.array Array of locations for first order. pos2 : np.array Array of locations for second order. """ if i == 2: pos1, pos2 = meta.tab2['order_1'], meta.tab2['order_2'] elif i == 1: pos1, pos2 = meta.tab1['order_1'], meta.tab1['order_2'] return pos1, pos2
[docs]def fit_orders(data, meta, which_table=2): """ Creates a 2D image optimized to fit the data. Currently runs with a Gaussian profile, but will look into other more realistic profiles at some point. This routine is a bit slow, but fortunately, you only need to run it once per observations. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object which_table : int; optional Sets with table of initial y-positions for the orders to use. Default is 2. Returns ------- meta : object Adds two new attributes: `order1_mask` and `order2_mask`. """ print("Go grab some food. This routing could take up to 30 minutes.") def construct_guesses(A, B, sig, length=10): As = np.linspace(A[0], A[1], length) # amplitude of gaussian for first order Bs = np.linspace(B[0], B[1], length) # amplitude of gaussian for second order sigs = np.linspace(sig[0], sig[1], length) # std of gaussian profile combos = np.array(list(itertools.product(*[As,Bs,sigs]))) # generates all possible combos return combos pos1, pos2 = set_which_table(which_table, meta) # Good initial guesses combos = construct_guesses([0.1,30], [0.1,30], [1,40]) # generates length x length x length number of images and fits to the data img1, sigout1 = niriss_cython.build_image_models(data.median, combos[:,0], combos[:,1], combos[:,2], pos1, pos2) # Iterates on a smaller region around the best guess best_guess = combos[np.argmin(sigout1)] combos = construct_guesses( [best_guess[0]-0.5, best_guess[0]+0.5], [best_guess[1]-0.5, best_guess[1]+0.5], [best_guess[2]-0.5, best_guess[2]+0.5] ) # generates length x length x length number of images centered around the previous # guess to optimize the image fit img2, sigout2 = niriss_cython.build_image_models(data.median, combos[:,0], combos[:,1], combos[:,2], pos1, pos2) # creates a 2D image for the first and second orders with the best-fit gaussian # profiles final_guess = combos[np.argmin(sigout2)] ord1, ord2, _ = niriss_cython.build_image_models(data.median, [final_guess[0]], [final_guess[1]], [final_guess[2]], pos1, pos2, return_together=False) meta.order1_mask = ord1[0] meta.order2_mask = ord2[0] return meta
[docs]def fit_orders_fast(data, meta, which_table=2): """ A faster method to fit a 2D mask to the NIRISS data. Very similar to `fit_orders`, but works with `scipy.optimize.leastsq`. Parameters ---------- data : object meta : object which_table : int; optional Sets with table of initial y-positions for the orders to use. Default is 2. Returns ------- meta : object """ def residuals(params, data, y1_pos, y2_pos): """ Calcualtes residuals for best-fit profile. """ A, B, sig1 = params # Produce the model: model,_ = niriss_cython.build_image_models(data, [A], [B], [sig1], y1_pos, y2_pos) # Calculate residuals: res = (model[0] - data) return res.flatten() pos1, pos2 = set_which_table(which_table, meta) # fits the mask results = so.least_squares( residuals, x0=np.array([2,3,30]), args=(data.median, pos1, pos2), xtol=1e-11, ftol=1e-11, max_nfev=1e3 ) # creates the final mask out_img1,out_img2,_= niriss_cython.build_image_models(data.median, results.x[0:1], results.x[1:2], results.x[2:3], pos1, pos2, return_together=False) meta.order1_mask_fast = out_img1[0] meta.order2_mask_fast = out_img2[0] return meta