Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.fitters

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
from io import StringIO
import os
import sys
import h5py
import time as time_pkg

from scipy.optimize import minimize
import lmfit
import emcee

from dynesty import NestedSampler
from dynesty.utils import resample_equal

from .likelihood import computeRedChiSq, lnprob, ln_like, ptform
from . import plots_s5 as plots
from ..lib import astropytable

from multiprocessing import Pool

from astropy import table

[docs]def lsqfitter(lc, model, meta, log, calling_function='lsq', **kwargs): """Perform least-squares fit. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. calling_function : str The fitter that is being run (e.g. may be 'emcee' if running lsqfitter to initialize emcee walkers). Defailts to 'lsq'. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns ------- best_model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model after fitting Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Updated documentation and arguments. Reduced repeated code. Also saving covariance matrix for later estimation of sampler step size. - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - February 28-March 1, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Adding scatter_ppm parameter - Mar 13-Apr 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Record an astropy table for param values """ # Group the different variable types freenames, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype, indep_vars = \ group_variables(model) if hasattr(meta, 'old_fitparams') and meta.old_fitparams is not None: freepars = load_old_fitparams(meta, log,, freenames) start_lnprob = lnprob(freepars, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Starting lnprob: {start_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) def neg_lnprob(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames): return -lnprob(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) global lsq_t0 lsq_t0 = time_pkg.time() def callback_full(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames): global lsq_t0 if (time_pkg.time()-lsq_t0) > 0.5: lsq_t0 = time_pkg.time() print('Current lnprob = ', lnprob(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames), end='\r') def callback(theta): return callback_full(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) if not hasattr(meta, 'lsq_method'): log.writelog('No lsq optimization method specified - using Nelder-Mead' ' by default.') meta.lsq_method = 'Nelder-Mead' if not hasattr(meta, 'lsq_tol'): log.writelog('No lsq tolerance specified - using 1e-6 by default.') meta.lsq_tol = 1e-6 if not hasattr(meta, 'lsq_maxiter'): meta.lsq_maxiter = None results = minimize(neg_lnprob, freepars, args=(lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames), method=meta.lsq_method, tol=meta.lsq_tol, options={'maxiter': meta.lsq_maxiter}, callback=callback) log.writelog("\nVerbose lsq results: {}\n".format(results), mute=(not meta.verbose)) if not meta.verbose: log.writelog("Success?: {}".format(results.success)) log.writelog(results.message) # Get the best fit params fit_params = results.x # Create table of results t_results = table.Table([freenames, fit_params], names=("Parameter", "Mean")) model.update(fit_params, freenames) if "scatter_ppm" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:11] == "scatter_ppm"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ fit_params[ind[chan]] * 1e-6 elif "scatter_mult" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:12] == "scatter_mult"] if not hasattr(lc, 'unc_fit'): lc.unc_fit = copy.deepcopy(lc.unc) for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ (fit_params[ind[chan]] * lc.unc[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size]) # Save the fit ASAP save_fit(meta, lc, model, calling_function, t_results, freenames) end_lnprob = lnprob(fit_params, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Ending lnprob: {end_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Compute reduced chi-squared chi2red = computeRedChiSq(lc, log, model, meta, freenames) print('\nLSQ RESULTS:') for i in range(len(freenames)): if 'scatter_mult' in freenames[i]: chan = freenames[i].split('_')[-1] if chan.isnumeric(): chan = int(chan) else: chan = 0 scatter_ppm = (fit_params[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size]) * 1e6) log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]}; {scatter_ppm} ppm') else: log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]}') log.writelog('') # Plot fit if meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_fit(lc, model, meta, fitter=calling_function) # Plot GP fit + components if model.GP and meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_GP_components(lc, model, meta, fitter=calling_function) # Plot Allan plot if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3 and calling_function == 'lsq': # This plot is only really useful if you're actually using the # lsq fitter, otherwise don't make it plots.plot_rms(lc, model, meta, fitter=calling_function) # Plot residuals distribution if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3 and calling_function == 'lsq': plots.plot_res_distr(lc, model, meta, fitter=calling_function) # Make a new model instance best_model = copy.deepcopy(model) best_model.components[0].update(fit_params, freenames) # Save the covariance matrix in case it's needed to estimate step size # for a sampler # FINDME: # Commented out for now because op.least_squares() doesn't provide # covariance matrix # Need to compute using Jacobian matrix instead (hess_inv = (J.T J)^{-1}) # model_lc = model.eval() # if results[1] is not None: # residuals = (lc.flux - model_lc) # cov_mat = results[1]*np.var(residuals) # else: # # Sometimes lsq will fail to converge and will return a None # # covariance matrix # cov_mat = None cov_mat = None best_model.__setattr__('cov_mat', cov_mat) best_model.__setattr__('chi2red', chi2red) best_model.__setattr__('fit_params', fit_params) return best_model
[docs]def demcfitter(lc, model, meta, log, **kwargs): """Perform sampling using Differential Evolution Markov Chain. This is an empty placeholder function to be filled later. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns ------- best_model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model after fitting Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Updated documentation and arguments """ best_model = None return best_model
[docs]def emceefitter(lc, model, meta, log, **kwargs): """Perform sampling using emcee. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns ------- best_model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model after fitting Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Updated documentation. Reduced repeated code. - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. - February 28-March 1, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Adding scatter_ppm parameter. Added statements to avoid some initial state issues. - Mar 13-Apr 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Record an astropy table for mean, median, percentiles, +/- 1 sigma, all params """ # Group the different variable types freenames, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype, indep_vars = \ group_variables(model) if hasattr(meta, 'old_fitparams') and meta.old_fitparams is not None: freepars = load_old_fitparams(meta, log,, freenames) ndim = len(freenames) if hasattr(meta, 'old_chain') and meta.old_chain is not None: pos, nwalkers = start_from_oldchain_emcee(meta, log, ndim,, freenames) else: if not hasattr(meta, 'lsq_first') or meta.lsq_first: # Only call lsq fitter first if asked or lsq_first option wasn't # passed (allowing backwards compatibility) log.writelog('\nCalling lsqfitter first...') # RUN LEAST SQUARES lsq_sol = lsqfitter(lc, model, meta, log, calling_function='emcee_lsq', **kwargs) freepars = lsq_sol.fit_params # SCALE UNCERTAINTIES WITH REDUCED CHI2 if meta.rescale_err: lc.unc *= np.sqrt(lsq_sol.chi2red) else: lsq_sol = None pos, nwalkers = initialize_emcee_walkers(meta, log, ndim, lsq_sol, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype) start_lnprob = lnprob(np.median(pos, axis=0), lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Starting lnprob: {start_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Initialize tread pool if hasattr(meta, 'ncpu') and meta.ncpu > 1: pool = Pool(meta.ncpu) else: meta.ncpu = 1 pool = None # Run emcee burn-in sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=(lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames), pool=pool) log.writelog('Running emcee burn-in...') sampler.run_mcmc(pos, meta.run_nsteps, progress=True) # state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, meta.run_nsteps, progress=True) # # Log some details about the burn-in phase # acceptance_fraction = np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) # log.writelog(f"Mean acceptance fraction: {acceptance_fraction:.3f}", # mute=(not meta.verbose)) # try: # autocorr = sampler.get_autocorr_time() # log.writelog(f"Mean autocorrelation time: {autocorr:.3f} steps", # mute=(not meta.verbose)) # except: # log.writelog("Error: Unable to estimate the autocorrelation time!", # mute=(not meta.verbose)) # mid_lnprob = lnprob(np.median(sampler.get_chain()[-1], axis=0), lc, # model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) # log.writelog(f'Intermediate lnprob: {mid_lnprob}', # mute=(not