Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.modelgrid

# !/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
A module for creating and managing grids of model spectra
from functools import partial
from glob import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import time
import warnings

from import fits
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
import astropy.table as at
import astropy.units as q
import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

from . import utils

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=AstropyWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)

[docs]class ModelGrid(object): """ Creates a ModelGrid object which contains a multi-parameter grid of model spectra and its references Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the directory of FITS files used to create the ModelGrid refs : list, str The references for the data contained in the ModelGrid teff_rng : tuple The range of effective temperatures [K] logg_rng : tuple The range of surface gravities [dex] FeH_rng : tuple The range of metalicities [dex] wave_rng : array-like The wavelength range of the models [um] n_bins : int The number of bins for the ModelGrid wavelength array data : astropy.table.Table The table of parameters for the ModelGrid inv_file : str An inventory file to more quickly load the database """ def __init__(self, model_directory, bibcode='2013A & A...553A...6H', names={'Teff': 'PHXTEFF', 'logg': 'PHXLOGG', 'FeH': 'PHXM_H', 'mass': 'PHXMASS', 'Lbol': 'PHXLUM'}, resolution=None,, **kwargs): """ Initializes the model grid by creating a table with a column for each parameter and ingests the spectra Parameters ---------- model_directory : str The path to the directory of FITS files of spectra, which may include a filename with a wildcard caharacter bibcode : str, array-like; optional The bibcode or list of bibcodes for this data set. Defaults to '2013A & A...553A...6H'. names : dict; optional A dictionary to rename the table columns. The Phoenix model keywords are given as an example. Defaults to {'Teff': 'PHXTEFF', 'logg': 'PHXLOGG', 'FeH': 'PHXM_H', 'mass': 'PHXMASS', 'Lbol': 'PHXLUM'}. resolution : int; optional The desired wavelength resolution (lambda/d_lambda) of the grid spectra. Defaults to None. wave_units : astropy.units.quantity; optional The wavelength units. Defaults to **kwargs : dict Additional arguments to pass to self.customize(). """ # Make sure we can use glob if a directory # is given without a wildcard if '*' not in model_directory: model_directory = os.path.join(model_directory, '*') # Check for a precomputed pickle of this ModelGrid model_grid = None if model_directory.endswith(os.sep+'*'): # Location of model_grid pickle file = model_directory.replace('*', 'model_grid.p') if os.path.isfile(file): model_grid = pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) # Instantiate the precomputed model grid if model_grid is not None: for k, v in model_grid.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.flux_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'model_grid_flux.hdf5') self.flux = None self.wavelength = None = None del model_grid # Or compute it from scratch else: # Print update... if model_directory.endswith(os.sep+'*'): print("Indexing models...") # Create some attributes self.path = os.path.dirname(model_directory)+os.sep self.refs = None self.wave_rng = (0*, 40* self.flux_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'model_grid_flux.hdf5') self.flux = None self.wavelength = None = None # Save the refs to a References() object if bibcode: if isinstance(bibcode, (list, tuple)): pass elif bibcode and isinstance(bibcode, str): bibcode = [bibcode] else: pass self.refs = bibcode # _check_for_ref_object() # Get list of spectral intensity files files = glob(model_directory) filenames = [] if not files: print('No files match', model_directory, '.') return # Parse the FITS headers vals, dtypes = [], [] for f in files: if f.endswith('.fits'): try: header = fits.getheader(f) keys = np.array([0] dtypes = [type(i[1]) for i in] vals.append([header.get(k) for k in keys]) filenames.append(f.split(os.sep)[-1]) except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the expected exception. print(f, 'could not be read into the model grid.') # Fix data types, trim extraneous values, and make the table dtypes = [str if d == bool