Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.nirspec

# NIRSpec specific rountines go here
import numpy as np
from import fits
import astraeus.xarrayIO as xrio
from . import nircam, sigrej
from ..lib.util import read_time

[docs]def read(filename, data, meta, log): '''Reads single FITS file from JWST's NIRCam instrument. Parameters ---------- filename : str Single filename to read. data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Notes ----- History: - November 2012 Kevin Stevenson Initial version - June 2021 Aarynn Carter/Eva-Maria Ahrer Updated for NIRSpec - Apr 22, 2022 Kevin Stevenson Convert to using Xarray Dataset ''' hdulist = # Load master and science headers data.attrs['filename'] = filename data.attrs['mhdr'] = hdulist[0].header data.attrs['shdr'] = hdulist['SCI', 1].header try: data.attrs['intstart'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTSTART']-1 data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['INTEND'] except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the particular exception we expect print(' WARNING: Manually setting INTSTART to 1 and INTEND to NINTS') data.attrs['intstart'] = 0 data.attrs['intend'] = data.attrs['mhdr']['NINTS'] sci = hdulist['SCI', 1].data err = hdulist['ERR', 1].data dq = hdulist['DQ', 1].data v0 = hdulist['VAR_RNOISE', 1].data wave_2d = hdulist['WAVELENGTH', 1].data int_times = hdulist['INT_TIMES', 1].data[data.attrs['intstart']: data.attrs['intend']] # Record integration mid-times in BJD_TDB if (hasattr(meta, 'time_file') and meta.time_file is not None): time = read_time(meta, data, log) elif len(int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB']) == 0: # There is no time information in the simulated NIRSpec data print(' WARNING: The timestamps for the simulated NIRSpec data are ' 'currently\n' ' hardcoded because they are not in the .fits files ' 'themselves') time = np.linspace(data.mhdr['EXPSTART'], data.mhdr['EXPEND'], data.intend) else: time = int_times['int_mid_BJD_TDB'] # Record units flux_units = data.attrs['shdr']['BUNIT'] time_units = 'BJD_TDB' wave_units = 'microns' data['flux'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(sci, time, flux_units, time_units, name='flux') data['err'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(err, time, flux_units, time_units, name='err') data['dq'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(dq, time, "None", time_units, name='dq') data['v0'] = xrio.makeFluxLikeDA(v0, time, flux_units, time_units, name='v0') data['wave_2d'] = (['y', 'x'], wave_2d) data['wave_2d'].attrs['wave_units'] = wave_units return data, meta, log
[docs]def flag_bg(data, meta, log): '''Outlier rejection of sky background along time axis. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with outlier background pixels flagged. ''' log.writelog(' Performing background outlier rejection...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) meta.bg_y2 = meta.src_ypos + meta.bg_hw meta.bg_y1 = meta.src_ypos - meta.bg_hw bgdata1 = data.flux[:, :meta.bg_y1] bgmask1 = data.mask[:, :meta.bg_y1] bgdata2 = data.flux[:, meta.bg_y2:] bgmask2 = data.mask[:, meta.bg_y2:] # FINDME: KBS removed estsig from inputs to speed up outlier detection. # Need to test performance with and without estsig on real data. if hasattr(meta, 'use_estsig') and meta.use_estsig: # This might not be necessary for real data bgerr1 =[:, :meta.bg_y1], 0)) bgerr2 =[:, meta.bg_y2:], 0)) estsig1 = [bgerr1 for j in range(len(meta.bg_thresh))] estsig2 = [bgerr2 for j in range(len(meta.bg_thresh))] else: estsig1 = None estsig2 = None data['mask'][:, :meta.bg_y1] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata1, meta.bg_thresh, bgmask1, estsig1) data['mask'][:, meta.bg_y2:] = sigrej.sigrej(bgdata2, meta.bg_thresh, bgmask2, estsig2) return data
[docs]def fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=0): """Fit for a non-uniform background. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for NIRSpec. Parameters ---------- dataim : ndarray (2D) The 2D image array. datamask : ndarray (2D) An array of which data should be masked. n : int The current integration. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity, by default 0. Returns ------- bg : ndarray (2D) The fitted background level. mask : ndarray (2D) The updated mask after background subtraction. n : int The current integration number. """ return nircam.fit_bg(dataim, datamask, n, meta, isplots=isplots)