meta.verbose)) # if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: # plots.plot_chain(sampler.get_chain(), lc, meta, freenames, # fitter='emcee', burnin=True) # # Reset the sampler and do the production run # log.writelog('Running emcee production run...') # sampler.reset() # sampler.run_mcmc(state, meta.run_nsteps-meta.run_nburn, progress=True) # samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True) samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discard=meta.run_nburn) if meta.ncpu > 1: # Close the thread pool pool.close() pool.join() # Record median + percentiles q = np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0) fit_params = q[1] # median mean_params = np.mean(samples, axis=0) errs = np.std(samples, axis=0) # Create table of results t_results = table.Table([freenames, mean_params, q[0]-q[1], q[2]-q[1], q[0], fit_params, q[2]], names=("Parameter", "Mean", "-1sigma", "+1sigma", "16th", "50th", "84th")) upper_errs = q[2]-q[1] lower_errs = q[1]-q[0] model.update(fit_params, freenames) model.errs = dict(zip(freenames, errs)) if "scatter_ppm" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:11] == "scatter_ppm"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ fit_params[ind[chan]] * 1e-6 elif "scatter_mult" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:12] == "scatter_mult"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ fit_params[ind[chan]] * lc.unc[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size] else: lc.unc_fit = lc.unc # Save the fit ASAP so plotting errors don't make you lose everything save_fit(meta, lc, model, 'emcee', t_results, freenames, samples) end_lnprob = lnprob(fit_params, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Ending lnprob: {end_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) acceptance_fraction = np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) log.writelog(f"Mean acceptance fraction: {acceptance_fraction:.3f}", mute=(not meta.verbose)) try: autocorr = np.mean(sampler.get_autocorr_time()) log.writelog(f"Mean autocorrelation time: {autocorr:.3f} steps", mute=(not meta.verbose)) except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the expected exception log.writelog("WARNING: Unable to estimate the autocorrelation time!", mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Compute reduced chi-squared chi2red = computeRedChiSq(lc, log, model, meta, freenames) log.writelog('\nEMCEE RESULTS:') for i in range(ndim): if 'scatter_mult' in freenames[i]: chan = freenames[i].split('_')[-1] if chan.isnumeric(): chan = int(chan) else: chan = 0 scatter_ppm = (1e6 * fit_params[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) scatter_ppm_upper = (1e6 * upper_errs[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) scatter_ppm_lower = (1e6 * lower_errs[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]} (+{upper_errs[i]},' f' -{lower_errs[i]}); {scatter_ppm} ' f'(+{scatter_ppm_upper}, -{scatter_ppm_lower}) ppm') else: log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]} (+{upper_errs[i]},' f' -{lower_errs[i]})') log.writelog('') # Plot fit if meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_fit(lc, model, meta, fitter='emcee') # Plot GP fit + components if model.GP and meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_GP_components(lc, model, meta, fitter='emcee') # Plot chain evolution if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_chain(sampler.get_chain(), lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee', burnin=True, nburn=meta.run_nburn) plots.plot_chain(sampler.get_chain(discard=meta.run_nburn), lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee', burnin=False) # Plot Allan plot if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_rms(lc, model, meta, fitter='emcee') # Plot residuals distribution if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_res_distr(lc, model, meta, fitter='emcee') if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_chain(sampler.get_chain(), lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee', burnin=True, nburn=meta.run_nburn) plots.plot_chain(sampler.get_chain(discard=meta.run_nburn), lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee', burnin=False) if meta.isplots_S5 >= 5: plots.plot_corner(samples, lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee') # Make a new model instance best_model = copy.deepcopy(model) best_model.components[0].update(fit_params, freenames) best_model.__setattr__('chi2red', chi2red) best_model.__setattr__('fit_params', fit_params) return best_model
