Source code for eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.plots_s5

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import corner
from scipy import stats

from .likelihood import computeRMS
from ..lib.plots import figure_filetype

[docs]def plot_fit(lc, model, meta, fitter, isTitle=True): """Plot the fitted model over the data. (Figs 5101) Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The fitted composite model. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. fitter : str The name of the fitter (for plot filename). isTitle : bool; optional Should figure have a title. Defaults to True. Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved plotting code to a separate function. - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels - February 28-March 1, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Adding scatter_ppm parameter """ if type(fitter) != str: raise ValueError(f'Expected type str for fitter, instead received a ' f'{type(fitter)}') model_sys_full = model.syseval() model_phys_full, new_time = model.physeval(interp=meta.interp) model_lc = model.eval() for i, channel in enumerate(lc.fitted_channels): flux = if "unc_fit" in lc.__dict__.keys(): unc = else: unc = model = model_sys = model_sys_full model_phys = model_phys_full color = lc.colors[i] if lc.share: flux = flux[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] unc = unc[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model = model[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model_sys = model_sys[channel*len(lc.time): (channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model_phys = model_phys[channel*len(new_time): (channel+1)*len(new_time)] residuals = flux - model fig = plt.figure(5101, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() ax = fig.subplots(3, 1) ax[0].errorbar(lc.time, flux, yerr=unc, fmt='.', color='w', ecolor=color, mec=color) ax[0].plot(lc.time, model, '.', ls='', ms=2, color='0.3', zorder=10) if isTitle: ax[0].set_title(f'{meta.eventlabel} - Channel {channel} - ' f'{fitter}') ax[0].set_ylabel('Normalized Flux', size=14) ax[0].set_xticks([]) ax[1].errorbar(lc.time, flux/model_sys, yerr=unc, fmt='.', color='w', ecolor=color, mec=color) ax[1].plot(new_time, model_phys, color='0.3', zorder=10) ax[1].set_ylabel('Calibrated Flux', size=14) ax[1].set_xticks([]) ax[2].errorbar(lc.time, residuals*1e6, yerr=unc*1e6, fmt='.', color='w', ecolor=color, mec=color) ax[2].plot(lc.time, np.zeros_like(lc.time), color='0.3', zorder=10) ax[2].set_ylabel('Residuals (ppm)', size=14) ax[2].set_xlabel(str(lc.time_units), size=14) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.align_ylabels(ax) if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str(channel).zfill(len(str(lc.nchannel))) fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig5101_{fname_tag}_lc_{fitter}' + figure_filetype) fig.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def plot_rms(lc, model, meta, fitter): """Plot an Allan plot to look for red noise. (Figs 5301) Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The fitted composite model. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. fitter : str The name of the fitter (for plot filename). Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved plotting code to a separate function. - January 7-22, 2022 Megan Mansfield Adding ability to do a single shared fit across all channels """ if type(fitter) != str: raise ValueError(f'Expected type str for fitter, instead received a ' f'{type(fitter)}') time = lc.time model_lc = model.eval() for channel in lc.fitted_channels: flux = model = if lc.share: flux = flux[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model = model[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] residuals = flux - model residuals = residuals[np.argsort(time)] rms, stderr, binsz = computeRMS(residuals, binstep=1) normfactor = 1e-6 plt.figure(int('52{}'.format(str(0).zfill(len(str(lc.nchannel))))), figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() plt.suptitle(' Correlated Noise', size=16) plt.loglog(binsz, rms / normfactor, color='black', lw=1.5, label='Fit RMS', zorder=3) # our noise plt.loglog(binsz, stderr / normfactor, color='red', ls='-', lw=2, label='Std. Err.', zorder=1) # expected noise plt.xlim(0.95, binsz[-1] * 2) plt.ylim(stderr[-1] / normfactor / 2., stderr[0] / normfactor * 2.) plt.xlabel("Bin Size", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("RMS (ppm)", fontsize=14) plt.xticks(size=12) plt.yticks(size=12) plt.legend() if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str(channel).zfill(len(str(lc.nchannel))) fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig5301_{fname_tag}_allanplot_{fitter}' + figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def plot_corner(samples, lc, meta, freenames, fitter): """Plot a corner plot. (Figs 5501) Parameters ---------- samples : ndarray The samples produced by the sampling algorithm. lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. freenames : iterable The names of the fitted parameters. