Source code for eureka.S3_data_reduction.optspex

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..lib import gaussian as g
from ..lib import smooth
from . import plots_s3

[docs]def standard_spectrum(data, apdata, aperr): """Compute the standard box spectrum. Parameters ---------- data : Xarray Dataset The Dataset object. apdata : ndarray The pixel values in the aperture region. aperr : ndarray The noise values in the aperture region. Returns ------- data : Xarray Dataset The updated Dataset object in which the spectrum data will stored. """ data['stdspec'] = (['time', 'x'], np.sum(apdata, axis=1)) data['stdvar'] = (['time', 'x'], np.sum(aperr ** 2, axis=1)) data['stdspec'].attrs['flux_units'] = \ data.flux.attrs['flux_units'] data['stdspec'].attrs['time_units'] = \ data.flux.attrs['time_units'] data['stdvar'].attrs['flux_units'] = \ data.flux.attrs['flux_units'] data['stdvar'].attrs['time_units'] = \ data.flux.attrs['time_units'] return data
[docs]def profile_poly(subdata, mask, deg=3, threshold=10, isplots=0): '''Construct normalized spatial profile using polynomial fits along the wavelength direction. Parameters ---------- subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. deg : int; optional Polynomial degree, defaults to 3. threshold : float; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile, defaults to 10. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. ''' submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = np.shape(subdata) profile = np.zeros((ny, nx)) maxiter = nx for j in range(ny): nobadpixels = False iternum = 0 while not nobadpixels and iternum < maxiter: # Do not want to alter original data dataslice = np.copy(subdata[j]) # Replace masked points with median of nearby points for ind in np.where(submask[j] == 0)[0]: dataslice[ind] = \ np.median(dataslice[np.max((0, ind-10)):ind+11]) # Smooth each row coeffs = np.polyfit(range(nx), dataslice, deg) model = np.polyval(coeffs, range(nx)) if isplots == 7: plt.figure(3703) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(str(j) + "," + str(iternum)) plt.plot(dataslice, 'ro') plt.plot(dataslice*submask[j], 'bo') plt.plot(model, 'g-') plt.pause(0.1) # Calculate residuals and number of sigma from the model residuals = submask[j]*(dataslice - model) stdevs = np.abs(residuals) / np.std(residuals) # Find worst data point loc = np.argmax(stdevs) # Mask data point if > threshold if stdevs[loc] > threshold: nobadpixels = False submask[j, loc] = 0 else: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop iternum += 1 profile[j] = model if iternum == maxiter: print('WARNING: Max number of iterations reached for ' 'dataslice ' + str(j)) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
[docs]def profile_smooth(subdata, mask, threshold=10, window_len=21, windowtype='hanning', isplots=0): '''Construct normalized spatial profile using a smoothing function. Parameters ---------- subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. threshold : float; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile. window_len : int; optional The dimension of the smoothing window. windowtype : {'flat','hanning','hamming','bartlett','blackman'}; optional UNUSED. The type of window. A flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. ''' submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = np.shape(subdata) profile = np.zeros((ny, nx)) maxiter = nx for j in range(ny): # Check for good pixels in row if np.sum(submask[j]) > 0: nobadpixels = False iternum = 0 maxiter = np.sum(submask[j]) while not nobadpixels and iternum < maxiter: # Do not want to alter original data dataslice = np.copy(subdata[j]) # Replace masked points with median of nearby points # dataslice[np.where(submask[j] == 0)] = 0 # FINDME: Code below appears to be effective, but is slow for # lots of masked points for ind in np.where(submask[j] == 0)[0]: dataslice[ind] = \ np.median(dataslice[np.max((0, ind-10)):ind+11]) # Smooth each row # model = smooth.smooth(dataslice, window_len=window_len, # window=windowtype) model = smooth.medfilt(dataslice, window_len) if isplots == 7: plt.figure(3703) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(str(j) + "," + str(iternum)) plt.plot(dataslice, 'ro') plt.plot(dataslice*submask[j], 'bo') plt.plot(model, 'g-') plt.pause(0.1) # Calculate residuals and number of sigma from the model igoodmask = np.where(submask[j] == 1)[0] residuals = submask[j]*(dataslice - model) stdevs = (np.abs(residuals[igoodmask]) / np.std(residuals[igoodmask])) # Find worst data point loc = np.argmax(stdevs) # Mask data point if > threshold if stdevs[loc] > threshold: nobadpixels = False submask[j, igoodmask[loc]] = 0 else: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop iternum += 1 # Copy model slice to profile profile[j] = model if iternum == maxiter: print('WARNING: Max number of iterations reached for ' 'dataslice ' + str(j)) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
[docs]def profile_meddata(data, mask, meddata, threshold=10, isplots=0): '''Construct normalized spatial profile using median of all data frames. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Unused. Image data. mask : ndarray Unused. Outlier mask. meddata : ndarray The median of all data frames. threshold : float; optional Unused. Sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile. Defaults to 10. isplots : int; optional Unused. The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. ''' # profile = np.copy(meddata*mask) profile = np.copy(meddata) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
# Construct normalized spatial profile using wavelets
[docs]def profile_wavelet(subdata, mask, wavelet, numlvls, isplots=0): '''This function performs 1D image denoising using BayesShrink soft thresholding. Parameters ---------- subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. wavelet : Wavelet object or name string qWavelet to use numlvls : int Decomposition levels to consider (must be >= 0). isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. References ---------- Chang et al. "Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression", 2000 ''' import pywt submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = np.shape(subdata) profile = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for j in range(ny): # Perform wavelet decomposition dec = pywt.wavedec(subdata[j], wavelet) # Estimate noise variance noisevar = np.inf for i in range(-1, -numlvls-1, -1): noisevar = np.min([(np.median(np.abs(dec[i]))/0.6745)**2, noisevar]) # At each level of decomposition... for i in range(-1, -numlvls-1, -1): # Estimate variance at level i then compute the threshold value # sigmay2 = np.mean(dec[i]*dec[i]) # sigmax = np.sqrt(np.max([sigmay2-noisevar, 0])) threshold = np.max(np.abs(dec[i])) # if sigmax == 0 or i == -1: # threshold = np.max(np.abs(dec[i])) # else: # threshold = noisevar/sigmax # Compute less noisy coefficients by applying soft thresholding dec[i] = map(lambda x: pywt.thresholding.soft(x, threshold), dec[i]) profile[j] = pywt.waverec(dec, wavelet)[:nx] if isplots == 7: plt.figure(3703) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(str(j)) plt.plot(subdata[j], 'ro') plt.plot(subdata[j]*submask[j], 'bo') plt.plot(profile[j], 'g-') plt.pause(0.1) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
[docs]def profile_wavelet2D(subdata, mask, wavelet, numlvls, isplots=0): '''Construct normalized spatial profile using wavelets This function performs 2D image denoising using BayesShrink soft thresholding. Parameters ---------- subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. wavelet : Wavelet object or name string qWavelet to use numlvls : int Decomposition levels to consider (must be >= 0). isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. References ---------- Chang et al. "Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression", 2000 ''' import pywt submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = np.shape(subdata) profile = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # Perform