Source code for eureka.lib.centroid

import numpy as np
from . import gaussian as g

# Stellar Centroiding Routines
# ----------------------------
# This package contains a collection of routines related
# to the finding of the centroid of a stellar image.

# Contents:
#   ctrguess : Guesses the initial parameters of the
#              stellar centroid in a given image.
#   ctrgauss : Performs centroiding by fitting a 2D Gaussian
#              function to a given image.

[docs]def ctrguess(data, mask=None, guess=None): ''' Calculates crude initial guesses of parameters required for Gaussian centroiding of stellar images. Speciffically, this function guesses the flux of the center of a star, the array indices of this location, and a rough guess of the width of the associated PSF. This method is not robust to bad pixels or any other outlying values. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (2D) The image in the form of a 2D array containing the star to be centroided. Works best if this is a small subarray of the actual data image. mask : ndarray (2D) The image in the form of a 2D array containing the star to be centroided. Works best if this is a small subarray of the actual data image. Returns ------- ght : scalar The rough estimate of the height (or max flux) of the stars PSF. gwd : tuple The guessed width of the PSF, in the form (gwdy, gwdx) where `gwdy` and `gwdx` are the y and x widths respectively. gct : tuple The guessed center of the PSF, in the form (gcty, gctx) where `gcty` and `gctx` are the y and x center indices respectively. Notes ----- Logic adapted from `` History: - 2009-10-27, Christopher Campo Initial Version ''' if mask is None: mask = np.ones(np.shape(data)) # Center position guess, looking the max value if guess is None: gcenter = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data*mask), np.shape(data)) else: gcenter = int(guess[0]), int(guess[1]) gheight = data[gcenter] # height guess # sum of the number of pixels that are greater than two # sigma of the values in the x and y direction. This # gives a (very) rough guess, in pixels, how wide the PSF is. sigma = np.array([np.std(data[:, gcenter[1]]), # y std (of central column) np.std(data[gcenter[0], :])]) # x std (of central row) gwidth = (np.sum((data*mask)[:, gcenter[1]] > 2*sigma[0]), np.sum((data*mask)[gcenter[0], :] > 2*sigma[1])) return (gwidth, gcenter, gheight)
[docs]def ctrgauss(data, guess=None, mask=None, indarr=None, trim=None): '''Finds and records the stellar centroid of a set of images by fitting a two dimensional Gaussian function to the data. It does not find the average centroid, but instead records the centroid of each image in the supplied frame parameters array at the supplied indices. The frame parameters array is assumed to have the same number of rows as the number of frames in the data cube. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (2D) The stellar image. guess : array_like The initial guess of the position of the star. Has the form (y, x) of the guess center. mask : ndarray (2D) The stellar image. indarr : array_like The indices of the x and y center columns of the frame parameters and the width index. Defaults to 4, 5, and 6 respectively. trim : Scalar (positive) If trim!=0, trims the image in a box of 2*trim pixels around the guess center. Must be !=0 for 'col' method. Returns ------- center : y, x The updated frame parameters array. Contains the centers of each star in each image and their average width. Notes ----- History: - 2010-06-23, Patricio E. Cubillos Adapted to POET from Chris' routines. - 2009-10-30, Christopher J. Campo Initial version. ''' if guess is None: fitguess = ctrguess(data, mask, guess) guess = fitguess[1] # the pixel of the center roundguess = np.round(guess) # Trim the image around the star if requested if trim is not None: image = np.copy(data[roundguess[0]-trim:roundguess[0]+trim, roundguess[1]-trim:roundguess[1]+trim]) loc = (trim, trim) else: image = np.copy(data) loc = roundguess # Subtract the median to fit a gaussian. image -= np.median(image) fitguess = ((1.0, 1.0), loc, image[loc[0], loc[1]]) if indarr is None: indarr = np.indices(np.shape(image)) # Fit the gaussian: p, err = g.fitgaussian(image, indarr, guess=fitguess) # fw = p[0:2] fc = p[2:4] # fh = p[4] return fc + roundguess - loc