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. fitter : str The name of the fitter (for plot filename). Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved plotting code to a separate function. """ ndim = len(freenames)+1 # One extra for the 1D histogram fig = plt.figure(5501, figsize=(ndim*1.4, ndim*1.4)) fig.clf() # Don't allow offsets or scientific notation in tick labels old_useOffset = rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] old_xtick_labelsize = rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] old_ytick_labelsize = rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] = False rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 10 rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 10 fig = corner.corner(samples, fig=fig, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], max_n_ticks=3, labels=freenames, show_titles=True, title_fmt='.3', title_kwargs={"fontsize": 10}, label_kwargs={"fontsize": 10}, fontsize=10, labelpad=0.25) if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str( fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig5501_{fname_tag}_corner_{fitter}' + figure_filetype) fig.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2) rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] = old_useOffset rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = old_xtick_labelsize rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = old_ytick_labelsize
[docs]def plot_chain(samples, lc, meta, freenames, fitter='emcee', burnin=False, nburn=0, nrows=3, ncols=4, nthin=1): """Plot the evolution of the chain to look for temporal trends. (Figs 5303) Parameters ---------- samples : ndarray The samples produced by the sampling algorithm. lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. freenames : iterable The names of the fitted parameters. fitter : str; optional The name of the fitter (for plot filename). Defaults to 'emcee'. burnin : bool; optional Whether or not the samples include the burnin phase. Defaults to False. nburn : int; optional The number of burn-in steps that are discarded later. Defaults to 0. nrows : int; optional The number of rows to make per figure. Defaults to 3. ncols : int; optional The number of columns to make per figure. Defaults to 4. nthin : int; optional If >1, the plot will use every nthin point to help speed up computation and reduce clutter on the plot. Defaults to 1. Notes ----- History: - December 29, 2021 Taylor Bell Moved plotting code to a separate function. """ nsubplots = nrows*ncols nplots = int(np.ceil(len(freenames)/nsubplots)) k = 0 for plot_number in range(nplots): fig = plt.figure(5303, figsize=(6*ncols, 4*nrows)) fig.clf() axes = fig.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=True) for j in range(ncols): for i in range(nrows): if k >= samples.shape[2]: axes[i][j].set_axis_off() continue vals = samples[::nthin, :, k] xvals = np.arange(samples.shape[0])[::nthin] n3sig, n2sig, n1sig, med, p1sig, p2sig, p3sig = \ np.percentile(vals, [0.15, 2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5, 99.85], axis=1) axes[i][j].fill_between(xvals, n3sig, p3sig, alpha=0.2, label=r'3$\sigma$') axes[i][j].fill_between(xvals, n2sig, p2sig, alpha=0.2, label=r'2$\sigma$') axes[i][j].fill_between(xvals, n1sig, p1sig, alpha=0.2, label=r'1$\sigma$') axes[i][j].plot(xvals, med, label='Median') axes[i][j].set_ylabel(freenames[k]) axes[i][j].set_xlim(0, samples.shape[0]-1) for arr in [n3sig, n2sig, n1sig, med, p1sig, p2sig, p3sig]: # Add some horizontal lines to make movement in walker # population more obvious axes[i][j].axhline(arr[0], ls='dotted', c='k', lw=1) if burnin and nburn > 0: axes[i][j].axvline(nburn, ls='--', c='k', label='End of Burn-In') add_legend = ((j == (ncols-1) and i == (nrows//2)) or (k == samples.shape[2]-1)) if add_legend: axes[i][j].legend(loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5)) k += 1 fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str( fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = f'figs{os.sep}fig5303_{fname_tag}' if burnin: fname += '_burninchain' else: fname += '_chain' fname += '_'+fitter if nplots > 1: fname += f'_plot{plot_number+1}of{nplots}' fname += figure_filetype fig.