wavelet decomposition dec = pywt.wavedec2(subdata, wavelet) # Estimate noise variance noisevar = np.inf for i in range(-1, -numlvls-1, -1): noisevar = np.min([(np.median(np.abs(dec[i]))/0.6745)**2, noisevar]) # At each level of decomposition... for i in range(-1, -numlvls-1, -1): # Estimate variance at level i then compute the threshold value # sigmay2 = np.mean((dec[i][0]*dec[i][0]+dec[i][1]*dec[i][1] + # dec[i][2]*dec[i][2])/3.) # sigmax = np.sqrt(np.max([sigmay2-noisevar, 0])) threshold = np.max(np.abs(dec[i])) # if sigmax == 0: # threshold = np.max(np.abs(dec[i])) # else: # threshold = noisevar/sigmax # Compute less noisy coefficients by applying soft thresholding dec[i] = map(lambda x: pywt.thresholding.soft(x, threshold), dec[i]) profile = pywt.waverec2(dec, wavelet)[:ny, :nx] if isplots == 7: plt.figure(3703) plt.clf() # plt.suptitle(str(j) + "," + str(iternum)) plt.plot(subdata[ny/2], 'ro') plt.plot(subdata[ny/2]*submask[ny/2], 'bo') plt.plot(profile[ny/2], 'g-') plt.figure(3704) plt.clf() # plt.suptitle(str(j) + "," + str(iternum)) plt.plot(subdata[:, nx/2], 'ro') plt.plot(subdata[:, nx/2]*submask[:, nx/2], 'bo') plt.plot(profile[:, nx/2], 'g-') plt.pause(0.1) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
[docs]def profile_gauss(subdata, mask, threshold=10, guess=None, isplots=0): '''Construct normalized spatial profile using a Gaussian smoothing function. Parameters ---------- subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. threshold : float; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile. Defaults to 10. guess : list; optional UNUSED. The initial guess for the Gaussian parameters. Defaults to None. isplots : int; optional The plotting verbosity. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- profile : ndarray Fitted profile in the same shape as the input data array. ''' submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = np.shape(subdata) profile = np.zeros((ny, nx)) maxiter = ny for i in range(nx): nobadpixels = False iternum = 0 # Do not want to alter original data dataslice = np.copy(subdata[:, i]) # Set initial guess if none given guess = [ny/10., np.argmax(dataslice), dataslice.max()] while not nobadpixels and iternum < maxiter: # Fit Gaussian to each column if sum(submask[:, i]) >= 3: params, err = g.fitgaussian(dataslice, np.arange(ny), mask=submask[:, i], fitbg=0, guess=guess) else: params = guess err = None # Create model model = g.gaussian(np.arange(ny), params[0], params[1], params[2]) if isplots == 7: plt.figure(3703) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(str(i) + "," + str(iternum)) plt.plot(dataslice, 'ro') plt.plot(dataslice*submask[:, i], 'bo') plt.plot(model, 'g-') plt.pause(0.1) # Calculate residuals and number of sigma from the model residuals = submask[:, i]*(dataslice - model) if np.std(residuals) == 0: stdevs = np.zeros(residuals.shape) else: stdevs = np.abs(residuals) / np.std(residuals) # Find worst data point loc = np.argmax(stdevs) # Mask data point if > threshold if stdevs[loc] > threshold: # Check for bad fit, possibly due to a bad pixel if i > 0 and (err is None or np.abs(params[0]) < np.abs(0.2*guess[0])): # print(i, params) # Remove brightest pixel within region of fit loc = (params[1]-3 + np.argmax(dataslice[params[1]-3:params[1]+4])) # print(loc) else: guess = np.abs(params) submask[loc, i] = 0 else: nobadpixels = True # exit while loop guess = np.abs(params) iternum += 1 profile[:, i] = model if iternum == maxiter: print('WARNING: Max number of iterations reached for dataslice ' + str(i)) # Enforce positivity profile[np.where(profile < 0)] = 0 # Normalize along spatial direction profile /= np.sum(profile, axis=0) return profile
