Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.likelihood

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

[docs]def ln_like(theta, lc, model, freenames): """Compute the log-likelihood. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray The current estimate of the fitted parameters. lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. freenames : iterable The names of the fitted parameters. Returns ------- ln_like_val : ndarray The log-likelihood value at the position theta. Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate file, added documentation. - January 22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - February, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer Adding GP likelihood """ model.update(theta, freenames) model_lc = model.eval() if "scatter_ppm" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:11] == "scatter_ppm"] for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ theta[ind[chan]] * 1e-6 elif "scatter_mult" in freenames: ind = [i for i in np.arange(len(freenames)) if freenames[i][0:12] == "scatter_mult"] if np.any(theta[ind] < 0): # Force noise multiplier to be positive return -np.inf for chan in range(len(ind)): lc.unc_fit[chan*lc.time.size:(chan+1)*lc.time.size] = \ theta[ind[chan]] * lc.unc[chan*lc.time.size: (chan+1)*lc.time.size] else: lc.unc_fit = if model.GP: ln_like_val = GP_loglikelihood(model, model_lc, lc.unc_fit) else: residuals = (lc.flux - model_lc) ln_like_val = (-0.5*(**2 + * np.pi * (lc.unc_fit) ** 2)))) return ln_like_val
[docs]def lnprior(theta, prior1, prior2, priortype): """Compute the log-prior. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray The current estimate of the fitted parameters. prior1 : ndarray The lower-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or mean for normal priors. prior2 : ndarray The upper-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or std. dev. for normal priors. priortype : ndarray Keywords indicating the type of prior for each free parameter. Returns ------- lnprior_prob : ndarray The log-prior probability value at the position theta. Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate file, added documentation. - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. """ lnprior_prob = 0. for i in range(len(theta)): if (priortype[i] == 'U' and np.logical_or(theta[i] < prior1[i], theta[i] > prior2[i])): return -np.inf elif (priortype[i] == 'LU' and np.logical_or(np.log(theta[i]) < prior1[i], np.log(theta[i]) > prior2[i])): return - np.inf elif priortype[i] == 'N': lnprior_prob -= (0.5*(np.sum(((theta[i]-prior1[i])/prior2[i])**2 + np.log(2.0*np.pi*(prior2[i])**2)))) elif priortype[i] not in ['U', 'LU', 'N']: raise ValueError("PriorType must be 'U', 'LU', or 'N'") return lnprior_prob
[docs]def lnprob(theta, lc, model, prior1, prior2, priortype, freenames): """Compute the log-probability. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray The current estimate of the fitted parameters. lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit. prior1 : ndarray The lower-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or mean for normal priors. prior2 : ndarray The upper-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or std. dev. for normal priors. priortype : ndarray Keywords indicating the type of prior for each free parameter. freenames : iterable The names of the fitted parameters. Returns ------- ln_prob_val : ndarray The log-probability value at the position theta. Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate file, added documentation. - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. """ lp = lnprior(theta, prior1, prior2, priortype) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf ln_like_val = ln_like(theta, lc, model, freenames) lnprob = ln_like_val + lp if not np.isfinite(lnprob): return -np.inf else: return lnprob
[docs]def transform_uniform(x, a, b): """The uniform prior transform function needed for dynesty. Parameters ---------- x : float The position at which to calculate the prior. a : float The lower limit. b : float The upper limit. Returns ------- float The uniform prior transform. """ return a + (b - a) * x
[docs]def transform_log_uniform(x, a, b): """The log-uniform prior transform function needed for dynesty. Parameters ---------- x : float The position at which to calculate the prior. a : float The log lower limit. b : float The log upper limit. Returns ------- float The log-uniform prior transform. """ return a*(b/a)**x