else d for d in dtypes] vals = [v[: len(dtypes)] for v in vals] table = at.Table(np.array(vals), names=keys, dtype=dtypes) # Add the filenames as a column table['filename'] = filenames # Rename any columns for new, old in names.items(): try: table.rename_column(old, new) except: # FINDME: Need to only catch the expected exception. print('No column named', old) # Remove columns where the values are all the same # and store value as attribute instead for n in table.colnames: val = table[n][0] exc = n not in ['Teff', 'logg', 'FeH'] if list(table[n]).count(val) == len(table[n]) and exc: setattr(self, n, val) table.remove_column(n) # Store the table in the data attribute = table # Store the parameter ranges self.Teff_vals = np.asarray(np.unique(table['Teff'])) self.logg_vals = np.asarray(np.unique(table['logg'])) self.FeH_vals = np.asarray(np.unique(table['FeH'])) # Write an inventory file to this directory for future table loads if model_directory.endswith(os.sep+'*'): self.file = file try: pickle.dump(self.__dict__, open(self.file, 'wb')) except IOError: print('Could not write model grid to', self.file) # Print something print(len(, 'models loaded from', self.path) # In case no filter is used self.n_bins = 1 # Set the wavelength_units self.wave_units = q.AA if wave_units: self.set_units(wave_units) else: self.const = 1 # Save the desired resolution self.resolution = resolution # Customize from the get-go if kwargs: self.customize(**kwargs)
[docs] def export(self, filepath, **kwargs): """Export the model with the given parameters to a FITS file at the given filepath. Parameters ---------- filepath : str The path to the target FITS file. **kwargs : dict Additional parameters to pass to self.get(). """ if not filepath.endswith('.fits'): raise IOError("Target file must have a .fits extension.") # Get the model model = self.get(**kwargs) # Get a dummy FITS file ffile = resource_filename('ExoCTK', f'data{os.sep}core{os.sep}' + 'ModelGrid_tmp.fits') hdu = # Replace the data hdu[0].data = model['flux'] hdu[1].data = model['mu'] hdu[0].header['PHXTEFF'] = model['Teff'] hdu[0].header['PHXLOGG'] = model['logg'] hdu[0].header['PHXM_H'] = model['FeH'] # Update the wavelength wave = model['wave'] hdu[0].header['CRVAL1'] = min(wave) hdu[0].header['CDELT1'] = np.mean(np.diff(wave)) hdu[0].header['CUNIT1'] = 'Micron' # Write the file hdu.writeto(filepath)
[docs] def get(self, Teff, logg, FeH, resolution=None, interp=True): """Retrieve the wavelength, flux, and effective radius for the spectrum of the given parameters Parameters ---------- Teff : int The effective temperature (K) logg : float The logarithm of the surface gravity (dex) FeH : float The logarithm of the ratio of the metallicity and solar metallicity (dex) resolution : int; optional The desired wavelength resolution (lambda/d_lambda). Defaults to None. interp : bool; optional Interpolate the model if possible. Defaults to True. Returns ------- spec_dict : dict A dictionary of arrays of the wavelength, flux, and mu values and the effective radius for the given model """ # See if the model with the desired parameters is witin the grid in_grid = all([(Teff >= min(self.Teff_vals)) & (Teff <= max(self.Teff_vals)) & (logg >= min(self.logg_vals)) & (logg <= max(self.logg_vals)) & (FeH >= min(self.FeH_vals)) & (FeH <= max(self.FeH_vals))]) if in_grid: # See if the model with the desired parameters is a true grid point on_grid = ([[(['Teff'] == Teff) & (['logg'] == logg) & (['FeH'] == FeH)]] in # Grab the data if the point is on the grid if on_grid: # Get the row index and filepath row, = np.where((['Teff'] == Teff) & (['logg'] == logg) & (['FeH'] == FeH))[0] filepath = self.path+str([row]['filename']) # Get the flux, mu, and abundance arrays raw_flux = fits.getdata(filepath, 0) mu = fits.getdata(filepath, 1) # abund = fits.getdata(filepath, 2) # Construct full wavelength scale and convert to microns if self.CRVAL1 == '-': # Try to get data from WAVELENGTH extension... dat = fits.getdata(filepath, ext=-1) raw_wave = np.array(dat).squeeze() else: # ...or try to generate it b = self.CDELT1*np.arange(len(raw_flux[0])) raw_wave = np.array(self.CRVAL1+b).squeeze() # Convert from A to desired units raw_wave *= self.const # Trim the wavelength and flux arrays idx, = np.where(np.logical_and(raw_wave*self.wave_units >= self.wave_rng[0], raw_wave*self.wave_units <= self.wave_rng[1])) flux = raw_flux[:, idx] wave = raw_wave[idx] # Bin the spectrum if necessary if resolution is not None or self.resolution is not None: # Calculate zoom z = utils.calc_zoom(resolution or self.resolution, wave) wave = zoom(wave, z) flux = zoom(flux, (1, z)) # Make a dictionary of parameters # This should really be a core.Spectrum() object! row_data =[row].as_void() spec_dict = dict(zip(, row_data)) spec_dict['wave'] = wave spec_dict['flux'] = flux spec_dict['mu'] = mu # If not on the grid, interpolate to it else: # Call grid_interp method if interp: spec_dict = self.grid_interp(Teff, logg, FeH) else: return return spec_dict else: print('Teff: ', Teff, ' logg: ', logg, ' FeH: ', FeH, ' model not in grid.') return
[docs] def grid_interp(self, Teff, logg, FeH, plot=False): """Interpolate the grid to the desired parameters Parameters ---------- Teff : int The effective temperature (K) logg : float The logarithm of the surface gravity (dex) FeH : float The logarithm of the ratio of the metallicity and solar metallicity (dex) plot : bool; optional Plot the interpolated spectrum along with the 8 neighboring grid spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- grid_point : dict A dictionary of arrays of the wavelength, flux, and mu values and the effective radius for the given model """ # Load the fluxes if self.flux is None: self.load_flux() # Get the flux array flux = self.flux.copy() # Get the interpolable parameters params, values = [], [] for p, v in zip([self.Teff_vals, self.logg_vals, self.FeH_vals], [Teff, logg, FeH]): if len(p) > 1: params.append(p) values.append(v) values = np.asarray(values) label = '{}/{}/{}'.format(Teff, logg, FeH) try: # Interpolate flux values at each wavelength # using a pool for multiple processes print('Interpolating grid point [{}]...'.format(label)) processes = 8 mu_index = range(flux.shape[-2]) start = time.time() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes) func = partial(utils.interp_flux, flux=flux, params=params, values=values) new_flux, generators = zip(*, mu_index)) pool.close() pool.join() # Clean up and time of execution new_flux = np.asarray(new_flux) generators = np.asarray(generators) print('Run time in seconds: ', time.time()-start) # Interpolate mu value interp_mu = RegularGridInterpolator(params, mu = interp_mu(np.array(values)).squeeze() # Make a dictionary to return grid_point = {'Teff': Teff, 'logg': logg, 'FeH': FeH, 'mu': mu, 'flux': new_flux, 'wave': self.wavelength, 'generators': generators} return grid_point except IOError: print('Grid too sparse. Could not interpolate.') return
[docs] def load_flux(self, reset=False): """Retrieve the flux arrays for all models and load into the ModelGrid.array attribute with shape (Teff, logg, FeH, mu, wavelength) Parameters ---------- reset : bool; optional Delete the old file and clear the flux attribute. Defaults to False. """ if reset: # Delete the old file and clear the flux attribute if os.path.isfile(self.flux_file): os.remove(self.flux_file) self.flux = None if self.flux is None: print('Loading flux into table...') if os.path.isfile(self.flux_file): # Load the flux from the HDF5 file f = h5py.File(self.flux_file, "r") self.flux = f['flux'][:] = f['mu'][:] self.wavelength = f['wave'][:] f.close() else: # Get array dimensions T, G, M = self.Teff_vals, self.logg_vals, self.FeH_vals shp = [len(T), len(G), len(M)] n, N = 1, # Iterate through rows for nt, teff in enumerate(T): for ng, logg in enumerate(G): for nm, feh in enumerate(M): try: # Retrieve flux using the `get()` method d = self.get(teff, logg, feh, interp=False) if d: # Make sure arrays exist if self.flux is None: new_shp = shp+list(d['flux'].shape) self.flux = np.zeros(new_shp) if is None: new_shp = shp+list(d['mu'].shape) = np.zeros(new_shp) # Add data to respective arrays self.flux[nt, ng, nm] = d['flux'][nt, ng, nm] = d['mu'].squeeze() # Get the wavelength array if self.wavelength is None: self.wavelength = d['wave'] # Garbage collection del d # Print update n += 1 msg = "{: .2f}% complete.".format(n*100./N) print(msg, end='\r') except IOError: # No model computed so reduce total N -= 1 # Load the flux into an HDF5 file f = h5py.File(self.flux_file, "w") f.create_dataset('flux', data=self.flux) f.create_dataset('mu', f.create_dataset('wave', data=self.wavelength) f.close() # del dset print("100.00 percent complete!", end='\n') else: print('Data already loaded.')