[docs]def optimize(meta, subdata, mask, bg, spectrum, Q, v0, p5thresh=10, p7thresh=10, fittype='smooth', window_len=21, deg=3, windowtype='hanning', n=0, m=0, meddata=None): '''Extract optimal spectrum with uncertainties. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. subdata : ndarray Background subtracted data. mask : ndarray Outlier mask. bg : ndarray Background array. spectrum : ndarray Standard spectrum. Q : float The gain factor. v0 : ndarray Variance array for data. p5thresh : float; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile. Defaults to 10. p7thresh : float; optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection during optimal spectral extraction. Defaukts to 10. fittype : str; optional One of {'smooth', 'meddata', 'wavelet2D', 'wavelet', 'gauss', 'poly'}. The type of profile fitting you want to do. Defaults to 'smooth'. window_len : int; optional The dimension of the smoothing window. Defaults to 21. deg : int; optional Polynomial degree. Defaults to 3. windowtype : str; optional UNUSED. One of {'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'}. The type of window. A flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. Defaults to 'hanning'. n : int; optional Integration number. Defaults to 0. m : int; optional File number. Defaults to 0. meddata : ndarray; optional The median of all data frames. Defaults to None. Returns ------- spectrum : ndarray The optimally extracted spectrum. specunc : ndarray The standard deviation on the spectrum. submask : ndarray The mask array. ''' submask = np.copy(mask) ny, nx = subdata.shape isnewprofile = True # Loop through steps 5-8 until no more bad pixels are uncovered while isnewprofile: # STEP 5: Construct normalized spatial profile if fittype == 'smooth': profile = profile_smooth(subdata, submask, threshold=p5thresh, window_len=window_len, windowtype=windowtype, isplots=meta.isplots_S3) elif fittype == 'meddata': profile = profile_meddata(subdata, submask, meddata, threshold=p5thresh, isplots=meta.isplots_S3) elif fittype == 'wavelet2D': profile = profile_wavelet2D(subdata, submask, wavelet='bior5.5', numlvls=3, isplots=meta.isplots_S3) elif fittype == 'wavelet': profile = profile_wavelet(subdata, submask, wavelet='bior5.5', numlvls=3, isplots=meta.isplots_S3) elif fittype == 'gauss': profile = profile_gauss(subdata, submask, threshold=p5thresh, guess=None, isplots=meta.isplots_S3) elif fittype == 'poly': profile = profile_poly(subdata, submask, deg=deg, threshold=p5thresh) else: print("Unknown normalized spatial profile method.") return if meta.isplots_S3 >= 3: plots_s3.profile(meta, profile, submask, n, m) isnewprofile = False isoutliers = True # Loop through steps 6-8 until no more bad pixels are uncovered while isoutliers: # STEP 6: Revise variance estimates expected = profile*spectrum variance = np.abs(expected + bg) / Q + v0 # STEP 7: Mask cosmic ray hits stdevs = np.abs(subdata - expected)*submask / np.sqrt(variance) if meta.isplots_S3 == 8: try: plt.figure(3801) plt.clf() plt.plot(variance[20]) plt.figure(3802) plt.clf() plt.plot(variance[:, 10]) plt.pause(1) except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the expected exception pass isoutliers = False if len(stdevs) > 0: # Find worst data point in each column loc = np.argmax(stdevs, axis=0) # Mask data point if std is > p7thresh for i in range(nx): if meta.isplots_S3 == 8: try: plt.figure(3803) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(str(i) + "/" + str(nx)) plt.plot(subdata[:, i], 'bo') plt.plot(expected[:, i], 'g-') plt.pause(0.01) except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the expected exception pass if stdevs[loc[i], i] > p7thresh: isnewprofile = True isoutliers = True submask[loc[i], i] = 0 # Generate plot if meta.isplots_S3 >= 5: plots_s3.subdata(meta, i, n, m, subdata, submask, expected, loc) # Check for insufficient number of good points if sum(submask[:, i]) < ny/2.: submask[:, i] = 0 # STEP 8: Extract optimal spectrum denom = np.sum(profile*profile*submask/variance, axis=0) denom[np.where(denom == 0)] = np.inf spectrum = np.sum(profile*submask*subdata/variance, axis=0) / denom # Calculate variance of optimal spectrum specvar = np.sum(profile*submask, axis=0) / denom # Return spectrum and uncertainties return spectrum, np.sqrt(specvar), submask