[docs]def start_from_oldchain_emcee(meta, log, ndim, channel, freenames): """Restart emcee using the ending point of an old chain. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The meta data object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. ndim : int The number of fitted parameters. channel : int The channel number. freenames : list The names of the fitted parameters. Returns ------- pos : ndarray The starting positions for all walkers. nwalkers : int The number of walkers (may differ from the requested number if unable to get all walkers within the priors). Raises ------ AssertionError The old chain is not compatible with the current fit. AssertionError Unable to get enough walkers within the prior range. """ if meta.sharedp: channel_key = 'shared' else: channel_key = f'ch{channel}' foldername = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.old_chain.split(os.sep)) fname = f'S5_emcee_fitparams_{channel_key}.csv' fitted_values = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(foldername, fname), escapechar='#', skipinitialspace=True) full_keys = np.array(fitted_values.keys()) # Remove the " " from the start of the first key full_keys[0] = full_keys[0][1:] if np.all(full_keys != freenames): message = ('Old chain does not have the same fitted parameters and ' 'cannot be used to initialize the new fit.\n' 'The old chain included:\n['+','.join(full_keys)+']\n' 'The new chain included:\n['+','.join(freenames)+']') log.writelog(message, mute=True) raise AssertionError(message) fname = f'S5_emcee_samples_{channel_key}' # Load HDF5 files full_fname = os.path.join(foldername, fname)+'.h5' with h5py.File(full_fname, 'r') as hf: samples = hf['samples'][:] log.writelog(f'Old chain path: {full_fname}') # Initialize the walkers using samples from the old chain nwalkers = meta.run_nwalkers pos = samples[-nwalkers:] walkers_used = nwalkers # Make sure that no walkers are starting in the same place as # they would then exactly follow each other repeat_pos = np.where([np.any(np.all(pos[i] == np.delete(pos, i, axis=0), axis=1)) for i in range(pos.shape[0])])[0] while (len(repeat_pos) > 0 and samples.shape[0] > (walkers_used+len(repeat_pos))): pos[repeat_pos] = samples[:-walkers_used][-len(repeat_pos):] walkers_used += len(repeat_pos) repeat_pos = np.where([np.any(np.all(pos[i] == np.delete(pos, i, axis=0), axis=1)) for i in range(pos.shape[0])])[0] # If unable to initialize all walkers in unique starting locations, # use fewer walkers unless there'd be fewer walkers than dimensions if len(repeat_pos) > 0 and (nwalkers-len(repeat_pos) > ndim): pos = np.delete(pos, repeat_pos, axis=0) nwalkers = pos.shape[0] log.writelog(f'Warning: Unable to initialize all walkers at different ' f'positions using old chain!\nUsing {nwalkers} walkers ' f'instead of the initially requested {meta.run_nwalkers} ' f'walkers') elif len(repeat_pos) > 0: message = (f'Error: Unable to initialize all walkers at different ' f'positions using old chain!\nUsing {nwalkers} walkers ' f'instead of the initially requested {meta.run_nwalkers} ' f'walkers is not permitted as there are {ndim} fitted ' f'parameters') log.writelog(message, mute=True) raise AssertionError(message) return pos, nwalkers
[docs]def initialize_emcee_walkers(meta, log, ndim, lsq_sol, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype): """Initialize emcee walker starting positions Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The meta data object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. ndim : int The number of fitted parameters. lsq_sol : The results from the lsqfitter. The results from the lsqfitter. freepars : list The names of the fitted parameters. prior1 : list The list of prior1 values. prior2 : list The list of prior2 values. priortype : list The types of each prior (to determine meaning of prior1 and prior2). Returns ------- pos : ndarray The starting position of all walkers. nwalkers : int The number of walkers (may differ from the requested number if unable to get all walkers within the priors). Raises ------ AssertionError Failed to initialize any walkers within the priors AssertionError Failed to initialize enough walkers within the priors """ u = np.where(priortype == 'U')[0] lu = np.where(priortype == 'LU')[0] n = np.where(priortype == 'N')[0] if lsq_sol is not None and lsq_sol.cov_mat is not None: step_size = np.diag(lsq_sol.cov_mat) if np.any(step_size == 0.): ind_zero_u = np.where(step_size[u] == 0.)[0] ind_zero_lu = np.where(step_size[lu] == 0.)[0] ind_zero_n = np.where(step_size[n] == 0.)