Source code for eureka.lib.gelmanrubin

import numpy as np

[docs]def gelmanrubin(chain, nchains): """Perform convergence test of Gelman & Rubin (1992) on a MCMC chain. Parameters ---------- chain : ndarray A vector of parameter samples from a MCMC routine. nchains : scalar The number of chains to split the original chain into. The length of `chain` WILL BE MODIFIED if NOT evenly divisible by `nchains`. Returns ------- psrf : scalar The potential scale reduction factor of the chain. If the chain has converged, this should be close to unity. If it is much greater than 1, the chain has not converged and requires more samples. Notes ----- History: 2010-08-20 ccampo Initial version. 2011-07-07 kevin Removed chain length constraint. """ # Shorten chain by 'remainder' so that chain length is evenly divisible # by nchains remainder = int(chain.size % nchains) if remainder != 0: chain = chain[:-remainder] # get length of each chain and reshape nchains = int(nchains) chainlen = int(chain.size/nchains) chains = chain.reshape(nchains, chainlen) # calculate W (within-chain variance) W = np.mean(chains.var(axis=1)) # calculate B (between-chain variance) means = chains.mean(axis=1) mmean = means.mean() B = (chainlen/(nchains - 1.))*np.sum((means - mmean)**2) # calculate V (posterior marginal variance) V = W*((chainlen - 1.)/chainlen) + B*((nchains + 1.)/(chainlen*nchains)) # calculate potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) psrf = np.sqrt(V/W) return psrf
[docs]def convergetest(pars, nchains): """Driver routine for gelmanrubin. Perform convergence test of Gelman & Rubin (1992) on a MCMC chain. Parameters ---------- pars : ndarray A 2D array containing a separate parameter MCMC chain per row. nchains : scalar The number of chains to split the original chain into. The length of each chain MUST be evenly divisible by `nchains`. Returns ------- psrf : ndarray The potential scale reduction factors of the chain. If the chain has converged, each value should be close to unity. If they are much greater than 1, the chain has not converged and requires more samples. The order of psrfs in this vector are in the order of the free parameters. meanpsrf : scalar The mean of `psrf`. This should be ~1 if your chain has converged. Examples -------- Consider four MCMC runs that has already been loaded. The individual fits are located in the `fit` list. These are for channels 1-4. >>> import gelmanrubin >>> import numpy as np >>> # channels 1/3 free parameters >>> ch13pars = np.concatenate((fit[0].allparams[fit[0].freepars], >>> fit[2].allparams[fit[2].freepars])) >>> # channels 2/4 free parameters >>> ch24pars = np.concatenate((fit[1].allparams[fit[1].freepars], >>> fit[3].allparams[fit[3].freepars])) >>> # number of chains to split into >>> nchains = 4 >>> # test for convergence >>> ch13conv = gelmanrubin.convergetest(ch13pars, nchains) >>> ch24conv = gelmanrubin.convergetest(ch24pars, nchains) >>> # show results >>> print(ch13conv) (array([ 1.02254252, 1.00974035, 1.04838778, 1.0017869 , 1.7869707 , 2.15683239, 1.00506215, 1.00235165, 1.06784124, 1.04075207, 1.01452032]), 1.1960716427734874) >>> print(ch24conv) (array([ 1.01392515, 1.00578357, 1.03285576, 1.13138702, 1.0001787 , 3.52118005, 1.10592542, 1.05514509, 1.00101459]), 1.3185994837687156) Notes ----- History: 2010-08-20 ccampo Initial version. """ # allocate placeholder for results nfpar = pars.shape[0] psrf = np.zeros(nfpar) # calculate psrf for each parameter for i in range(nfpar): chain = pars[i].flatten() # chain = pars[i] psrf[i] = gelmanrubin(chain, nchains) return psrf, psrf.mean()