[docs]def find_column_median_shifts(data): '''Takes the median frame (in time) and finds the center of mass (COM) in pixels for each column. It then returns the needed shift to apply to each column to bring the COM to the center Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (2D) The median of all data frames Returns ------- shifts : ndarray (2D) The shifts to apply to each column to straighten the trace. new_center : int The central row of the detector where the trace is moved to. ''' # get the dimensions of the data nb_rows = data.shape[0] # define an array of pixel positions (in their centers) pix_centers = np.arange(nb_rows) + 0.5 # Compute the center of mass of each column and convert to integer (pixels) column_coms = (np.sum(pix_centers[:, None]*data, axis=0) / np.sum(data, axis=0)) column_coms = np.around(column_coms).astype(int) # define the new center (where we will align the trace) in the # middle of the detector new_center = int(nb_rows/2) # define an array containing the needed shift to bring the COMs to the # new center for each column of each integration shifts = new_center - column_coms # ensure columns of zeros or nans are not moved and dont induce bugs shifts[column_coms < 0] = 0 shifts[column_coms > nb_rows] = 0 return shifts, new_center
[docs]def roll_columns(data, shifts): '''For each column of each integration, rolls the columns by the values specified in shifts Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (3D) Image data. shifts : ndarray (2D) The shifts to apply to each column to straighten the trace. Returns ------- rolled_data : ndarray (3D) Image data with the shifts applied. ''' # init straight_data rolled_data = np.zeros_like(data) # loop over all images (integrations) for i in range(len(data)): # do the equivalent of 'np.roll' but with a different shift # in each column arr = np.swapaxes(data[i], 0, -1) all_idcs = np.ogrid[[slice(0, n) for n in arr.shape]] # make the shifts positive shifts_i = shifts[i] shifts_i[shifts_i < 0] += arr.shape[-1] # apply the shifts all_idcs[-1] = all_idcs[-1] - shifts_i[:, np.newaxis] result = arr[tuple(all_idcs)] arr = np.swapaxes(result, -1, 0) # store in straight_data rolled_data[i] = arr return rolled_data
[docs]def straighten_trace(data, meta, log): '''Takes a set of integrations with a curved trace and shifts the columns to bring the center of mass to the middle of the detector (and straighten the trace) The correction is made by whole pixels (i.e. no fractional pixel shifts) The shifts to be applied are computed once from the median frame and then applied to each integration in the timeseries Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object in which the fits data will stored. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object with the fits data stored inside. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The updated metadata object. ''' log.writelog(' Correcting curvature and bringing trace in the center ' 'of the detector...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # This method only works with the median profile for the extraction log.writelog(' !!! Ensure that you are using meddata for the optimal ' 'extraction profile !!!', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Find the median shift needed to bring the trace centered on the detector # obtain the median frame median_frame = np.copy(data.medflux.values) # compute the correction needed from this median frame shifts, new_center = find_column_median_shifts(median_frame) # Correct wavelength (only one frame) log.writelog(' Correcting the wavelength solution...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # broadcast to (1, detector.shape) which is the expected shape of # the function single_shift = np.expand_dims(shifts, axis=0) wave_data = np.expand_dims(data.wave_2d.values, axis=0) # apply the correction and update wave_1d accordingly data.wave_2d.values = roll_columns(wave_data, single_shift)[0] data.wave_1d.values = data.wave_2d[new_center].values log.writelog(' Correcting the curvature over all integrations...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # broadcast the shifts to the number of integrations shifts = np.reshape(np.repeat(shifts, data.flux.shape[0]), (data.flux.shape[0], data.flux.shape[2]), order='F') # apply the shifts to the data data.flux.values = roll_columns(data.flux.values, shifts) data.err.values = roll_columns(data.err.values, shifts) data.dq.values = roll_columns(data.dq.values, shifts) data.v0.values = roll_columns(data.v0.values, shifts) # update the new src_ypos log.writelog(f' Updating src_ypos to new center, row {new_center}...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) meta.src_ypos = new_center # update the median frame log.writelog(' Updating median frame now that the trace is corrected...', mute=(not meta.verbose)) data.medflux.values = np.median(data.flux.values, axis=0) return data, meta
[docs]def cut_aperture(data, meta, log): """Select the aperture region out of each trimmed image. Uses the code written for NIRCam which works for NIRSpec. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The current log. Returns ------- apdata : ndarray The flux values over the aperture region. aperr : ndarray The noise values over the aperture region. apmask : ndarray The mask values over the aperture region. apbg : ndarray The background flux values over the aperture region. apv0 : ndarray The v0 values over the aperture region. Notes ----- History: - 2022-06-17, Taylor J Bell Initial version based on the code in """ return nircam.cut_aperture(data, meta, log)