[0] step_size[u][ind_zero_u] = (0.001*(prior2[u][ind_zero_u] - prior1[u][ind_zero_u])) step_size[lu][ind_zero_lu] = (0.001 * (np.exp(prior2[lu][ind_zero_lu]) - np.exp(prior1[lu][ind_zero_lu]))) step_size[n][ind_zero_n] = 0.1*prior2[n][ind_zero_n] else: # Sometimes the lsq fitter won't converge and will give None as # the covariance matrix. In that case, we need to establish the # step size in another way. Using a fractional step compared to # the prior range can work best for precisely known values like # t0 and period log.writelog('No covariance matrix from LSQ - falling back on a step ' 'size based on the prior range') step_size = np.ones(ndim) step_size[u] = 0.001*(prior2[u] - prior1[u]) step_size[lu] = 0.001*(np.exp(prior2[lu]) - np.exp(prior1[lu])) step_size[n] = 0.1*prior2[n] nwalkers = meta.run_nwalkers # make it robust to lsq hitting the upper or lower bound of the param space ind_max = np.where(freepars[u] - prior2[u] == 0.)[0] ind_min = np.where(freepars[u] - prior1[u] == 0.)[0] ind_max_LU = np.where(np.log(freepars[lu]) - prior2[lu] == 0.)[0] ind_min_LU = np.where(np.log(freepars[lu]) - prior1[lu] == 0.)[0] pmid = (prior2+prior1)/2. if len(ind_max) > 0 or len(ind_max_LU) > 0: log.writelog('Warning: >=1 params hit the upper bound in the lsq fit. ' 'Setting to the middle of the interval.') freepars[u][ind_max] = pmid[u][ind_max] freepars[lu][ind_max_LU] = (np.exp(prior2[lu][ind_max_LU]) + np.exp(prior1[lu][ind_max_LU]))/2. if len(ind_min) > 0 or len(ind_min_LU) > 0: log.writelog('Warning: >=1 params hit the lower bound in the lsq fit. ' 'Setting to the middle of the interval.') freepars[u][ind_min] = pmid[u][ind_min] freepars[lu][ind_min_LU] = (np.exp(prior2[lu][ind_min_LU]) + np.exp(prior1[lu][ind_min_LU]))/2. # Generate the walker positions pos = np.array([freepars + step_size*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]) # Make sure the walker positions obey the priors in_range = np.array([((prior1[u] <= ii).all() and (ii <= prior2[u]).all()) for ii in pos[:, u]]) in_range2 = np.array([((prior1[lu] <= np.log(ii)).all() and (np.log(ii) <= prior2[lu]).all()) for ii in pos[:, lu]]) if not np.all(in_range) or not np.all(in_range2): log.writelog('Not all walkers were initialized within the priors, ' 'using a smaller proposal distribution') pos = pos[in_range] # Make sure the step size is well within the limits uniform_step = np.abs(np.append((prior2-freepars).reshape(-1, 1)/10, (freepars-prior1).reshape(-1, 1)/10, axis=1)) step_size_options = np.append(step_size.reshape(-1, 1), uniform_step, axis=1) if len(lu) != 0: step_size_options[lu, 1] = np.abs((np.exp(prior2[lu]) - freepars[lu]).reshape(-1, 1)/10) step_size_options[lu, 2] = np.abs((np.exp(prior1[lu]) - freepars[lu]).reshape(-1, 1)/10) if len(n) != 0: step_size_options[n, 1:] = step_size_options[n, 0].reshape(-1, 1) step_size = np.min(step_size_options, axis=1) if pos.shape[0] == 0: remove_zeroth = True new_nwalkers = nwalkers-len(pos) pos = np.zeros((1, ndim)) else: remove_zeroth = False new_nwalkers = nwalkers-len(pos) pos = np.append(pos, np.array([freepars + step_size*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(new_nwalkers) ]).reshape(-1, ndim), axis=0) if remove_zeroth: pos = pos[1:] in_range = np.array([((prior1[u] <= ii).all() and (ii <= prior2[u]).all()) for ii in pos[:, u]]) in_range2 = np.array([((prior1[lu] <= np.log(ii)).all() and (np.log(ii) <= prior2[lu]).all()) for ii in pos[:, lu]]) if not np.any(in_range) and not np.any(in_range2): raise AssertionError('Failed to initialize any walkers within the set ' 'bounds for all parameters!\n' 'Check your stating position, decrease your step ' 'size, or increase the bounds on your parameters') elif not np.all(in_range) or not np.all(in_range2): old_nwalkers = nwalkers pos = pos[in_range+in_range2] nwalkers = pos.shape[0] if nwalkers > ndim: log.writelog(f'Warning: Failed to initialize all walkers within ' f'the set bounds for all parameters!\nUsing ' f'{nwalkers} walkers instead of the initially ' f'requested {old_nwalkers} walkers') else: message = (f'Error: Failed to initialize all walkers within the ' f'set bounds for all parameters!\nUsing ' f'{nwalkers} walkers instead of the initially requested' f' {old_nwalkers} walkers is not permitted as there are' f' {ndim} fitted parameters') log.writelog(message, mute=True) raise AssertionError(message) return pos, nwalkers
[docs]def dynestyfitter(lc, model, meta, log, **kwargs): """Perform sampling using dynesty. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns ------- best_model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model after fitting Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Updated documentation. Reduced repeated code. - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. - February 28-March 1, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Adding scatter_ppm parameter. - Mar 13-Apr 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Record an astropy table for mean, median, percentiles, +/- 1 sigma, all params """ # Group the different variable types freenames, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype, indep_vars = \ group_variables(model) if hasattr(meta, 'old_fitparams') and meta.old_fitparams is not None: freepars = load_old_fitparams(meta, log,, freenames) # DYNESTY nlive = meta.run_nlive # number of live points bound = meta.run_bound # use MutliNest algorithm for bounds ndims = len(freepars) # two parameters sample = meta.run_sample # uniform sampling tol = meta.run_tol # the stopping criterion start_lnprob = lnprob(freepars, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Starting lnprob: {start_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # START DYNESTY l_args = [lc, model, freenames] log.writelog('Running dynesty...') min_nlive = int(np.ceil(ndims*(ndims+1)//2)) if nlive < min_nlive: log.writelog(f'**** WARNING: You should set run_nlive to at least ' f'{min_nlive} ****') if hasattr(meta, 'ncpu') and meta.ncpu > 1: pool = Pool(meta.ncpu) queue_size = meta.ncpu else: meta.ncpu = 1 pool = None queue_size = None sampler = NestedSampler(ln_like, ptform, ndims, pool=pool, queue_size=queue_size, bound=bound, sample=sample, nlive=nlive, logl_args=l_args, ptform_args=[prior1, prior2, priortype]) sampler.run_nested(dlogz=tol, print_progress=True) # output progress bar res = sampler.results # get results dictionary from sampler if meta.ncpu > 1: pool.close() pool.join() log.writelog('', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Need to temporarily redirect output since res.summar() prints rather # than returns a string old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() res.summary() sys.stdout = old_stdout log.writelog(mystdout.getvalue(), mute=(not meta.verbose)) # get function that resamples from the nested samples to give sampler # with equal weight # draw posterior samples weights = np.exp(res['logwt'] - res['logz'][-1]) samples = resample_equal(res.samples, weights) log.writelog('Number of posterior samples is {}'.format(len(samples)), mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Record median + percentiles q = np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0) fit_params = q[1] # median mean_params = np.mean(samples, axis=0) errs = np.std(samples, axis=0) # Create table of results t_results = table.Table([freenames, mean_params, q[0]-q[1], q[2]-q[1], q[0], fit_params, q[2]], names=("Parameter", "Mean", "-1sigma", "+1sigma", "16th", "50th", "84th")) upper_errs = q[2]-q[1] lower_errs = q[1]-q[0] model.update(fit_params, freenames) model.errs = dict(zip(freenames, errs)) if "scatter_ppm" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:11] == "scatter_ppm"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ fit_params[ind[chan]] * 1e-6 elif "scatter_mult" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:12] == "scatter_mult"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ (fit_params[ind[chan]] * lc.unc[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size]) else: lc.unc_fit = lc.unc # Save the fit ASAP so plotting errors don't make you lose everything save_fit(meta, lc, model, 'dynesty', t_results, freenames, samples) end_lnprob = lnprob(fit_params, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames) log.writelog(f'Ending lnprob: {end_lnprob}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Compute reduced chi-squared chi2red = computeRedChiSq(lc, log, model, meta, freenames) log.writelog('\nDYNESTY RESULTS:') for i in range(ndims): if 'scatter_mult' in freenames[i]: chan = freenames[i].split('_')[-1] if chan.isnumeric(): chan = int(chan) else: chan = 0 scatter_ppm = (1e6 * fit_params[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) scatter_ppm_upper = (1e6 * upper_errs[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) scatter_ppm_lower = (1e6 * lower_errs[i] *[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size])) log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]} (+{upper_errs[i]},' f' -{lower_errs[i]}); {scatter_ppm} ' f'(+{scatter_ppm_upper}, -{scatter_ppm_lower}) ppm') else: log.writelog(f'{freenames[i]}: {fit_params[i]} (+{upper_errs[i]},' f' -{lower_errs[i]})') log.writelog('') # Plot fit if meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_fit(lc, model, meta, fitter='dynesty') # Plot GP fit + components if model.GP and meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_GP_components(lc, model, meta, fitter='dynesty') # Plot Allan plot if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_rms(lc, model, meta, fitter='dynesty') # Plot residuals distribution if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_res_distr(lc, model, meta, fitter='dynesty') # plot using if meta.isplots_S5 >= 5: plots.plot_corner(samples, lc, meta, freenames, fitter='dynesty') # Make a new model instance best_model = copy.deepcopy(model) best_model.components[0].update(fit_params, freenames) best_model.__setattr__('chi2red', chi2red) best_model.__setattr__('fit_params', fit_params) return best_model