[docs] def customize(self, Teff_rng=(2300, 8000), logg_rng=(0, 6), FeH_rng=(-2, 1), wave_rng=(0*, 40*, n_bins=''): """Trims the model grid by the given ranges in effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity. Also sets the wavelength range and number of bins for retrieved model spectra. Parameters ---------- Teff_rng : array-like; optional The lower and upper inclusive bounds for the effective temperature (K). Defaults to (2300, 8000). logg_rng : array-like; optional The lower and upper inclusive bounds for the logarithm of the surface gravity (dex). Defaults to (0, 6). FeH_rng : array-like; optional The lower and upper inclusive bounds for the logarithm of the ratio of the metallicity and solar metallicity (dex). Defaults to (-2, 1). wave_rng : array-like; optional The lower and upper inclusive bounds for the wavelength (microns). Defaults to (0*, 40* n_bins : int; optional The number of bins for the wavelength axis. Defaults to ''. """ # Make a copy of the grid grid = self.wave_rng = wave_rng self.n_bins = n_bins or self.n_bins # Filter grid by given parameters = grid[[(grid['Teff'] >= Teff_rng[0]) & (grid['Teff'] <= Teff_rng[1]) & (grid['logg'] >= logg_rng[0]) & (grid['logg'] <= logg_rng[1]) & (grid['FeH'] >= FeH_rng[0]) & (grid['FeH'] <= FeH_rng[1])]] # Print a summary of the returned grid print('{}/{}'.format(len(, len(grid)), 'spectra in parameter range', 'Teff: ', Teff_rng, ', logg: ', logg_rng, ', FeH: ', FeH_rng, ', wavelength: ', wave_rng) # Do nothing if he cut leaves the grid empty if len( == 0: = grid print('The given param ranges would leave 0 models in the grid.') print('The model grid has not been updated. Please try again.') return # Update the wavelength and flux attributes if isinstance(self.wavelength, np.ndarray): w = self.wavelength W_idx, = np.where((w >= wave_rng[0]) & (w <= wave_rng[1])) T_idx, = np.where((self.Teff_vals >= Teff_rng[0]) & (self.Teff_vals <= Teff_rng[1])) G_idx, = np.where((self.logg_vals >= logg_rng[0]) & (self.logg_vals <= logg_rng[1])) M_idx, = np.where((self.FeH_vals >= FeH_rng[0]) & (self.FeH_vals <= FeH_rng[1])) # Trim arrays self.wavelength = w[W_idx] self.flux = self.flux[T_idx[0]: T_idx[-1]+1, G_idx[0]: G_idx[-1]+1, M_idx[0]: M_idx[-1]+1, :, W_idx[0]: W_idx[-1]+1] =[T_idx[0]: T_idx[-1]+1, G_idx[0]: G_idx[-1]+1, M_idx[0]: M_idx[-1]+1] # Update the parameter attributes self.Teff_vals = np.unique(['Teff']) self.logg_vals = np.unique(['logg']) self.FeH_vals = np.unique(['FeH']) # Reload the flux array with the new grid parameters self.load_flux(reset=True) # Clear the grid copy from memory del grid
[docs] def info(self): """Print a table of info about the current ModelGrid""" # Get the info from the class tp = (int, bytes, bool, str, float, tuple, list, np.ndarray) info = [[k, str(v)] for k, v in vars(self).items() if isinstance(v, tp)] # Make the table table = at.Table(np.asarray(info).reshape(len(info), 2), names=['Attributes', 'Values']) # Sort and print table.sort('Attributes') table.pprint(max_width=-1, align=['>', '<'])
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the current grid to the original state""" file = os.path.join(self.path+'model_grid_flux.hdf5') if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file) self.__init__(self.path)
[docs] def set_units(self, """Set the wavelength and flux units Parameters ---------- wave_units : str, astropy.units.core.PrefixUnit/CompositeUnit; optional The wavelength units. Defaults to """ # Set wavelength units old_unit = self.wave_units self.wave_units = q.Unit(wave_units) # Update the wavelength self.const = (old_unit/self.wave_units).decompose()._scale