[docs]def transform_normal(x, mu, sigma): """The normal prior transform function needed for dynesty. Parameters ---------- x : float The position at which to calculate the prior. mu : float The prior mean. sigma : float The prior standard deviation. Returns ------- float The normal prior transform. """ return norm.ppf(x, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
[docs]def ptform(theta, prior1, prior2, priortype): """Compute the prior transform for nested sampling. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray The current estimate of the fitted parameters. prior1 : ndarray The lower-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or mean for normal priors. prior2 : ndarray The upper-bound for uniform/log uniform priors, or std. dev. for normal priors. priortype : ndarray Keywords indicating the type of prior for each free parameter. Returns ------- p : ndarray The prior transform. Notes ----- History: - February 23-25, 2022 Megan Mansfield Added log-uniform and Gaussian priors. """ p = np.zeros_like(theta) n = len(theta) for i in range(n): if priortype[i] == 'U': p[i] = transform_uniform(theta[i], prior1[i], prior2[i]) elif priortype[i] == 'LU': p[i] = transform_log_uniform(theta[i], prior1[i], prior2[i]) elif priortype[i] == 'N': p[i] = transform_normal(theta[i], prior1[i], prior2[i]) else: raise ValueError("PriorType must be 'U', 'LU', or 'N'") return p
[docs]def computeRedChiSq(lc, log, model, meta, freenames): """Compute the reduced chi-squared value. Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object log : logedit.Logedit The open log in which notes from this step can be added. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The composite model to fit meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. freenames : iterable The names of the fitted parameters. Returns ------- chi2red : float The reduced chi-squared value. Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate file, added documentation. - February, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer Added GP functionality """ model_lc = model.eval(incl_GP=True) residuals = (lc.flux - model_lc) chi2 = / lc.unc_fit) ** 2) chi2red = chi2 / (len(lc.flux) - len(freenames)) log.writelog(f'Reduced Chi-squared: {chi2red}', mute=(not meta.verbose)) return chi2red
[docs]def computeRMS(data, maxnbins=None, binstep=1, isrmserr=False): """Compute the root-mean-squared and standard error for various bin sizes. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The residuals after fitting. maxnbins : int; optional The maximum number of bins. Use None to default to 10 points per bin. binstep : int; optional Bin step size. Defaults to 1. isrmserr : bool True if return rmserr, else False. Defaults to False. Returns ------- rms : ndarray The RMS for each bin size. stderr : ndarray The standard error for each bin size. binsz : ndarray The different bin sizes. rmserr : ndarray; optional The uncertainty in the RMS. Only returned if isrmserr==True. Notes ----- History: - December 29-30, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved code to separate file, added documentation. """ data = # bin data into multiple bin sizes npts = data.size if maxnbins is None: maxnbins = npts / 10. binsz = np.arange(1, maxnbins + binstep, step=binstep, dtype=int) nbins = np.zeros(binsz.size, dtype=int) rms = np.zeros(binsz.size) rmserr = np.zeros(binsz.size) for i in range(binsz.size): nbins[i] = int(np.floor(data.size / binsz[i])) bindata =[i], dtype=float) # bin data # ADDED INTEGER CONVERSION, mh 01/21/12 for j in range(nbins[i]): bindata[j] =[j * binsz[i]:(j + 1) * binsz[i]]) # get rms rms[i] = np.sqrt( ** 2)) rmserr[i] = rms[i] / np.sqrt(2. * nbins[i]) # expected for white noise (WINN 2008, PONT 2006) stderr = ( / np.sqrt(binsz)) * np.sqrt(nbins / (nbins - 1.)) if isrmserr is True: return rms, stderr, binsz, rmserr else: return rms, stderr, binsz
[docs]def GP_loglikelihood(model, fit, unc_fit): """Compute likelihood, when model fit includes GP Parameters ---------- model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The model including the GP model fit : ndarray The evaluated model without the GP unc_fit : ndarray The fitted (or initially provided) uncertainty on each data point. Returns ------- loglikelihood : float The likelihood of the model. Notes ----- History: - March 11, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer moved code from """ for m in model.components: if m.modeltype == 'GP': return m.loglikelihood(fit, unc_fit) return 0