[docs]def lmfitter(lc, model, meta, log, **kwargs): """Perform a fit using lmfit. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns ------- best_model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model after fitting Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Updated documentation. Reduced repeated code. - February 28-March 1, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Adding scatter_ppm parameter. - Mar 13-Apr 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Record an astropy table for parameter values """ # TODO: Do something so that duplicate param names can all be handled # (e.g. two Polynomail models with c0). Perhaps append something to the # parameter name like c0_1 and c0_2?) # Group the different variable types param_list, freenames, indep_vars = group_variables_lmfit(model) # Add the time as an independent variable indep_vars['time'] = lc.time # Initialize lmfit Params object initialParams = lmfit.Parameters() # Insert parameters initialParams.add_many(*param_list) # Create the lmfit lightcurve model lcmodel = lmfit.Model(model.eval) lcmodel.independent_vars = indep_vars.keys() # Fit light curve model to the simulated data result =, weights=1/lc.unc, params=initialParams, **indep_vars, **kwargs) # Get the best fit params fit_params = result.__dict__['params'] # new_params = [(fit_params.get(i).name, fit_params.get(i).value, # fit_params.get(i).vary, fit_params.get(i).min, # fit_params.get(i).max) for i in fit_params] # Create table of results t_results = table.Table([freenames, fit_params], names=("Parameter", "Mean")) model.update(fit_params, freenames) if "scatter_ppm" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:11] == "scatter_ppm"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ fit_params[ind[chan]] * 1e-6 elif "scatter_mult" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:12] == "scatter_mult"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ (fit_params[ind[chan]] * lc.unc[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size]) else: lc.unc_fit = lc.unc # Save the fit ASAP save_fit(meta, lc, model, 'lmfitter', t_results, freenames) # Compute reduced chi-squared chi2red = computeRedChiSq(lc, log, model, meta, freenames) # Log results log.writelog(result.fit_report(), mute=(not meta.verbose)) # Plot fit if meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_fit(lc, model, meta, fitter='lmfitter') # Plot GP fit + components if model.GP and meta.isplots_S5 >= 1: plots.plot_GP_components(lc, model, meta, fitter='lmfitter') # Plot Allan plot if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_rms(lc, model, meta, fitter='lmfitter') # Plot residuals distribution if meta.isplots_S5 >= 3: plots.plot_res_distr(lc, model, meta, fitter='lmfitter') # Create new model with best fit parameters best_model = copy.deepcopy(model) best_model.components[0].update(fit_params, freenames) best_model.__setattr__('chi2red', chi2red) best_model.__setattr__('fit_params', fit_params) return best_model
[docs]def group_variables(model): """Group variables into fitted and frozen. Parameters ---------- model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit Returns ------- freenames : np.array The names of fitted variables. freepars : np.array The fitted variables. prior1 : np.array The lower bound for constrained variables with uniform/log uniform priors, or mean for constrained variables with Gaussian priors. prior2 : np.array The upper bound for constrained variables with uniform/log uniform priors, or mean for constrained variables with Gaussian priors. priortype : np.array Keywords indicating the type of prior for each free parameter. indep_vars : dict The frozen variables. Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate function to reduce repeated code. - January 11, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added ability to have shared parameters - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. """ all_params = [] alreadylist = [] for chan in np.arange(model.components[0].nchan): temp = model.components[0].longparamlist[chan] for par in list(model.components[0].parameters.dict.items()): if par[0] in temp: if not all_params: all_params.append(par) alreadylist.append(par[0]) if par[0] not in alreadylist: all_params.append(par) alreadylist.append(par[0]) # Group the different variable types freenames = [] freepars = [] prior1 = [] prior2 = [] priortype = [] indep_vars = {} for ii, item in enumerate(all_params): name, param = item # param = list(param) if ((param[1] == 'free') or (param[1] == 'shared') or ('white' in param[1])): freenames.append(name) freepars.append(param[0]) if