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05, dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def plot_res_distr(lc, model, meta, fitter): """Plot the normalized distribution of residuals + a Gaussian. (Fig 5302) Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The fitted composite model. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. fitter : str The name of the fitter (for plot filename). Notes ----- History: - February 18, 2022 Caroline Piaulet Created function """ if type(fitter) != str: raise ValueError(f'Expected type str for fitter, instead received a ' f'{type(fitter)}') model_lc = model.eval() plt.figure(5302, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() for channel in lc.fitted_channels: flux = if "unc_fit" in lc.__dict__.keys(): unc = else: unc = model = if lc.share: flux = flux[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] unc = unc[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model = model[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] residuals = flux - model hist_vals = residuals/unc hist_vals[~np.isfinite(hist_vals)] = np.nan # Mask out any infinities n, bins, patches = plt.hist(hist_vals, alpha=0.5, color='b', edgecolor='b', lw=1) x = np.linspace(-4., 4., 200) px = stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=0, scale=1) plt.plot(x, px*(bins[1]-bins[0])*len(residuals), 'k-', lw=2) plt.xlabel("Residuals/Uncertainty", fontsize=14) if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str(channel).zfill(len(str(lc.nchannel))) fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig5302_{fname_tag}_res_distri_{fitter}' + figure_filetype) plt.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)
[docs]def plot_GP_components(lc, model, meta, fitter, isTitle=True): """Plot the lightcurve + GP model + residuals (Figs 5102) Parameters ---------- lc : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.lightcurve.LightCurve The lightcurve data object. model : eureka.S5_lightcurve_fitting.models.CompositeModel The fitted composite model. meta : eureka.lib.readECF.MetaClass The metadata object. fitter : str The name of the fitter (for plot filename). isTitle : bool; optional Should figure have a title. Defaults to True. Notes ----- History: - February 28, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer Written function - March 9, 2022 Eva-Maria Ahrer Adapted with shared parameters """ if type(fitter) != str: raise ValueError(f'Expected type str for fitter, instead received a ' f'{type(fitter)}') model_with_GP = model.eval(incl_GP=True) model_sys_full = model.syseval() model_phys_full, new_time = model.physeval(interp=meta.interp) model_lc = model.eval() model_GP = model.GPeval(model_lc) for i, channel in enumerate(lc.fitted_channels): flux = if "unc_fit" in lc.__dict__.keys(): unc = else: unc = model = model_sys = model_sys_full model_phys = model_phys_full model_GP_component = model_GP color = lc.colors[i] if lc.share: flux = flux[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] unc = unc[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model = model[channel*len(lc.time):(channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model_sys = model_sys[channel*len(lc.time): (channel+1)*len(lc.time)] model_phys = model_phys[channel*len(new_time): (channel+1)*len(new_time)] model_GP_component = model_GP_component[channel*len(lc.time): (channel+1)*len(lc.time)] residuals = flux - model fig = plt.figure(5102, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() ax = fig.subplots(3, 1) ax[0].errorbar(lc.time, flux, yerr=unc, fmt='.', color='w', ecolor=color, mec=color) ax[0].plot(lc.time, model, '.', ls='', ms=2, color='0.3', zorder=10) if isTitle: ax[0].set_title(f'{meta.eventlabel} - Channel {channel} - ' f'{fitter}') ax[0].set_ylabel('Normalized Flux', size=14) ax[1].plot(lc.time, model_GP_component, '.', color=color) ax[1].set_ylabel('GP component', size=14) ax[1].set_xlabel(str(lc.time_units), size=14) ax[2].errorbar(lc.time, residuals*1e6, yerr=unc*1e6, fmt='.', color='w', ecolor=color, mec=color) ax[2].plot(lc.time, np.zeros_like(lc.time), color='0.3', zorder=10) ax[2].set_ylabel('Residuals (ppm)', size=14) ax[2].set_xlabel(str(lc.time_units), size=14) if lc.white: fname_tag = 'white' else: ch_number = str(channel).zfill(len(str(lc.nchannel))) fname_tag = f'ch{ch_number}' fname = (f'figs{os.sep}fig5102_{fname_tag}_lc_GP_{fitter}' + figure_filetype) fig.savefig(meta.outputdir+fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if not meta.hide_plots: plt.pause(0.2)