len(param) == 5: # If prior is specified. prior1.append(param[2]) prior2.append(param[3]) priortype.append(param[4]) elif (len(param) > 3) & (len(param) < 5): # If prior bounds are specified but not the prior type raise IndexError("If you want to specify prior parameters, you" " must also specify the prior type: 'U', 'LU'" ", or 'N'.") else: # If no prior is specified, # assume uniform prior with infinite bounds. prior1.append(-np.inf) prior2.append(np.inf) priortype.append('U') elif param[1] == 'independent': indep_vars[name] = param[0] freenames = np.array(freenames) freepars = np.array(freepars) prior1 = np.array(prior1) prior2 = np.array(prior2) priortype = np.array(priortype) return freenames, freepars, prior1, prior2, priortype, indep_vars
[docs]def group_variables_lmfit(model): """Group variables into fitted and frozen for lmfit fitter. Parameters ---------- model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit Returns ------- paramlist : list The fitted variables. freenames : np.array The names of fitted variables. indep_vars : dict The frozen variables. Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate function to look similar to other fitters. """ all_params = [i for j in [model.components[n].parameters.dict.items() for n in range(len(model.components))] for i in j] # Group the different variable types param_list = [] freenames = [] indep_vars = {} for param in all_params: param = list(param) if param[1][1] == 'free': freenames.append(param[0]) param[1][1] = True param_list.append(tuple(param)) elif param[1][1] == 'fixed': param[1][1] = False param_list.append(tuple(param)) else: indep_vars[param[0]] = param[1] freenames = np.array(freenames) return param_list, freenames, indep_vars
[docs]def load_old_fitparams(meta, log, channel, freenames): """Load in the best-fit values from a previous fit. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. channel : int Unused. The current channel. freenames : list The names of the fitted parameters. Returns ------- fitted_values : np.array The best-fit values from a previous fit Raises ------ AssertionError The old fit is incompatible with the current fit. """ fname = os.path.join(meta.topdir, *meta.old_fitparams.split(os.sep)) fitted_values = pd.read_csv(fname, escapechar='#', skipinitialspace=True) full_keys = np.array(fitted_values.keys()) # Remove the " " from the start of the first key full_keys[0] = full_keys[0][1:] if np.all(full_keys != freenames): log.writelog('Old fit does not have the same fitted parameters and ' 'cannot be used to initialize the new fit.\n' 'The old fit included:\n['+','.join(full_keys)+']\n' 'The new fit included:\n['+','.join(freenames)+']', mute=True) raise AssertionError('Old fit does not have the same fitted parameters' ' and cannot be used to initialize the new fit.\n' 'The old fit included:\n['+','.join(full_keys) + ']\nThe new fit included:\n['+','.join(freenames) + ']') return np.array(fitted_values)[0]
[docs]def save_fit(meta, lc, model, fitter, results_table, freenames, samples=[]): """Save a fit as a txt file as well as the entire chain if provided. Parameters ---------- meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. fitter : str The current fitter being used. fit_params : np.array The best-fit values from the current fit. freenames : list The list of fitted parameter names. samples : ndarray; optional The full chain from a sampling method, by default []. Notes ----- History: - Mar 13-Apr 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Record an astropy table for mean, median, percentiles, +/- 1 sigma, all params """ if lc.white: channel_tag = '_white' elif lc.share: channel_tag = '_shared' else: ch_number = str( channel_tag = f'_ch{ch_number}' # Save the fitted parameters and their uncertainties (if possible) fname = f'S5_{fitter}_fitparams{channel_tag}' results_table.write(meta.outputdir+fname+'.csv', format='csv', overwrite=False) # Save the chain from the sampler (if a chain was provided) if len(samples) != 0: fname = f'S5_{fitter}_samples{channel_tag}' with h5py.File(meta.outputdir+fname+'.h5', 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset("samples", data=samples) # Save the S5 outputs in a human readable ecsv file event_ap_bg = meta.eventlabel+"_ap"+str(meta.spec_hw)+'_bg'+str(meta.bg_hw) meta.tab_filename_s5 = (meta.outputdir+'S5_'+event_ap_bg+"_Table_Save" + channel_tag+'.txt') wavelengths = np.mean(np.append(meta.wave_low.reshape(1, -1), meta.wave_hi.reshape(1, -1), axis=0), axis=0) wave_errs = (meta.wave_hi-meta.wave_low)/2 model_lc = model.eval() residuals = lc.flux-model_lc astropytable.savetable_S5(meta.tab_filename_s5, meta.time, wavelengths[lc.fitted_channels], wave_errs[lc.fitted_channels], lc.flux, lc.unc_fit, model_lc, residuals) return